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49 Cards in this Set

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The total of ever-changing knowledge, ideas, thoughts, beliefs, values, communication,actions, attitudes, traditions, customs, and objects that a group of people possess and the ways thay have of doing things
Standard of behavior
Are generally accepted ways of doing things common to people who share the same culture
A nurse's continuous attempt to gain knowledge and skills to effectively provide care for patients of different cultures
Cultural Competence
Each culture measures other cultures by ____
using its own ways as the norm
An awareness of different cultures
Cultural Sensitivity
The many differences in the elements of culture in groups of people in American and Canadian soceity
Cultural Diversity
____ replaces the concept of the melting pot
Cultural Diversity
An inaccurate generalization used to describe all members of a specific group without exception; false assumption
The attitude that one group or culture's way of doing things is better than that of groups with different cultures
An individual who believes that the worth of everything depends on whether it fits into their worldview of his/her cultural group
Cultural Bias
6 Characteristics of Culture
- learned behavior
- passed from generation to generation
- accomplished via enculturation
- has a worldview
- can cause cultural bias
- can lead to ethnocentrism, prejudice, and discrimination
When caring for a patient of a different culture, allow the patient to ____
practice the rituals according to their culture
All persons share the same ____ regardless of age, sex, economic status, lifestyle, religion, country of origin, or culture
basic daily needs
The ____ of LPN organizations include the expectation that nurses will provide care regardless of race, creed, or cultural background
Code of Ethics
9 Basic Needs of All People
- personal care and hygine
- sleep and rest
- nutrition and fluids
- elimination
- body alignment and activity
- environment
- emotional spiritual support
- diversion and recreation
- mental hygiene
The philosophy of ____ is a belief shared by all members of the health care team. The philosophy includes the ____ and ____ of each human being who comes for care.
- individual worth
- uniqueness and value
The primary health belief system in the US
The health belief found among groups native to tge Americas, south of the Sahara, and tribal peoples of Asia
The health belief developed from the traditional medical practices of the ancient civilizations of China, India, and Greece
What 3 things can a nurse implement when care planning for culturally diverse patients
- gather data regarding activities of daily living and personal health beliefs for each patient of a different culture
- use reference guides that present general information about different cultural groups
- suspect cultural differences when a patient is not following the plan of care, refuses traetment, or is a problem patient
5 ways to adapt plans of care for culturally diverse patients
- discover the health benefits of the individual
- negotiate treatment plans
- preserve the beliefs and practices
- repattern harmful practices
- always provide teaching materials in the patients language
Cultural groups composed of people who are members of the same race, religion, or nation, or speak with the same language
- give examples
Ethnic Groups
- ex: Irish Am, African Am, Am Indians, Asian Am, Mexican Am, Arab Am
The process of learning your own culture; the way your group or culture does things
The process by which a perosn of one culture learns how to function within a larger culture
The opinion a person has about somehting, eventhough the facts dispute the opinion
Scientists who study physicial, social, and cultural characteristics of human groups
The process of giving up parts of one's own culture and adopting parts of the culture of the dominant group
An important part of culture is that it is ____
learned behavior
A result of enculturation is a ____ that is generally shared by persons with the same cultural background
Similar ways of seeing and understanding the the world, becomes the reality of the group
One's worldview causes ____ and ultimately leads to ___, ___, and ___
- cultural bias

- ethnocentrism, prejudice, discrimination
____ ignore the individual differences that occur within every cultural group
3 ways Anthropologists conduct studies of different cultural groups
- identify common trends
- generalizations (common trends found)
- see if generalizations apply to all individuals within that group
Generalizations help ___ observed behavior, but does not ___ behavior
- explain
- predict
To become aware of different cultures, you need to be aware of ____
yourself as a person
5 main roles of daily life
- give examples
- Economic Status: lower, middle, upper
- Political: republican, democrate, liberal
- Racial or Ethnic: white, african american, asian, spanish
- Soical: male/female, mother/father, brother/sister, married/single
- Work: blue/white collar, student, unemployed
Give examples of culturally diverse groups
- single parents
- homosexuals
- wealthy
- homeless
- elderly
Give examples of ethnic groups in the US
- Irish Am.
- African Am.
- Am. Indians
- Asian Am.
- Mexican Am.
- Arab Am.
Focuses on assisting the body's own healing powers and restoring body balance
Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)
- common name
- focus
- goal
- used in conjunction with
- common name: Western medicine
- focus: on symptoms
- goal: find the cause of the disease and then eliminate or correct the problem
- used with: CAM
Biomedical Health Belief
- cause of disease
- diagnosis
- treatment
- who cures it
- prevention
- cause: abnomalities in structure and function of body organs, bacteria, viruses, biochemical alterations, immune system disturbances, environmental factors
- diagnosis: physical exam, x-ray, CT scan, MRI, lab studies
- treatment: drugs, surgery, diet
- cured by: physician
- prevention: handwashing, immunizations, lifestyle (diet/exercise), cover mouth when sneezing
Personalistic Health Belief
- cause
- diagnosis
- who cures it
- treatment
- prevention
- cause: punishment by ghost, god, evil spirit, witch, breach of taboo,sin, evil eye, curse, rusults in loss of soul, posessed by spirit, cursed, poisoned
- diagnosis: by a person with magic or supernatural powers
- cured by: shaman, herbalist, diviner
- treatment: herbs, prayers, rituals, laying on of hands
- prevention: faithful observance of rituals, protective spells, wearing objects with magic properties against evil eye or injury
Naturalistic Health Belief
- cause
- diagnosis
- who cures it
- treatment
- prevention
- cause: imbalance of body elements (yin/yan=hot/cold, wet/dry, emotions, bad luck)
- diagnosis: excess heat or cold identified
- cured by: physician or herbalist (no supernatural or magical powers)
- treatment: regain body balance, foods, acupuncture, coining, cupping
- prevention: maintain balance of hot and cold in body, mind, spirit, and environment
African Americans
- origin
- family structure
- religion
- food preferences
- illness beliefs
- origin: slaves from Africa
- family: matriarchal, immediate and extended family, non-relatives/friends
- religion: protestant, chatholic, islamic
- food: chicken, fish, leafy greens, yams, grits, cornbread
- illness beliefs: (Personalistic) results from bad spirits, hex, or spell as punsihment from God, treatment with home remedies, teas, herbs, compresses, visit spiritualist or folk healer, wait for illnesses to become serious before seeking care
- origin
- family structure
- religion
- food preferences
- illness beliefs
- origin: vietnam, laos, thiland, burma
- family structure: patriarchal, immediate and extended family (all one)
- religion: animism (worship deceased ancestors), catholic, buddist
- food: rice, noodles, rarely eat fruit or drink milk
- illness beliefs: (Naturalistic and Personalistic) imbalance between spirit and body, herbs, plants, roots to cure sickness, shaman, healing rituals done at home, cupping, coining, and pinching of skin
- origin
- family structure
- religion
- food preferences
- illness beliefs
- origin: Mexico, central america, south america, puerto rico, cuba, spain
- family: patriarchal, immediate and extended (not always defined by blood or marriage)
- religion: catholic, sometimes evangelical, pentecostal, african spirit, or voodoo
- food: rice, beans, corn, hot and cold food
- illness beliefs: (Personalistic and Naturalistic) punushment form God for bad behavior, evil eye, evil spells, fright/black magic, hot/cold imbalance, lack of cleanliness, body fluid imbalance
American Indians/Alaskan Natives
- origin
- family structure
- religion
- food preferences
- illness beliefs
- origin: North America
- family: matriarchal and patriarchal, kinship roles extensive and fictive
- religion: traditional beliefs, christian, combine different religious practices
- food: high in fat, salty, sugar
- illness beliefs: violation of taboos, body, mind, spirit out of harmony with nature, use native healers and ceremonies, western medicine, sacred objects should not be touched or moved by staff
Arab Americans
- origin
- religion
- origin: 21 Arab nations
- religion: Muslim or Islamic