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38 Cards in this Set

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Normal Microbiota

AKA - indigenous flora

microbes which are permanent residents on the body but don't cause disease

Transient Microbiota

present for a short period of time, then disappear

Opportunistic microbiota

take advantage of weaker or immunosuppressed individuals


Study of disease


invasion of the body by pathogenic organisms


abnormal state when body or body part is not performing normally


cause of disease


capacity to produce disease


measure of pathogenicity

Explain what Koch's postulates are....

series of steps used to pinpoint causative agents for a specific disease

List three conditions where opportunistic pathogens cause disease

1. Host is weakened by primary infection or is immunocompromised.

2. microbes are introduced to part of body where not natural

3. disturbances in normal microbiota

Communicable VS Non-communicable

-communicable diseases are spread from one host to another

-noncommunicable do not spread from one host to another

Primary Infection VS Secondary infection

-primary infections is the first infection in a healthy person

-secondary infections follows a primary infection, caused by opportunistic pathogen

Acute Infections VS Chronic infections VS Subacute infections

-acute infections develop rapidly

-chronic infections more slowly

-subacute between acute and chronic

Local infections VS Focal Infections VS Systemic Infections

-local infection microbes are limited to small area of the body

-Focal infections are also limited but can spread

-systemic infections spread throughout body

True Pathogens VS Opportunistic pathogenes

-true pathogens are microbes capable of causing infection in a normal healthy host.

-opportunistic pathogens will not normally cause disease in healthy person

List and define stages of infectious disease

1. incubation period - invasion of host by microbe

2. prodromal period - early symptoms, relatively short period

3. Period of ilness - disease most acute, patient expresses overt s/s

4. Period of decline - s/s decline, pt susceptible to secondary infection

5. period of convalescence - patient regain health

Identify portals of entry

cutaneous and mucosal membranes OR directly into skin through cut or bite

Identify portals of exit

respiratory tract, GI tract, or urogenital tract

Reservoir of infection

site where microorganisms can resist and maintain ability to infect

1.Human- with or without s/s of disease (ex. HIV)

2.animal- zoonoses-transmitted from animal to human

3. nonliving- Ex. water contaminated by Girardia Lamblia

Explain different means of transmission

!. Contact transmission-requires physical contact

2. Transmission by vehicle - through medium (ex. feces=salmonella)

3.transmission by vector- living organisms carry pathogen (ex. malaria from mosquito bite)


living organism that carries pathogen from host to host

Mechanical Vectors

animal is just mechanical means of transport (ex. house fly)

Biological Vector

vector becomes host


science that studies when and where disease occurs and how transmitted in population

Center for Disease Control (CDC)

studies disease in US

World Health Organization (WHO)

studies disease in the world


disease occurs occasionally


Disease constantly present in population


many people acquire disease in specific area in a short period of time


epidemic that occurs worldwide

Nosocomial Infections

-disease acquired as a result of stay in a healthcare facility

-opportunistic, patients are often compromised and can be easily infected

Virulence Factors

characteristics that help organism cause infections and disease


poisonous substance produced by certain orgainsms


microbe must attach itself to host tissues


capsules can impair white blood cell phagocytosis by preventing bacteria from adhering to WBC's, increasing virulence


-produced inside some bacteria as a normal part of metabolism



-potent in very small amounts


-released when cell dies

-gram -


-only toxic in high doses