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62 Cards in this Set

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Systemic Screening of Patient (4)

General Systemic




Soft Tissue Observation (6)

Compare involved to uninvolved

Kinetic Chain (i.e. Standing Posture)





Soft Tissue Principles of Examination:

Systemic Differential Diagnosis

Need to ...

1) Rule out all other possibilities

Soft Tissue Principles of Examination:

Systemic Differential Diagnosis

Based upon Type of Pain / Pain Pattern (7)

1) Referred / Radicular Pain

2) Pain at rest

3) Pain with activity

4) Diffuse pain

5) Chronic Pain

6) Night Pain

7) Pain that doesn't make sense



Cramping, dull, aching


Ligament and joint capsule

Dull, shooting



Sharp, bright, lightening like


Sympathetic Nerve

Burning, pressure-like Stinging, aching



Deep, nagging, dull



sharp, severe, intolerable



Throbbing, diffuse

Soft Tissue Principles of Examination:

3 parts of the examination - Systemic

Obtain Hx

Systems Review

Tests and Measures

Soft Tissue Principles of Examination:

Test and Measures includes (8)

1) Inspection (structural) / observation

2) AROM (function)

3) PROM (end feel)

4) Isometrics (/ MMT)

5) Reflexes / Sensation

6) Special Tests

7) Palpation (conditions/positions/tenderness)

8) Functional Assessment

Soft Tissue Principles of Examination:

Hx taking

1) Data from PMH and Present reason for referral


a) Timeline approach

2) Info obtained from

a) Interview

b) Review of pt record

c) Other sources

3) PT identifies health restoration and prevention needs and comorbidity that may have implications for the intervention

Soft Tissue Principles of Examination:

Structural Inspection

1) Posture

a) Ectomorph

b) Mesomorph

c) Endomorph

2) Deformities

3) Aides (cane, crutches, braces)

4) Edema, Atrophy

Soft Tissue Principles of Examination:

Palpation for Condition / Position (6)

1) Swelling

a) Soft, Firm, Pitting

2) Elevated / Lowered Temperature

3) Moisture / Dryness

4) Scar / Wounds

5) Mm

6) Jt alignment

Soft Tissue Principles of Examination:

Palpation for Condition / Position

Muscles (3)

1) Doughy (chemical holding pattern)

2) Guarded

3) Hypertonic

Soft Tissue Principles of Examination:

Palpation for Condition / Position

Joint Alignment (4)

1) Laterally Tracked Patella

2) Spondylolisthesis (step deformity)

3) Anterior Displaced Humeral Head

4) Protracted Scapula

Soft Tissue Principles of Examination:

Palpation for Tenderness (5)

1) Subacromial space

a) Bicpes tendon, RTC tendon, Subacromial


2) Lateral Epicondyle

3) Medial Epicondyle

4) Medial/ Later joint line of the knee

5) Greater Trochanter

6) Achilles Tendon

Soft Tissue Principles of Examination:

AROM / Function

First (2)

1) Consider the Norms

2) Compare to uninvolved side

Soft Tissue Principles of Examination:

AROM / Function

Second - Check

1) Functional Ranges not just cardinal planes

2) Muscle/tendon pathology

3) AROM with Pain,

4) Prom: little to no pain

5) Joint Pathology

a) Capsule/ Ligament/ Cartilage

Soft Tissue Principles of Examination:

AROM / Function


1) PROM is always > AROM in a healthy joint

2) If PROM is not > AROM then end feel will be abnormal

3) Need to have joint play at end range or there will be no tolerance to outside forces and hence tissue injury will be likely.


NORMAL (3 + examles)

1) Bone to Bone - Elbow Extension

2) Soft Tissue Approximation - Knee Flexion

3) Tissue Flex (Ligamentous, Capsular, Ms Stretch

a) Ankle Dorsiflexion

b) Shoulder lateral Rotation

c) Finger Extension


ABNORMAL (8 + examples)

1) Early muscle spasm - Protective Spasm following injury

2) Late muscle spasm - From instability and pain

3) “Mushy” tissue stretch - Tight ms

4) Hard capsular - Frozen Shoulder

5) Soft capsular- Synovitis, Soft Tissue Edema

6 Bone to bone - Osteophyte formation

7) Empty - Acute subacromial bursitis

8) Springy block - Meniscus tear

Capsular Patterns
(Listed in order of restriction)

Glenohumeral joint



Hip –

Capsular Patterns
(Listed in order of restriction)


Cyriax – Flexion > ABD > IR > Ext > ER

Kaltenborn – IR> EXT> ABD> Flex> ER

Isometric Restricted ROM/Pain

Following are signs for a lesion ?????

Strong and Painful *

Strong and Painless*

Weak and Painful *

Weak and Painless *

All Resisted ROM tests are painful

Isotonic / MMT + / - values


Normal (100%) - Complete ROM against gravity with maximum resistance

Isotonic / MMT + / - values


Good (75%) - Complete ROM against gravity with some (moderate) resistance

Isotonic / MMT + / - values


Fair + - Complete ROM against gravity with minimal resistance

Isotonic / MMT + / - values


Fair (50%) - Complete ROM against gravity

Isotonic / MMT + / - values

3 - (minus)

Fair - (minus) - Some but not complete ROM against gravity

Isotonic / MMT + / - values


Poor+ - Initiates motion against gravity

Isotonic / MMT + / - values


Poor (25%) Complete ROM with gravity eliminated

Isotonic / MMT + / - values

2 - (minus)

Poor - (minus) - Initiates motion if gravity is eliminated

Isotonic / MMT + / - values


Trace - Evidence of slight contractibility but no joint movement

Isotonic / MMT + / - values


Zero - No contraction Palpated

Isometric Measurement can be measured by


Isokinetics measured by or type (3)

1) Dynamic measurements

2) Graph

3)Endurance assessment

Nervous System

Three parts that deal with pain

1) Sensation

2)Referred Pain

a) Dermatome

b) Myotome

c) Sclerotome – is an area of bone or fascia

supplied by a single nerve root

3) Reflexes - DTR

Nervous System

Classifications of Nerve injuries (3)

Neuropraxia – a transient physiological block caused by ischemia from pressure / stretch of the nerve

Neurotmesis – structure of nerve is destroyed by cutting, scarring, or compression

Axonotmesis – damage of axons

Special Tests

1) Used to assist in diagnosis

2) Used to rule out other pathologies

3) Preformed as a cluster

4) Sensitivity, Specificity, Reliability and Validity

Joint Play

Aka ?

Aka Accessory motion,

= not under volitional control, occur in response to an outside force.

Necessary in all healthy joint to absorb and relieve outside forces

Palpation (3)

1) Done Last

2) Locate Lesion

3) Interpretation

Functional Assessment (4)

1) Functional Assessment

2) Key to reimbursement

3) Preformed sub-acute or later stage

4) Functional Outcome tools

5) Often need holistic approach

Diagnosis for Physical Therapy (4)

- First-determine the phase of inflammation

- Second-name the tissue and/or condition

- Third-set goals

- Fourth-treatment principles: soft tissue lesions

Soft Tissue Principles of Treatment:


1) First 72 hours / Impairment

2) Protection Phase

3) Precautions and Contraindications

ACUTE – First 72 hours

Impairments (5)

- Inflammation, pain, edema, muscle spasm

- Impaired movement

- Joint effusion

- Decreased use of associated area

ACUTE – Protection Phase

Treatments (5)

1. Educate the pt

2. Control pain, edema, spasm

3. Maintain soft tissue and joint integrity and mobility

4. Reduce joint swelling if symptoms are present

5. Maintain integrity and function of associated areas


Precautions: proper rest and movement

CI: Stretching and Resistence exert with inflammation

Soft Tissue Principles of Treatment:

SUBACUTE - 3 parts

1) Impairment

2) Treatment

3) Precautions

SUBACUTE – 72 hours to 6 weeks


Collagen synthesis and fibroblast activity starts in this phase.

1) Pain when end of available ROM is reached

2) ↓ soft tissue edema

3) ↓ joint effusion

4) Developing soft tissue, muscle, and/or joint contractures

5) Developing muscle weakness from reduced usage

6) ↓ functional use of the part and associated areas


1. Educate the patient

2. Promote healing of injured tissues

3. Restore soft tissue, muscle, and/or joint mobility

4. Develop neuromuscular control, muscle endurance, and strength in involved and related muscles

5. Maintain integrity and function of associated areas

SUBACUTE - Precautions (4)

1) Pain with rest,

2) fatigue,

3) increased weakness and

4) spasm.

Soft Tissue Principles of Treatment:


1) Impairments

2) Treatment

Soft Tissue Principles of Treatment:


Impairment (4)

1) Soft tissue and/or joint contractures and adhesions that limit normal ROM or joint play

2) ↓ muscle performance; weakness, poor endurance, poor neuromuscular control

3) ↓ functional usage of the involved part

4) Inability to function normally in an expected activity

Soft Tissue Principles of Treatment:


Treatment (6)

1) Educate the patient

2) Increase soft tissue, muscle and/or joint mobility

3) Improve neuromuscular control, strength, muscle endurance

4) Improve cardiovascular endurance

5) Instruct in safe body mechanics

6) Progress functional activities

Soft Tissue Principles of Treatment

CHRONIC Inflammation (2)

Type of Injury ?

1) Impairment

2) Treatment

3) Overuse Injury

CHRONIC Inflammation:


1) Length and strength imbalance

2) Bone malalignment

3) Poor posture

4) Pain of varying degrees

5) Soft tissue, muscle, and or joint contractures or adhesions that limit normal ROM or joint play

6) Muscle weakness and poor muscle endurance

7) ↓ functional use of the region

8) Movement pattern perpetuating the problem

CHRONIC Inflammation:


1) Identify the mechanism of chronic irritation and modify

2) Restrict activity that causes pain

3) Educate pt

4) Promote healing by decreasing pain and inflammation

5) Maintain integrity and mobility of involved tissue

6) Apply modifications and re-assess (taping, arch supports, correct imbalance)

Chronic Pain Syndrome

Time Frame

> 6 months

Chronic Pain Syndrome (3)

1) Pain of unknown origin with inflammation

2) Decreased function

3) May have a physical, emotional and psychological component