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21 Cards in this Set

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OBRA Requirements
- ___ is the educational program that trains NA's
- the training program requires __ hours of instruction and is comprised of ___, ___, and ___
- the competency evaluation is based on ___ and ___
- successful completion of the program makes the NA eligible for the ___
- NA's must work for ___ consecutive years, or will be required to submit to ___ and and a new ___
- NA's are required to participate in ___ hours of ___ education from employers
- regular ___ reviews are held
- Nursing Assistant Training and Competency Evaluation Program (NATCEP)
- 75 hrs , basic care, lecture/lab, 1 week of clinicals
- written/skills tests
- Nursing Assistant Registry
- 2 years , retraining and compentency evaluation
- 12 hrs , in-service
- performance reviews
Roles and Responsibilities
- 3 things NA's must understand to protect patients from harm
- what you can do
- what you can not do
- legal limits of NA role
Before performing a task or procedure NA's must make sure that
- it is allowed by the ___
- it is in the ___
- have the necessary ___ and ___
- a ___ is available to answer questions and supervise
- state
- job description
- training and education
- nurse
The NA's job description is a list of ___ and ___ the agency expects you to perform
- always ask for a job description in ___ if not provided, and ___ before being hired
- responsibilities and functions
- writing , discuss
NA's Job Responsibilities
- perform tasks and procedures which meet ___, ___, ___, ___, ___, and ___ needs
- hygiene
- safety
- comfort
- nutrition
- exercise
- elimination
NA's Job Responsibilities
- recieve ___
- obtain and record ___
- measure ___ and ___ / ___ and ___
- provide ___ and ___ care
- ___ and ___ patients as ordered or needed
- makes ___ and ___ anything new or unusual to the ___
- reports patient's ___
- provides for ___
- report
- V/S
- height/weight and I&O
- morning (AM) / evening (PM)
- turns and positions
- observations / reports , nurse
- complaints
- comfort
NA's Job Responsibilities
- prepare the ___ before ___ and after ___
- provides ___ according to the plan of care
- assists patient's with ___
- assists with ___ collection
- assist patients with ___
- room , admit , discharge
- general/ basic
- activities of daily living (ADL's)
- specimen
- meals
NA's Job Responsibilities
- assists the nurse with ___
- provides fresh ___ and ___ when they are ordered
- answer ___ and assist patients as needed
- assist with ___ care
- ___ patients to other departments as needed
- runs ___ to other departments as needed
- administers ___
- ___ patients for tests and surgery
- drinking water and snacks
- call lights
- post mortem care
- transports
- errands
- enemas
- prep
- definition
- ___ can delegate
- ___ can not delegate
- transferring the authority (the right) to perform a "selected nursing duty" ; generally involves selected activities in patient care
List "5 Rights of Delegation"
- give meaning of each
- when should it be used?
- Right Task (duty)
- Right Circumstance ( setting and patient situation)
- Right Person ( competent person)
- Right Direction / Communication ( effective, descriptive, adequate)
- Right Supervision ( monitor, be available)
- when deciding to accept or refuse a delegated task
5 Rights of Delegation
- Right Task
- Right Circumstance
- Right Person
- Right Directions and Communications
- Right Supervision
- Task: can task be delegated, training and experience, in job description
- Circumstance: must know about the patient (ie mentally ill), can you perform it safely, do you have what you need, know how to use the equiptment
- Person: experience (job description) and education (level of competence)
- Direction: state when, where, why, how much (ex: orthostatic B/P)
- Supervision: nurse present for questions or problems (near by)
Accepting a Task as a NA
- if you agree, your are _____. What you do or fail to do is can cause harm.
- responsible for your own actions
NA's should refuse to perform a task when:
- it is beyond the ___ of their role
- is not in their ___
- they were not prepared to ___ the task
- it could ___ the person
- the ___ has changed
- they do not know how to use ___ or ___
- if ___ are unethical, illegal, or against agency policies
- directions are ___ or ___
- if a ___ is not available for instruction
- legal limits
- job description
- perform
- harm
- condition
- equiptment or supplies
- directions
- nurse
Legal Aspects
- a ___ is a rule of conduct made by a government body
- Law
- Criminal Law
- Civil Law
- Torts are part of ___ law
- 2 types of unintentional torts
- Criminal: offenses against soceity
- Civil: relationships between people
- Torts: Civil law
- 1.) Negligence: did not due what a resonable nurse would do, but that patient was injured
- 2.) Malpractice: professional negligence ex: if a nurse did not check the patient's V/S and condition after surgery, there was a hemorrhage and the patient went into shock and died
Intentional Torts
- Defamation
- Libel
- Slander
- Assault
- Battery
- False Imprisonment
- Invasion of Privacy
- Fraud
- Defamation: injury to a person's name or reputation by making false statements to a 3rd party
- Libel: (written) making false statements in print through pictures or drawings
- Slander: (gossip) making false statements orally
- Assault: threat of bodily harm (ex: I"'m going to tie you to the bed")
- Battery: touching without concent
- False Imprisonment: threat of restraint, restraining or prevent from leaving
- Invasion of Privacy: any invasion of personal privacy
- Fraud: saying or doing something to trick, fool, or deceive a person; if it causes harm to the individual or their property (ex: telling a patient that you are a nurse , falsifying or putting down wring information on a job application)
Informed Consent
- consent is informed when the patient clearly ____
- falls under ___ law
- can only be obtained by a ___
- understands all aspects of treatment
- common law
- physician
- definition
- is a ___ act
- can cause ___, ___, or ___
- intentional mistreatment or harm of another person
- criminal act
- physical harm, pain, or mental anguish
5 elements of abuse
- must have 1 or more of these elements
- willful causing of injury
- unreasonable confinement
- intimidation
- punishment
- depriving a person of goods or services needed for physical, mental, or psychosocial well-being
Elderly Abuse
- Neglect
- Verbal Abuse
- Financial Exploitation
- Emotional Abuse
- Neglect: failure to answer a call light, not meeting needs, not providing care after a B/M or urination
- Verbal Abuse: oral, written, or guestures
- Financial Exploitation: using the patient's resources for one's own benefit
- Emotional Abuse: humiliation, harassment, ridicule, threats, or deprivation
- ___ and ___ laws require the reporting of abuse or suspected abuse
- ___ does not allow nursing centers to employ persons who were convicted of abuse, negelect, or mistreatment of persons in any health care agency
- federal and state law