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27 Cards in this Set

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What are the measurements of the normal prostate

3cm long, 4cm wide, 2cm in AP depth

What are the 3 regions of the prostate?

Peripheral zone, (70%), Central zone (25%) Transitional zone (5%)

What region of the prostate surrounds the ejaculatory ducts

Central zone

What region of the prostate surrounds the proximal urethra

Transitional zone

What region of the prostate surrounds the urethra

Peripheral zone

Which region of the prostate causes the symptoms of benign prostate hyperplasia?

Transitional zone - hyperplasia of epithelial and stromal cells causes constriction of the urethra.

Which region does prostate cancer normally originate from

Peripheral zone

What is the function of the prostate

Secretes a fluid making up semen

What is the main cause of BHP in men?


Converted to estrodial in the stromal cells - proliferation

ER-beta receptor lost with age - reduces apoptosis

Which receptors does testosterone act on in BHP, how does it act at each of these receptors?

Converted to estrodiol and acts on ER-alpha in stromal cells causes proliferation

Converted to estrodiol and acts on ER-beta to control apoptosis - levels of this receptor decrease with age

What are the symptoms of BHP



Slow stream, Hesitancy, Intermittent flow, Terminal dribbling, Emptying incomplete

Frequency, Urgency, Nocuria

Also pain/burning during urination or blood in urine or semen.

What other conditions can develop as a result of BHP

Histological hyperplasia

Lower urinary tract infections

Enlarged prostate

Bladder outlet obstruction

What is the prostate specific antigen value of someone with BPH likely to be?

Under 10ng/ml

What are the 2 types of drugs that can be used to treat BHP

a1 antagonist

5 a-reductase inhibitor

What is the mechanism of action of a1 antagonists

Relaxes smooth muscle in bladder neck and prostate, improves urine flow rate

What is the mechanism of action of 5-a reductase inhibitor

Prevents the conversion of testosterone to DHT which is its more active form. 2 isoforms of 5 a-reductase inhibitors - type 2 is present in prostatic tissues

Name two 5a reductase inhibitors



When would a prostatectomy be considered?

Prostate >75g

What is the defining marker to check if a prostate is cancerous or not

PSA levels higher than 10nm/ml indicate cancer - will be vastly higher eg.100nm

What are the features of a direct hernia?

age, location, boundaries, and result of deep inguinal ring test, location compared to inferior epigastric vessels

Occurs in old age, Does not enter deep inguinal ring, does not extend beyond superficial inguinal ring, neck medial to inferior epigastric artery, deep inguinal ring test is negative

What are the features of a indirect hernia? age, location, boundaries, and result of deep inguinal ring test, location compared to inferior epigastric vessels

Occurs in youth, enters deep inguinal ring, reaches scrotum, neck lateral to inferior epigastric artery, deep inguinal ring test is positive

What is the name of the structure through which direct hernias exit the abdominal cavity

Hesselbach's triangle, anterior abdominal wall

What is the usual cause of indirect inguinal hernias , which side do they normally present on

Right side / right scrotum

Failure of processus vaginalis to close

What are the 2 main causes of erectile dysfunction

Diabetes mellitus

Vascular disease

Which parasympathetic nervous system messenger and second messenger allow relaxation of the muscle and therefore erection of the penis

Nitric oxide acts on Soluble guanylyl cylase - causes release of cGMP and relaxation of the smooth muscle. - Erection of the penis

Which sympathetic nervous system messenger and second messenger allow the ejaculatory reflex of the penis

Noradrenaline acts on a1 smooth muscle to cause contraction to allow ejaculation

What is the treatment of erectile dysfunction?

PDE-5 inhibitor, prevents breakdown of cGMP, increases relaxation of smooth muscle