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121 Cards in this Set

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BLS providers can only assist patient with taking their own perscribed Nitro provided the pt's BP is at least what?
Two Contraindications of Nitro?
BP less than 100, pt has taken ED meds
Pediatric pt's that present with loud cough mimicing bark of a seal?
Pt with chest pain, you should administer _______ PO chewed or swallowed if not taken during previous 24 hours or pt has known allergy?
Aspirin 324mg
If pt presentation is atypical and protocol treatment may not be in best interest for pt or any situation where EMS is not sure about best treatment for pt?
contact medical control
What is dose of Albuterol?
What is dose of Atrovent?
A pt with Asthma/copd that presents with resp distress and suspected wheezing, adminster what combination one time only?
Albuterol and Atrovent
How many additional albuterol treatments via NEB can bls provider administer?
1 additional
Pt has medical hx of asthma, w/o signicant cardiac hx and still presents with resp distress and is in extremis you should administer?
Epi 1:1000 0.3mg IM via auto injector
Pt is equal to or greater than 8, with BGL of less than _____, and displays signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia, administer oral glucose 24gm PO if pt is concious enough to swallow.
If narcotic overdose is suspected administer?
Narcan 2mg IN
Pt presents with severe anaphylactic reaction with associated hypoperfusion and/or resp distress, proceed to following treatment?
Epi-Pen auto injector adult 0.3mg IM
Stroke centers?
7, 8, 13
What radio channel can you contact poison control?
Channel H-11 or call 1-800-222-1222
General indications of referral to burn center are pt's with _____ or _____.
2nd or 3rd degree burns
Consider activation of the ______ for a pt involved in an unusual extrication, prolonged crush injury, or possible field amputation.
_________ is a limb and life-threatening condition seen when perfusion pressure falls below tissue pressure in a closed anatomical space.
Compartment Syndrome
What is the cut-off age to take a child trauma/medical pt to Childrens?
Greater than 15
When does the PDOA protocol not apply to the trauma pt that is pregnant?
When pt is 20 weeks or greater in gestation except in instances where there is apparent lividity or rigor mortis.
When you need to contact medical control which hospitals are medical control hospitals?
Each hospital will serve as their own medical control.
When you have a pediatric pt and need to contact medical control what hospital would you utilize?
Hospital 2 (childrens)
AVPU stands for?
Alert, verbal, painful, unresponsive
Normal vital signs for adult?
Resp (12-20) Pulse (60-100) BP (90-140)
To inquire about pertinent past medical hx use?
S - Signs/Symptoms
A - Alleriges
M - Medications
P - Past medical hx
L - last oral intake
E - Events leading up to
To effectively maintain awareness of changes in pt's condition, repeated assessments should be performed?
5 minutes for unstable, 15 minutes for stable
For trauma alert or burn pts _____, transport to a trauma or burn facility capable of handling adult pt's. Pt's ______ years of age should be transported to Childrens.
Greater than 15 (adult size), less than 15.
Sexual assault pt's less than 18 should go to?
How many priority levels are there?
What determines priority level?
1 - unstable
2 - potentially unstable
3 - stable
What are the trauma facilities?
4 (medstar), 5 (howard), 8 (George Washington)
What hospital has a hyperbaric chamber?
Hospital 8 (George Washington)
What are the hospital codes?
1 - United Medical
2 - Childrens
4 - Medstar
5 - Howard
7 - Georgetown
8 - George Washington
10 - Providence
12 - Sibley
13 - Washington Hospital Center
14 - Walter Reed
15 - Veterens
In order for an ALS provider to transfer care pt must be?
Stable with complaints that would be cared for at BLS level.
A minor pt may refuse care if he/she is?
Married, parent, or is currently pregnant.
Contraindications for aero medical evac?
Cardiac arrest, hazmat pt, or pt that is violent or erratic behavior
Contraindications with AED?
trauma arrest, pt with fully obstructed airway, hazardous enviroments
Indications for AED?
Pt in cardiac arrest, ages 1-8 use pedi pads
What is normal SPO2?
Should you include SPO2 as a vital sign?
King LT-D airway device should be used on ______ pt's without a gag reflex.
What are three contraindications use the combitube?
Pt's with gag reflex, esophageal disease, or ingested caustic substance
What is clinical indication for use of carbon monoxide detector?
Pt's with smoke inhalation or inhaltion of other hydrocarbon. Used on FF's in incident rehab.
Reading of ____ indicates mild carbon monoxide inhalation.
Greater than 12%
Reading of ____ indicates severe carbon monoxide inhalation.
Greater than 25%
What type of class medication is Tetracaine?
Local anesthetic for eye.
What is dose of tetracaine?
Adult and Pediatric 1-2 drops per eye.
What is the clinical indications for IN medication admin?
Pt without IV access requiring urgent medication
What is the dose and the route in which a BLS provider can administer Narcan and can a BLS provider establish IV access?
2mg IN only
When can a BLS provider establish IV access?
If they have completed the module.
What is the clinical indication when using the Blood Glucose analysis?
Pt's with suspected hypoglycemia (diabetic emergencies, change in mental status, bizarre behavior)
If pt's blood glucose level is ____, administer oral glucose, 24g if concious.
What is informed consent?
When a competent pt or guardian is informed of the potential benefits and risk of a process or procedure, alternatives to that procedure, and the possible consequences related to each.
What is expressed consent?
Written or verbal request to be evaluated and treated.
What is implied consent?
What a patient is unable to express consent because of Altered LOC or severe distress
In order to allow a pt to refuse care and/or transport you must conduct three assessments first, what are they?
Legal competence, mental competence, medical or situational competence.
When using O2 on an adult pt, the dosage should be ____ for BVM, ___ via NRB mask, or _____ via NC.
Greater than 15lpm for BVM, 12-15lpm via NRB, 2-6lpm via NC
What are indications for use of 02?
Cardiac or respiratory arrest, trauma, dyspnea, suspected hypoxemia, cardiac related chest pain
When administering O2 what is an adverse reaction?
May induce respiratory drive in some COPD pt's
What are if any contraindications listed for use of O2?
Members shall administer supplemental O2 in order to maintain SPO2 level of at least?
Greater than 96%
______ is an odorless, tasteless, colorless gas prodcued from incomplete combustion?
Carbon Monoxide
Where do most CO posionings occur?
At home
Once carbon monoxide binds to the hemoglobin molecule, it can no longer do what?
Transport O2
What are the general indicatiors of carbon monoxide exposure?
Victims rescued from or had a prolonged exposure to smoke, victims who have been exposed to carbon monoxide due to fault heating system, auto exhaust, or other sources of incomplete combustion.
Whom should you contact if you need assistance in managing specific overdoses?
Poison Control
Cyanide is a cellular toxin - it halts respiration at the _____.
Cellular level
What are early signs and symptoms of cyanide exposure?
Anxiety, vertigo, weakness, headache, tachypnea, nausea, dysnea, vomitting, tachycardia
If you have a pt that has been stung/bitten by an insect/reptile/animal, should you bring it to the hospital?
If an anaphylactic reaction occurs as a result of a bite/sting you should?
Follow the allergic reaction protocol.
With an OB pt that is in labor, with delivery of a newborn being imminent, what is the most important decision to make with this pt?
Whether to attempt delivery in the field or transport the pt to the hospital.
What is the first step in the birthing process once the head presents?
Suction the newborn's mouth then nose.
Once delivery is accomplished, clamp the cord at ____ and _____ from the navel and cut between the clamps.
6" and 8"
When should you score the APGAR?
1 minute and 5 minutes
What is prolapsed cord?
When the umbilical cord presents itself outside of the uterus while the fetus is still inside.
What position should you place the mother in that has a prolapsed cord?
Knee Chest position
In the event the pt has experienced a miscarriage and if there is any question as to the approximate gestation of the fetus you should?
Provide resusciatitive measures
If there is a question as to whether the fetus is viable you should?
Contact medical control
When does the protocol trauma in pregnancy apply to the pregnant pt?
When the pregnant pt is 20 weeks or greater in gestation
According to the protocol trauma in pregnancy, what are the 2 instances where you would not resuscitate the pt?
When there is apparent lividity or rigor mortis
Hyperthermic reactions generally relate to _____, _____, or in severe causes, ______.
Heat cramps, heat exhaustion, in severe cases heat stroke.
What should you do if heat exhaustion or cramps are suspected?
move pt to cool environment and obtain a temperture.
If heat stroke is suspected where should you place cold packs on the pt?
At the groin, under the armpits, and around the neck
What is hypothermia defined as?
Hypothermia is defined as a core temp below 95 F
Pt with moderate to severe hypothermia may often present with signs and symptoms of?
altered mental status and occassionally a decreased pulse, resp rate, and blood pressure.
Pt's in cardiac arrest with suspected severe hypothermia shall not be considered dead until?
Re-warming has been completed at a medical facility
What protocol applies to pt's suffering from an accidental or intentional submersion in any liquid?
Drowning/near drowning
When transporting a pt that has been restrained you must transport that pt in what position?
You should always make sure that MPD is summoned to all responses involving combative pt's? T or F?
When you have a violent psychiatric pt greater than 15 should they go to childrens?
They should not be transported to childrens.
Criteria for determining a pt PDOA shall include those that are pulseless/apneic with one or more of the following?
Rigor mortis, dependent lividity, decomposition, traumatic injuries incompatible with life such as organ destruction of the brain/thoracic contents, incineration, submersion greater than 24 hours, valid out of hospital DNR order present, valid licensed physician on scene that orders resuscitation not to be attempted.
When you have a PDOA whom should you request to investigate the scene and assume responsiblity of the deceased person?
Does DC honor the reciprocity DNR order?
What are the following interventions that may be provided to a pt who is wearing a DNR-CCo that is intact and has not been defaced to provide comfort or to alleviate pain?
Clear airway, suction, O2, pain medications, control bleeding, make comfort adjustments
Who can revoke the comfort care order at anytime?
The pt or authorized decision maker/surrogate
When ventilating a child with special needs if the child's condition improves there may have been a problem with the ventilator? true or false
A child with special healthcare needs will always present with age appropriate mentalities? true or false
What is the most common emergency with central lines in children?
Blockage or obstruction of the line, complete or partial accidental removal or complete or partial laceration to the line.
A good source of getting medical hx of the child's condition is to?
Ask the caretaker
If an in-dwelling catheter becomes completely removed you should attempt to reinsert the catheter and transport to the nearest hospital, true or false?
You should always bring the line with you to the hospital, true or false?
Children with gastrotomy tubes will not have complications due to destruction or dislodgement of the tube, true or false?
Are fire/ems personnel required to report cases of suspected child/elder abuse or neglect to the police agency responsible for the area which the call occured?
Yes, you are required to report cases.
Should you confront or become hostile to the parent or caregiver that you think may be the abuser?
No, you should not confront the parent or caregiver.
If you suspect that a pt is being neglected should you report the situation?
What is the purpose of having Mass Casualty Incident start and jumpstart triage?
To provide structure to the triage and treatment of persons involved in a multiple or mass casualty incident or multiple pt scene.
What is the definition of a multiple or mass casualty incident?
An emergency scene that creates a number of pt's sufficient to significantly overwhelm available resources.
What is considered a multiple casualty incident?
Less than 9 pt's
How many patients do you have to have to declare a mass casualty incident?
Greater than 9
What is the definition of triage?
Process of sorting and categorizing pt's based on the severity of their symptoms
Patients will be categorized into the four following groups, each group has a color designation to assist in rapid sorting of triaged pt's. What are the colors and titles?
Red - immediate
Yellow - delayed
Green - minor
Black - deceased
During a primary triage, providers should spend no less than what with each pt?
30 seconds
After the initial evaluation of incident rehab, members will be reassessed after a _____ rest period.
20 minute
Can members return to incident operations if their vital signs return to normal?
Yes they can after 20 minutes
What is the acronym that can be used for determining symptoms of a nerve agent poisioning?
What are the two chemicals most widely used in pesticides today?
Organophosphate and Carbamale
What is the two part antidote for emergent treatment for a nerve agent exposure?
Atropine, 2-Pam Chloride
What are serious forms of human anthrax?
Inhalation, cutaneous, intestinal
What poisioning symptoms may mimic pneumonia or food poisioning depending on rate of transmission?
Ricin poisioning
With acute radiation sydrome, can you use available radiation detection equipment to determine the presence of significant amounts of contamination on an individual?
Yes you can
If soapy water is readily available or easy to make, can you use it to decontaminate a victim?
It may not be practical - the IC should make the decision.