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127 Cards in this Set

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Freshly brewed coffee

Make coffee by mixing it with hot water

A communal apartment area

An area is shared by all members of community


Worthy of attention

Banging of something

Noisy knocking

Not least because

Не в последнюю очередь потому, что

To be locked up

Быть запертым

High-security jail

High-security Prison


A person who has committed a crime


A breach of a law or rule

An illegal act

Acquire a reputation

Get a reputation


The ship in a fleet that carries the commanding admiral


Justice system

Система правосудия





Minimalist chic

Elegantly and stylishly fashionable

At times,


Во время


Плоский экран





Unbarred windows

Незапрещенные окна


Fail to notice (something)

Have a view of from above

Mossy forest

Моховой лес (болотистый)



Silver birch trees

Серебряные березы

To scale

To climb

Concrete wall

Бетонная стена

Constrains of needing

Limit of needing

To incarcerate





Give support or hope to someone


To Get institutionalised


To serve a three-year sentence

Отбывать трёх летний срок

A tough time

Тяжёлое время

To walk around the compound

Ходить по территории



To be horrified

Быть в ужасе

Clustered around something/somebody

Сгруппироваться вокруг кого-то

Seizing the chance

Пользуясь случаем

Minor irrationals

Незначительные раздражения

Major frustration

Большое разочарование

Deep despair

Глубокое отчаяние

To look over your shoulder

Смотреть через плечо

to arreste on suspicion of

when the police is pretty sure that you're guilty

when the police take somebody (by force if necessary) into the station to question them about a crime that they think they have committed

made an allegation of

when somebody think that you are guilty without any proofs

make a statement, without giving proof, that someone has done something wrong or illegal

to be held in custody

you're still waiting your judgment

the state of being kept in prison, especially while waiting to go to court for trial (court = a place where trials and other legal cases happen, or the people present in such a place, especially the officials and those deciding if someone is guilty; trial = the hearing of statements and showing of objects, etc. in a law court to judge if a person is guilty of a crime or to decide a case or a legal matter)

to be convicted of

the trial has already decided that you're guilty

to decide officially in a law court that someone is guilty of a crime

to show evidence in court

refer to lawyer

lawyers show relevant documents,witness statements, scientific information, etc., in court,during a trial, which support the idea that something is or is not true

to give testimony in court

refer to witness

give, in court, during a trial, (an example of) spoken or written statements that something is true

pleaded guilty to

the man admitted that he's a guilty by himself

to make a statement in a law court saying that you admit you are responsible for breaking a law(sentence = a punishment given by a judge in court to a person or organisation after they have been found guilty of doing something wrong)

to be found guilty of

he's not admitted it and the trial is

a court of law decides you are responsible for breaking a law


a group of people in a court of law who decide if someone is guilty or not

присяжные, суд присяжных


the lawyers who are prosecuting someone in a court of law

The prosecution will begin presenting evidence today.

обвинение(как сторона в уголовном процессе)

to be sentenced to life imprisonment

приговорен к пожизненному заключению

to do community service

общественные работы

serve a reduced sentence for good behaviour

сокращение срока за хорошее поведение

serve the full ten years

отсидеть все 10 лет срока

to be fined

to make someone pay an amount of money as a punishment for breaking a law or rule

The company was fined £60,000 for air pollution.


to be banned from driving

to officially say that someone must not do something


to be brought face-to-face with his victim

быть лицом к лицу со своей жертвой

one-to-one/group counselling

индивидуальное / групповое консультирование

to receive psychiatric help

получать помощь психиатра

in solitary confinement

a punishment in which a prisoner is kept in a room alone

He was kept in solitary confinement for ten days.

одиночное заключение

a defence lawyer

the lawyers in a court who work in support of the person who is accused of a crime

He was cross-examined by the defence.a defence lawyer

защита (в суде)

money laundering

the crime of moving money that has been obtained illegally through banks and other businesses to make it seem as if the money has been obtained legally

a trial

the hearing of statements and showing of objects, etc. in a law court to judge if a person is guilty of a crime or to decide a case or a legal matter:

* trial proceedings

* Trial by jury is a fundamental right.

a legal process to decide if someone is guilty of a crime

судебное разбирательство


proof that someone was not in the place where a crime happened and so cannot be guilty


the scene of the crime

место преступления

an identification

the act of recognizing and naming someone or something

опознавание, установление личности

violent assault

a violent attack

насильственное нападение

tax evasion

illegal methods used by people or companies to reduce the tax they pay, or a particular situation where this happens

уклонение от уплаты налогов

possession of a controlled substance

owning or carrying an illegal drug

credit card fraud

when someone pretends to be the owner of a credit card and uses false information to pay for goods and services or obtain money

мошенничество с кредитными картами

bribery and corruption

giving money or a present that you give to someone so that they will do something for you, usually something dishonest, and illegal, bad or dishonest behaviour, especially by people in positions of power

взяточничество и коррупция


an arrangement in which money is paid to a court so that someone can be released from prison until their trial

He was released on bail.She was granted bail.



an amount of money that you must pay for breaking a law or rule

* a parking fine

* The court gave her two weeks to pay the fine.



to do something that is considered wrong, or that is illegal

*He was sent to prison for a crime that he didn't commit

*to commit suicide/adultery

совершать (что-либо дурное)


to decide officially in a court of law that someone is guilty of a particular crime

* He was convicted of murder

* a convicted criminal

признавать виновным


information that is given or objects that are shown in a court of law to help to prove if someone has committed a crime

* He was arrested despite the lack of evidence against him.

доказательство, улика


a fact or a piece of information that shows something exists or is true

She showed us her passport as proof of her identity.



someone who controls a trial in court, decides how criminals should be punished, and makes decisions about legal things

* The judge ruled that they had acted correctly.



the crime of intentionally killing someone

* to commit murder

*She was charged with attempted murder.



the crime of killing someone without intending to kill them

непредумышленное убийство


to treat someone unfairly or cruelly because of their race, religion, or beliefs

* He was persecuted for his religious beliefs.

преследовать, подвергать гонениям

suspended sentence

условный приговор

give evidence

to give information and answer questions in a court of law

She was called to give evidence at his trial.

давать показания

to be charged with

быть обвиненным в


a person who uses violence to hurt someone

The police think she must have known her attackers.



to take hold of something or someone suddenly


a bag carried by a woman with her money, keys, etc inside

дамская сумка

knock sb down

to hit someone with a vehicle and injure or kill them

* She was knocked down by a bus.

сбивать кого-либо

suffer damage/defeat/loss/cuts

to experience something bad such as damage/defeat/loss, etc

получать повреждения/терпеть поражение/нести потери и т. д.


the action or crime of stealing something



quite, when compared to other things or people

Eating out is relatively cheap.

относительно, сравнительно

put sth out of your mind

to force yourself not to think about something

It's over, put it out of your mind.


the likely future situation:

*The outlook for the economy next year is bleak.



a feeling or belief that someone has done something wrong

*They were arrested on suspicion of drug dealing.


to vanish

to disappear suddenly


be willing to do sth

to be happy to do something, if you need to

* He's willing to pay a lot of money for that house.

быть готовым с радостью сделать что-либо

restorative justice

a way of dealing with crime that emphasizes taking responsibility for the effect of your crime on others, and trying to do something that makes things better for the victims

*participants in a restorative justice scheme

jump at sth

to accept something eagerly

to take an opportunity to have or do something in a very willing and excited way

*She jumped at the chance of a trip to Paris

ухватиться за что-либо (возможность и т. д.)


a young man



before a particular time or event


to threaten

to tell someone that you will kill or hurt them, or cause problems for them if they do not do what you want


fairly unkind

more than average, but less than very

slightly cruel

довольно жестокий


someone who has done something very bad

преступник, виновный

crucial thing

extremely important or necessary

ключевой, решающий момент


to accept that something is true or exists


be obliged to do sth

to be forced to do something

быть обязанным делать что-либо


Preventive action is intended to stop something before it happens.

профилактический, предупредительный

substitute for stn or sb

someone or something that is used instead of another person or thing

*Margarine can be used as a substitute for butter

*a substitute teacher

заместитель, замена

to burden
to give someone something difficult or unpleasant to deal with or worry about

Sorry to burden you with my problems.

criminal record
an official record of crimes that a person has committed



very important and necessary
необходимый, обязательный


feeling happy because something unpleasant did not happen or you are not worried about something any more

чувствующий облегчение

wouldn't be seen dead doing sth

would never do something because it is too embarrassing

*embarrassing = making you feel embarrassed

*неловкий, затруднительный

a whole heap of

a lot of

ill-gotten gains

money or goods obtained in a dishonest or illegal way

*He deposited his ill-gotten gains in foreign bank accounts.

добытый нечестным путем

nobody's fool

a clever person who is not easily tricked

a whole host of

a large number of


clumsy and disorganised, with no skill


to forge

to make an illegal copy of something in order to deceive

to copy



be forced to stay in a place by officials

to keep someone somewhere and not allow them to leave, especially in order to ask them about a crime


to pawn

to leave a possession with a pawnbroker in return for money

закладывать, отдавать в залог


two metal or plastic rings joined by a short chain that lock around a prisoner’s wrists



take things to or from a place illegally

to take something into or out of a place in an illegal or secret way

провозить контрабандой, тайно проносить

hand yourself in

voluntarily go to a police station and admit to a crime