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47 Cards in this Set

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Private sewage, Disposal system regulations.

What does, SOP,

stand for.

Standard of practice.

Alberta private, sewage system, standards of practice.

Where does. SOP. Jurisdiction, start.

The jurisdiction, of. SOP.

Starts at 1.8 ,meters Upstream of the first component. Of the system, usually the septic tank. Or holding tank.

The purpose of, the. Sop. Is to ensure, safety of Health and safety of environment.

The SOP. Regulation limits. The maximum volume of sewage. To be produced, and disposed, on the property. Being served, as. 25. Cubic, meters, or. 5500 gallons. If more than this. What needs to happen?

Must meet. A standard. Satisfactory to the, administrator, by the. Private. Sewage. Disposal. System. Regulation. Ar 229 / 9 7 S4. / 119 / 99. 264 / 2009.

Dangers of. Working with private. Sewage systems.

H2S. Hydrogen sulfide. Is the most, common gas found in ,sewer systems. What is a safe, amount of, H2S. 4 people who work in a sewer system?

What is a safe, amount of, H2S. 4 people who work in a sewer system?

There is no. Safe amount. Of H2S.

At concentrations. As long as. 0.02% in the air. Hydrogen sulfide. Can cause unconsciousness. In minutes.

Methane in a ,sewer, system, what amount, is .dangerous. to work with.

Methane it's not poisonous. But may displace, oxygen, to a level. That can suffocate. You.

The chief Danger, with methane. Is its, explosiveness.

Is carbon, monoxide, dangerous, in sewer, systems?

Carbon monoxide, is a poisonous. Gas.

While not, usually present.

In sewers. It may be, present because, of businesses. around your location. be safe.

Is carbon dioxide, dangerous, in sewers?

Carbon monoxide is not. Usually in .sewer systems.

But because. It's heavier than air. It can, collect in, sewers.

It can, suffocate. You.

Nitrogen is an .inert gas .can it hurt, us in, a sewer.

It can ,replace ,,the air. it is able, to suffocate us.

Before you, enter, a sewer, system. Ventilate, the space. Name the, proper, ventilation, practice. For the sewer.

Ensure that the, ventilator tube. Is no more. Then 6, inches From the bottom, of the sewer.

Continue, ventilation, for A, minimum of, 15 ,minutes, before entry,.

If you don't, have, ventilation. Equipment. What should be done next. Before entering. The sewer.

Be certified for. Testing the oh, air. Quality. And have approved. Breathing apparatus. If you, do not, test, or have. You're approved breathing. Apparatus. Do not enter.

If you, get sewage, on your hands. And you decide to eat. Or light a smoke. Can you get sick?

Raw sewage, and effluent, is Leyden, with bacteria, and viruses, and cysts, pathogenic bacteria. Are disease-causing. Anthrax. Tuberculosis. Parathyroid fever. Call Laura. Polio. Hepatitis. Tapeworms. It is dangerous protect yourself.

Name the, three primary, treatment components. Avicii, private, sewage, system?

Septic tank or chamber. Effluent tank or chamber. Holding tank.

A septic system. Can have, one tank, with, too, Chambers or 2, separate tanks. 1 ,tank septic tank. 2nd ,tank effluent tank.

Septic chamber ,or settling, chamber. Must be ,designed to, hold. A minimum of raw. Sewage .what is ,this minimum.

. A 24-hour accumulation.

Why a minimum, 24, hours, of retention, time.

This retention time, allows, the primary, treatment, of raw, sewage, to begin, by removing, a settleable, and floatable, materials from, the raw, sewage.

The materials, that float, to the top, is called scum. The materials that settle. To the bottom. Is called Sledge.

The, resulting, clear fluid, in the middle, layer, is called, effluent.

What is, the minimum, liquid, depth, design, four, slow.

900, millimeters. This allows, for, slow, flow, rates, from the inlet, side, of the chamber. To the outlet, side, of the, chamber. To prevent, disturbances, of the, sludge, and, scum layer.

The outlet, pipe, should, be no, more than?

Lower than the. Inlet pipe.

3 ,inches lower

He septic chamber should be?__ or __ times ,longer, than ,it is wide.

And what, does this, help with?

Two to three ,times ,longer than, it is wide.

This allows, for more, effective, settlement, and digestion.

What is, the minimum. Travel. Distance. From the, inlet, to the, Outlet.

1.2 ,meters

What is, the freeboard, height, in the, septic system.

The freeboard, is a, airspace, and The, scum layer, capacity, of 9, inches. Above the, liquid level. To allow, space, for the, gases, and scum, to accumulate.

The air, above the, scum layer is ventilation. For the septic system. It ventilates. Through ,the stack.

Of the ,residence ,or building.

What is, the minimum, size, working capacity. Of the septic, chamber, for A, 2 or 3, bedroom, house?

740 imperial ,gallons ,or 3360 ,liters.

What is the minimum, working capacity. Of a septic, chamber,for a, four bedroom, house.

940, Imperial, gallons, or 4260 ,liters

What are the ,names,, of the first and ,second ,chamber in the, septic tank.

1)Septic. Or settling. Or digestion. Or working chamber.

2) effluent chamber

Sewage, that enters, the septic, tank, separates. In two, three layers. Name those layers.

1 ,sludge layer 2, clear liquid effluent 3 ,scum layer

What is, the purpose. Of the, Ty, at the point. Where, the sewage, enters, the septic tank.

To reduce the speed. And, direct, the, sewage ,down,

Into the liquid without. Disturbing , scum lair.

What is, the purpose, of the. T y. At the, point, where, the sewage, leaves, the first, chamber.

Access, to clear, effluent.

What type, of, bacteria, his present, in a septic, tank.


What is, the minimum, size, of a, single, manhole, access, on a septic, tank.

600, millimeters.

What is the size. Of a, manhole, access, when the, septic, tank, has, individual, access, two each, chamber.


What is, the minimum, amount, of Shreveport, allowed, and what is, its purpose.

9,inches. Are, mixing with gases, for venting, and scum,, layer

What is ,the, scum, and what, is its, purpose.

The scam, is things, that are, lighter, than water,

Also, acts like, a insulator,

What is the, minimum, depth, of liquid, in the, working, chamber,

36 ,inches or 900, millimeters

The minimum, size, or, volume, for the, working, capacity of a, septic, tank is .

740 , gallons. Or 3336,liters

Piping, connected to a, septic tank, shall, be supported, Within,_____ feet or_____ millimeters, of the tank.

1, foot or 300 ,millimeters

The minimum, retention, time of, sewage, in a, septic, tank, is?

24 ,hours

What are, too, factors, used to, determine, the size, of a, septic, tank.

Strength, love, sewage. Daily, expected, volume, or demand.

What effect, does a, carburetor, have on, properly, sizing, of a, septic tank.

Must be, 50, percent, larger. To allow ,for the ,increased , sludge.

Name three common methods, of keeping, the septic, tank, lid, child safe.

Must weigh a ,minimum ,65, pounds.

Can be, pad, locked.

Or need, tools, to access, the, lid,

Describe, the characteristics, of, a property, made, excavation, 4A, septic, tank,

Must, B, undisturbed, ground. Must be, level.

What is the, maximum, specified volume, of, sewage, production, that is, covered, under, the private, sewage, Disposal, Systems, regulations.

25 ,cubic meters .or

5500, gallons

When working, on, private, sewage, Disposal, Systems. What are, the two, most common. Ways to, contract, and, infection.

Ingestion, open, cuts ,and scratches.

What is,BOD.5?

Biological, organic, demands.

The amount, of oxygen, utilized, by micro-organisms, in the, oxygenation, of organic, matter, during a, 5, day, period.

At, a temperature, of, 20° Celsius

What is, TSS.

Dispersed, particulate, in Waist, water, sample fat, may, be, retained, bye filter, media.

What three, components, of sewage, are measured to, determined, if the sewage, is residential, strength, and what, are the, acceptable, limits.

1)BOD5. 220 ,milligrams , per ,liter to 300, milligrams per liter.

2) TSS. 220, milligrams per liter, to 350, milligrams per liter.

3) oil and grease, 50, milligrams, per, liter. To 70, milligrams, per liter.

Name the three, most, common materials, used to, make a, septic, tank.

Concrete. Fiberglass. Polyethylene.

What's the minimum, liquid, depth, in a septic, tank.

36 inches

What is the, difference, in height, between the, inlet, and Outlet, of the ,working chamber,

75 ,millimeters ,or ,3 ,inches

What is, the maximum, sludge ,depth.

18 , inches