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109 Cards in this Set

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how does a nerve signal cause release of a neurotransmitter
1. action potential travels down the motor neuron
2. depolarization of the axon terminal causes voltage gated calcium channels to open and calcium to enter
3. calcium binds to the vesicles containing neurotransmitters and causes them to migrate to the presynaptic membrane
4. the vesicles fuse to the membrane and release acetylcholine into the synaptic cleft
how does the release of acetylcholine from the presynaptic membrane affect the postsynaptic membrane and cells
5. Acetylcholine is a ligand that binds to acetylcholine gated channels. acetylcholine receptors are nicotinic receptors which open the protein channel via conformational change. The channel allows Na, Ca, and K to move. interior of channel is negative so negative ions do not move. two acetylcholine molecules needed to make channel open.
how does the opening of the ion channels in response to acetylcholine cause muscle contraction
1. the ions entering the cell, changes the interior of the cell, allowing the signal to propagate throughout the muscle fiber
2. the t-tubules provide the path for depolarization. t-tubules are adjacent to the sarcoplasmic reticulum so when the t-tubules depolarize, they trigger the release of calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum
3. calcium then binds to the troponin complex causing a conformational change in the tropomyosin strand which exposes the binding sites on the actin filament.
depolarization of the t-tubules activates
L-type voltage dependent calcium channels (dihydropyridine receptor) in the t-tubule membrane which are in close proximity to the calcium release channels (ryanodine receptor) in the sarcoplasmic reticulum
the L-type voltage dependent channels are aka
dihydropyridine receptors
the receptors in the sarcoplasmic reticulum that are the calcium release channels are
the ryanodine receptors
the primary receptor that is the problem for MH
ryanodine receptor
definition of MH
acute hyper metabolic state in muscle tissue following exposure to triggering agents and is potentially fatal
mortality rate of untreated Malignant Hyperthermia
mortality rate of Malignant Hyperthermia that is treated in a timely manner
a defect in what receptors can cause Malignant Hyperthermia
either the dihydropyridine or the ryanodine receptors
is Malignant Hyperthermia a functional or structural disorder
whether the defect is in the dihydropyridine receptor or the ryanodine receptor, the end result is a
functional disorder of the ryanodine receptor
what is the problem with the ryanodine receptor in malignant hyperthermia
it opens to nonphysiologic stimuli and remains open for a long time allowing a huge amount of calcium to be released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum - leading to prolonged interaction between the actin and myosin filaments
the intense metabolic state and prolonged muscle contraction in malignant hyperthermia leads to
muscle rigidity, increased lactic acid, increased CO2, muscle breakdown and many secondary events to these
why don't the muscle contractions stop
not enough ATP to combat all that calcium
what contributes to the heat production with malignant hyperthermia
muscle breakdown, tearing, increased metabolic rate
triggering agents for malignant hyperthermia
halothane, sevoflurane, isoflurane, desflurane, succinylcholine
maybe heat and exercise
safe to use with malignant hyperthermia
opioids, NDMRs, ketamine
propofol, anxiolytics, nitrous oxide and gayle said (I think etomidate too)
pediatric incidence of malignant hyperthermia
adult incidence of malignant hyperthermia
high incidence areas in the US
west Virginia, wisconsin, and the thumb of Michigan
genetic relationship of malignant hyperthermia
autosomal dominant
overall incidence of malignant hyperthermia
what percent of malignant hyperthermia cases have had a previous uneventful surgery
most specific and sensitive sign of malignant hyperthermia
unexpected and sudden rise in ETCO2 but could be masked by rigorous hyperventilation
initial signs of malignant hyperthermia
tachycardia and tachypnea
symptoms of MH
tachycardia, tachypnea
increase ETCO2
ventricular dysrhythmias
muscle rigidity (80%)
increasing body temperature (1-2 degrees every 5 minutes)
CO2 absorbent will be hot to the touch
ventricular arrhythmias occur in malignant hyperthermia because
the activation of the sympathetic nervous system, hypercarbia, or increased serum potassium
why does the potassium rise in malignant hyperthermia
tearing of muscle cells releases the intracellular contents
if you have NDMRs on board, why will you still see muscle rigidity with malignant hyperthermia
because malignant hyperthermia does not affect the nicotinic receptors that are affected by NDMRs
the CO2 absorbent reaction is
the ABG of a patient with malignant hyperthermia will show
acidosis and carbon dioxide retention
hyperkalemia, hypercalcemia, lactic acid
even if treated death from malignant hyperthermia can result from
renal failure and DIC
why is renal failure a problem with malignant hyperthermia
myoglobinuria - muscle breakdown releases myoglobin that gets stuck in the kidneys
other clinical signs of malignant hyperthermia
hyperkalemia, hypercalcemia, lactic acid, myoglobinuria, elevated CK (>20,000 at 12 hours)
24 - 36 hours after malignant hyperthermia has been treated
it may redevelop
what can accelerate the manifestation of malignant hyperthermia
when succs is used in conjunction with a volatile anesthetic the symptoms can appear in 5-10 minutes
rigidity of the jaw muscles after the administartion of succs is called
masseter muscle rigidity
masseter muscle rigidity is more common in
peak age of occurence for masseter muscle rigidity
8 - 12 years
less common trigger for masseter muscle rigidity
is thiopental and propofol
what is the association between masseter muscle rigidity and malignant hyperthermia
25% of the people having had masseter muscle rigidity test positive for MH, if limb rigidity is also involved, the association is even greater
other causes of masseter muscle rigidity
myotonic syndrome
temporormandibular joint dysfunction
underdosing succs
intubating before succs works
increased succs tension in presence of fever or elevated plasma epinephrine
will additional dose of succs or NDMRs help with masseter muscle rigidity
if your patient develops MMR, what should you do?
if possible, discontinue surgery
if continuing surgery, move to TIVA
have dantrolene available and monitor temperature and ETCO2 closely
pt should be watched 12 - 24 hours for myoglobinuria and signs of MH
possible dosing of dantrolene 1-2 mg/kg
tell family risk of MH and episode of MMR
check CK levels q 6 hours for 24 hours
CK levels over what in a patient that has experienced MMR means
patient is very likely to have MH
what are the three levels of rigidity associated with MMR
mild, moderate, jaws of steel
if patient develops jaws of steel -
if can ventilate, wait it out
if can't ventilate, surgical airway
why don't we give succs to young boys?
originally thought to be associated with MH and undiagnosed muscular dystrophy - but now know it is not directly linked to MH, but it is still a dangerous event
death rate for young boys who react to succs by extreme hyperkalemia
60% death
what is core central disease
a congenital myopathy characterized by muscle weakness
core central disease is a mutation of
the ryanodine receptor
diseases that are associated with malignant hyperthermia
core central disease, hypokalemic periodic paralysis, other myotonias, king-denborough syndrome, osteogenesis imperfecta, strabismus or ptosis, localized muscle weakness
the myotonias are disorders affecting what 2 channels
chloride and sodium ion channels
remember Steinhert's disease?
thinking it is to do with muscle weakness, laryngeal and respiratory insufficiencies, cognitive impairment, adult
a patient with King-Denborough will show
marked slanted eyes
low set ears
pectus deformity
small stature
MH may possibly be linked to
heat intolerance
caffeine intolerance
pneumonic for remembering treatment for malignant hyperthermia
Some Hot Dude Better Give Iced Fluids Fast, Ladies
treatment for malignant hyperthermia
Stop volatiles, purge circuit, change absorbers (new circuit)
Hyperventilate with 100% O2 at >10L
Dantrolene 2.5 ml/kg q 15 minutes up to 10 ml/kg or symptoms resolve, catheter
Bicarbonate for severe metabolic acidosis (2-4 meq/kg to start)
Glucose/Insulin/bicarb/hyperventilate to treat hyperkalemia, CaCl 10 mg/kg or 1 gm IV for arrhythmias
IV fluids (without K), ice packs, cooling blankets, cold gastric lavage
furosemide to flush kidneys
Lidocaine for arrhythmias - no Ca channel blockers
Laboratory data
treatment for Malignant Hyperthermia - step 1 - (Some)
stop volatiles
purge circuit
new circuit
new absorbent
treatment for Malignant Hyperthermia - step 2 - (Hot)
hyperventilate with 100% O2 at >10L/minute
treatment for Malignant Hyperthermia - step 3 - (Dude)
Dantrolene - 2.5 mg/kg q 15 minutes to a max of 10 mg/kg or symptoms resolve
treatment for Malignant Hyperthermia - step 4 - (Better)
Bicarb for severe metabolic acidosis - 2-4 meq/kg to start
treatment for Malignant Hyperthermia - step 5 - (Give)
Glucose, Insulin, Bicarb, hyperventilate to treat hyperkalemia
CaCl 10 mg/kg or 1 gm IV if arrhythmias present
treatment for Malignant Hyperthermia - step 6 - (Iced)
IV fluids
Ice packs
cooling blankets
cold lavages
at what point do you stop cooling the patient
when core body temperature reaches 38 degrees
treatment for Malignant Hyperthermia - step 7 - (fluids)
furosemide - to flush kidneys and protect from myoglobinuria
treatment for Malignant Hyperthermia - step 8 - (Fast)
Lidocaine to treat tachycardia, VT, vfib
what drugs don't you use to treat arrhythmias in a patient with malignant hyperthermia?
calcium channel blockers because they will react with dantrolene to cause/worsen hyperkalemia
ideal treatment for arrhythmias associated with Malignant Hyperthermia
ideally resolve the electrolyte disturbances and usually the arrhythmias resolve too
treatment for Malignant Hyperthermia - step 9 - (Ladies)
laboratory data - mixed venous, ABGs, electrolytes, BUN/Creatinine, CK, urine test for myoglobinuria, coags
additional labs to consider ordering for malignant hyperthermia
coags - because of risk of DIC
how do you reconstitute dantrolene
with 50 - 60 ml of sterile water
how much dantrolene comes in one vial
20 mg
what is the dose for dantrolene
2.5 mg/kg
max dose of dantrolene
10 mg/kg
half life of dantrolene
12 hours but levels begin reducing at 6 hours
repeat doses of dantrolene at
4 - 6 hours
dantrolene was used for what before its use in MH
muscle spasticity
how does dantrolene work
directly inside the muscle cell by binding to a site on the ryanodine receptor and reduces release of calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum
does dantrolene affect the myocardium
little effect with prescribed doses
dantrolene dissolves faster if
the sterile water is warmer
dantolene also contains
300 mg of mannitol per vial
even though dantrolene contains mannitol, remember to
give lasix for hyperkalemia and myoglobinuria
give lots of fluids
institutions that use general anesthetics are required
to have 36 vials of dantrolene available (about $909 a year)
is muscle rigidity always present in MH
is temperature increase an early or late sign
late sign
is ETCO2 increase an early or late sign
early sign
at what point can MH occur
anytime during the anesthetic, even on emergence and in PACU
managing a MH crisis - delegate what to the orderly
ice and refrigerate IV fluids
managing a MH crisis - delegate what to the surgical team
finish surgery ASAP
place a foley catheter
managing a MH crisis - delegate what to the anesthesia tech
Get the MH cart
begin mixing dantrolene and sterile water (Gayle says use a big sterile basin)
managing a MH crisis - delegate what to the circulating nurse
phone for anesthetic assistance
send for more dantrolene
prepare cath kit
notify ICU
assist with mixing dantrolene
managing a MH crisis - delegate what to you
some hot dude better give iced fluids fast ladies
place an art line if you got time
MH research testing done on
pigs with a ryanodine receptor mutation
the gold standard for MH testing
halothane/caffeine contracture test using a muscle biopsy
drawback of the halothane/caffeine contracture test for MH
only 5 centers in the US can do it
>$5,000 but insurance will cover it
many false positives
alternate testing for MH
genetics looking for RYR-1 receptor mutation hits only 30% of MH positives so far
take the muscle biopsy from
the vastus lateralis muscle
genetic testing for RYR-1 mutations takes a while because
the gene is huge and takes 3 months full time to get it sequenced
over 80 mutations of the gene but do not know if they all cause MH
family members that test negative for the RYR-1 genetic mutation
are not necessarily MH-
when is the genetic test useful
if a member of a family is known to have it, then they can sequence the gene, figure out what mutation it is, and look at other family members for the same mutation
conditions that mimic MH
thyroid storm
drug induced hyperthermia
iatrogenic hyperthermia
hypothalmic or brainstem injury
two types of drug induced hyperthermia
neuroleptic malignant syndrome
serotonin syndrome
pheochromocytoma is
an adrenal gland tumor that pumps out catecholamines
thyroid storm looks like MH because
releases massive amounts of T3, T4 causing increased metabolic rate leading to increased ETCO2 and increasing temperature
north american MH hotline
if you have a patient at high risk of MH, what should you do
avoid triggers (lock succs in the drawer)
change soda lime and breathing circuit
remove vaporizers (or tape over obviously so no one turns them on)
flush with 10 L O2 for 10 - 20 minutes and change fresh gas hose
monitor very closely
cooling blanket on bed to begin with
have the cart handy to ward off evil
have 3L of cold fluids in the fridge