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27 Cards in this Set

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non-traditional student
an administrative term used by colleges and universities for students who, for wahtever reason, are pursuing undergraduate work at an age other than that associated with traditional college years (18-24)
developmental tasks of young adults
froming initial adult identity, establishing independence, assuming responsibility, broadening social skills, nurturing intimacy (obtaining entry-level employment, developing parenting skills)
developmental tasks of middle age
achieving generativity (giving back, contributing to the collective good, parenting), reassessing plans of young adulthood - one's original goals and objectives
developmental tasks of elderly
accepting changes of aging, maintaining physical functioning, reassessing a sense of integrity - a sense of wholeness concerning life's journey
why are intimate relationships important?
it is important that we have quality relationships involbing persons with whom we share our most deeply held thoughts, feelings, and aspirations as we attempt to validate our own unique approach to life. young adults who are unwilling or unable to create intimacy can develop a sense of emotional isolation
giving back (contributing to the collective good, parenting)
why do women live longer than men?
men smoke more than women, men are twice as likely to be heavy drinkers and to engage in other risky behaviors such as abusing drugs and driving without a seatbelt, men work in more dangerous settings than women do and men account for 90% of on-the-job fatalities, more men drive SUVs that are rollover prone and suffer fatalities in motorcycle accidents
an alternative to the area of loss is introduced (referring to maintaining functionality in older adulthood/elderly)
pertaining to illness or disease
pertaining to death
1. gain more self congrol over one's health perspective (for example, drug prevention within communities at risk)
2. the nurturing of an individual's or group's ability to be responsible for their own health and well-being
an individual's internal picture of himself or herself; the way one sees oneself
American approach to healthcare is...
episodic health care
goal of preventive medicine
makes more sense to prevent illness than to deal with it through episodic health care. Physicians assess risk levels and work to prevent ailments before they become a problem
why do companies provide fitness centers for their employees?
the workplace is enhanced by the healthfulness of the individuals who contribute to its endeavors
group oriented health promotion
community places emphasis on a group centered concept to promote empowerment.
prochaska's stages of change
1. precontemplation (thinking about it)
2. contemplation (want to change but don't know how)
3. preparation (change starts and plans made)
4. action (start and sustained 6 months)
5. maintenance (continue for 6 months)
6. termination (new habits well established)
difference between emotional wellness and psychological health
psychological health is also known as emotional wellness. psychological health also addresses congnitive functioning.
psychologically healthy people tend to...
accept themselves and others; like themselves; give and recieve care, love and support; express full range of emotions (positive and negative); accept life's disappointments; accept their mistakes
self esteem comes from...
internal: self-concept and self-perception

external:parents, teachers, peers, siblings, religious instituitons, media (can affect self-concept and self-esteem)
emotional intelligence
the ability to understand others and act wisely in human relations and measure how well you know your emotions, manage your emotions, motivate yourself, recognize emotions in others, and handle relationships
an effective apology includes...
fully acknowledging what you did, explanation not excuse, remorse, fixing what can be prepared, learning from mistakes

(requires honesty, courage, humility and a real commitment to the relationship)
the effect that the environment, people, and external factors have on personality
nonverbal communication
what is communicated by your facial expression, body posture, tone of voice, and movements
verbal communication
communication with words and sound
1. the nonspecific response ofthe body to any demand whether it is caused by or results in pleasant or unpleasant conditions (Seyle)

2.the physiological and psychological state of disruption caused by the presence of an unanticipated, disruptive, or stimulating event
general adaptation syndrome
sequenced physiological responses to the presence of a stressor, involving the alarm, resistance, and exhaustion stages of the stress response