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24 Cards in this Set

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Elements of the WMC
1) power element
2) culture element
3) institution element
4) resources element
Whatare some ways that WMC members rationalize their status quo?
Denial, Minimization, Blame, Redefinition, claim as unintentional, referencing the past “It’s al over now”, counter attacks, competing victimization.
White Privilege: Types
Economic, power/political, religious, gender, racial. ethnic, sexual orientation
required reading link: http://www.amptoons.com/blog/files/mcintosh.html
proceed and have yourself some flashcard fun
(pg92) term:

define privilege
Book definition: Privilege is the rights and advantages enjoyed by a relatively small group of people usually as a result of wealth or social status

the types of privilege are?
(pg 92)

earned and unearned

Note: the study guide did not compartmentalize a set of terms for earned and unearned so it does not specifically differentiate the TYPES in section B but it does give examples of the types.

TYPES of privilege (examples)
1) Economic privilege (class)
2) Power / political privilege
3) Gender privilege (male)
4) Religious privilege gender privilege
5) Racial/ethnic privilege (white privilege)
6) Sexual orientation privilege (heterosexual)
(pg 93)

Of the TYPES of privilege below, which three can be both earned and unearned?

1) Economic privilege (class)
2) Power / political privilege
3) Gender privilege (male)
4) Religious privilege gender privilege
5) Racial/ethnic privilege (white privilege)
6) Sexual orientation privilege (heterosexual)
Economic privilege (class)

Power/political privilege

Religious privilege
(pg 93)

Of the TYPES of privilege below, which three are considered to be unearned?

1) Economic privilege (class)
2) Power / political privilege
3) Gender privilege (male)
4) Religious privilege gender privilege
5) Racial/ethnic privilege (white privilege)
6) Sexual orientation privilege (heterosexual)
Sexual orientation privilege

Gender privilege (male)

Racial/ethnic privilege (white privilege)
(pg 93)

Regarding the TYPES of privilege, which three are unearned?

Economic and Power / political

Gender and Religious

Racial/ethnic and Sexual orientation

Gender and political

Racial/ethnic and Gender
Economic and Power / political

Gender and Religious

Racial/ethnic and Gender
(pg 93) term:

Define white privilege
“A right, advantage, or immunity granted to or enjoyed by white persons beyond the common advantage of all others; an exemption in many particular cases from certain burdens or liabilities”
(pg 94) WMC concept verbiage:

Be familiar with the basic concepts of the white male club
1) An organization that arbitrarily selects members and bestows designated and unearned material and psychological benefits.

2) Distributes influence and power among its members and then uses the power to dominate groups unlike itself

3) Rigidly regulates behavior and demands conformity as a requirement of admission and legitimizes certain lifestyles and requires at least public acquiescence (agreement or consent by silence or without objection ) to them
(pg 94) WMC concept verbiage:

NOTE: Since the WMC is largely conceptual, be familiar with the study guide triggers and key words that relate to the way the test may use multiple choice to reference a question posed as a statement.
arbitrarily, bestows, acquiescence, conformity, admission, legitimizes, [unlike itself], rigidly, presupposed, [not penalized], relegated

True or false?

White women enjoy the same privilege and status as do males in the WMC?
(pg 95) Elements of WMC

What are the elements of the white male club?
1) Power element
2) Culture element
3) Institution element
4) Resources element
(pg 95) Multiple choice: Elements of WMC

Which are not considered elements of the white male club?

Power element
Discrimination element
Culture element
Institution element
Prejudice element
Resources element
Discrimination element

Prejudice element
(pg 95)
trigger and key words & phrase association:

What are the two [power] elements of the WMC?
1) Having sufficient resources is necessary but not sufficient to [possess power]

2) The [key to power] is the effective conversion ratio of assets into action
(pg 95)

In the context of club life, the culture element of the WMC is comprised of three standards. What are they?
1) Ethnocentric standards > used to measure acceptability to the WMC

2) Value orientation > WMC rewards initiative, encourages competition, supports dispassionate, objective and rational thinking, and provides for creativity and advancement within the system.

3) Misplacing the problem > To example racism and sexism, one must look beyond facts and stats and look at the character of the club itself… the club blames the victims of their problems,…
(pg 96)

What are the Rationalizations for the retaining of privilege and avoiding responsibilities?
1) Denial
2) Minimization
3) Bame
4) Redefinition
5) “it was unintentional”
6) “it’s all over now”
7) “it’s only a few people”
Just an FYI

(pg 98) “As an EOP you must be aware that most people will try to offer reasonable explanation for something unfounded in an attempt to justify behavior normally considered irrational or unacceptable by offering an apparently reasonable explanation. Any group can claim these allegations on another group”
(pg 99)

What are the elements of the control base of Terry’s Control Diamond
1) Power > who holds it? Who can use its resources?

2) Culture > what are the cultural values and assumptions…

3) Institutions > what are institutionalized patterns

4) Resources > Who has access to societal resources and their distribution…
(pg 99)

What are the elements of the “Authentic Society” ?
1) Equitable resources for living > resources, food, clothing, shelter…

2) Shared power > allows self-determination, decision making capacities

3) Cultural pluralism > positive, secure cultural identity that includes mutual affirmation of differences…

4) Flexible and responsive institutions > Institutional and personal support including family, school, peer groups, etc…
(pgs 100-102)

Strong White Ally...

Note: This term was not developed in the lecture and is mostly conceptual. Any test questions here will be either a situational example or scenario based, based on the text. This is an easy concept which is intuitively obvious so memorizing the several paragraphs will suffice.

(pgs 100-102)
Congratulations, you passed test 1
(pg 100-102)

Strong White Ally...

Know relative phrases...
(the theory assumes these examples are being extended to groups other than your own)

Listen to members of other groups

Take independent initiative to learn…

Take independent action…
Support other groups and their members to advance…

Work toward long-term friendships…

Engage in personal growth, away from your socialization if contrary to “strong white ally”

Support others to realize their full potential and power…

Support others to resist their internalized oppression

Understand inter-group relationships and support them

Assist others in YOUR group to be active allies to other groups

Be active toward institutional change

Risk mistakes, learn from them