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94 Cards in this Set

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Central Nervous System (CNS)
- Made up of two parts: 1) Brain, 2) Spinal cord
Peripheral nervous system (PNS)
- The pathway that runs to and from the CNS.
Afferent fibers
- run towards the central nervous system
Efferent fibers
- run away from the central nervous system
Somatic Nervous System
- part of the PNS
- controls voluntary movements of striated muscles
Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)
- part of the PNS
- controls the involuntary physiology of smooth muscles, such as digestion, blood circulation, and breathing.
- the ANS responds more slowly than the somatic nervous system, which is why we act first in an emergency and then feel the fear.
Sympathetic Nervous system
- part of the ANS
- controls arousal mechanisms
- e.g. temperature control, blood circulation, puil dilation, and threat and fear responses
- Lie detector tests rest on the premise that lying activates the sympathetic nervous system
- is responsible for recuperation after arousal
- activates processes that allow the body to save and store energy (e.g. slow heart rate, reduce blood pressure, and promote digestion)
Spinal cord
- inner core consists of GRAY MATTER (cell bodies and dendrites)
- outer covering consists of WHITE MATTER (nerve fibers, axon bundles, and myelin sheathing)
- consists of: 1) Medulla oblongata, 2) Cerebellum, 3) Pons 4) Base of the reticular formation
Medulla Oblongata
- Part of the hindbrain
- Controls breathing, heartbeat, and blood pressure
- regulates reflexes such as sneezing, couging, and salivating
- Part of the hindbrain
- Controls muscle coordination, balance, posture; its size is related to amount of muscular activity
- Part of the hindbrain
- connects brain part to spine
- also contains several clusters of cell bodies involved with sleep and arousal
Base of reticular formation
- part of the hindbrain
- considered the OLDEST PART of the brain
- controls alertness, thirst, sleep, and involuntary muscles such as the heart
- consists of: 1) the rest of the reticular formation, 2) tectum, 3) tegmentum
- part of the midbrain
- controls vision and hearing
- part of the midbrain
- controls sleep, arousal, and eye movements
- the largest and most complex region of hte brain, encompassing a variety of structures
- consists of: 1) corticospinal tract, 2) thalamus, 3) hypothalamus, 4) limbic system, 5) cerebrum
Corticospinal tract
- the connections between the brain and spine
- a structure in the forebrain through which all sensory information (except smell) must pass to get to the cerebral cortex (aka. "waystation")
- a structure found near the base of the forebrain that is involved in the regulation of basic biological needs
- controls ANS biological motivations, such as hunger and thirst, and the pituitary gland
Pituitary gland
- "master gland" of the endocrine or hormone system
Limbic system
- a group of structures around the brainstem involved in emotional activity and pleasure centers
- part of the LIMBIC SYSTEM
- thought to be involved in memory by the encoding of new information
- part of the LIMBIC SYSTEM
- controls emotional reactions, such as fear and anger
Cingulate Gyrus
- part of the LIMBIC SYSTEM
- links areas in the brain dealing with emotion and decisions
Cerebral hemispheres
- the largest part of the brain
- responsible for movement and higher functions
- each hemisphere controls the limbs on the opposite side
Corpus collosum
- connects the hemispheres, so they can communicate
Left hemisphere
- controls speech and motor control
Right hemisphere
- controls spacial perception and musical ability
Cerebral cortex
- the outer half-inch of the cerebral hemispheres
- the seat of sensory and intellectual functions
- split into lobes
- also known as the NEOCORTEX
- GYRI (bumps) and SULCI (fissures) are seen on the cortex surface.
Frontal Lobe
- controls motor, speech, reasoning, and problem solving
- houses BROCA'S and WERNICKE'S areas for speech
Occipital Lobe
- responsible for vision
Parietal Lobe
- responsible for somatosensory
Temporal Lobe
- responsible for hearing
- tough connective tissues covering the brain and spinal cord
- chambers filled with cerebrospinal fluid that insulate the brain from shock
Superior colliculus
- controls visual reflexes
- appears as a bump on the brainstem
Inferior colliculus
- controls auditory reflexes
- appears as a bump on the brainstem
Basal ganglia
- control muscle movements
- their degeneration is related to motor dysfunction in Parkinson's and Huntington's diseases
Cortical association areas
- areas on the cortex that correspond to certain functions. The larger the area, the more sensitive and highly accessed is the corresponding function.
- inability to organize movement
- difficult processing sensory information
- language disorder - see Broca's and Wernicke's
- inability to read
- inability to write
Broca's aphasia
- caused by damage to Broca's area in the brain
- someone with Broca's aphasia can understand speech but has difficulty speaking (often speaking slowly and laboriously and omitting words)
Wernicke's aphasia
- caused by damage to Wernicke's area in the brain
- person can speak but no longer understands how to correctly choose words
- speech is fluent but nonsensical
- overeating with no satiation of hunger
- leads to obesity
- damage to the ventromedial region of the hypothalamus has produced this in animals
Sham rage
- incredible rage easily provoked when the cerebral cortex is removed
Stereotaxic instruments
- used to implant electrodes into animals' brains in experiments
Blooming and pruning process
- a process in which neutral pathways are connected and then some are allowed to die out
- neuron branches that receive impulses
- their branching patterns change throughout life
Cell body (SOMA)
- the largest central portion of the nerve
- it makes up GRAY MATTER
- has a nucleus that directs the neuron's activity
Axon hillock
- where the soma and the axon connect
- transmits impulses of the neuron
- bundles of these are nerve fibers, also known as WHITE MATTER
- the wider a nerve fiber, the faster its conduction of impulses
Myelin sheath
- a fatty, insulating sheath on some axons that allows faster conduction of axon impulses
- it looks like beads on a string
Schwann cell
- the beadlike part of the myelin sheath
Nodes of Ranvier
- the dips between the "beads" on the myelin sheath
- they help send the impulse down the axon
Terminal Buttons
- the jumping-off points for impulses
Cell membrane
- covers the whole neuron and has selective permeability
- sometimes it lets positive charges (ions) through
Synapse (synaptic gap)
- the space between two neurons where they communicate
Persynaptic cell
- the end of one neuron (the terminal buttons)
- fires and releases neurotransmitters from its terminal buttons
Postsynaptic cell
- the beginning of another neuron (the dendrites)
- postsynaptic receptors detect the presents of neurotransmitters and cause the ion channels to open
Resting potential
- the inactivated state of a nueron
- the neuron is negatively charged at this point, and the cell membrane does not let positive charges in
Postsynaptic potentials
- changes in a nerve cell's charge as the result of stimulation.
- two form: excitatory postsynaptic potential and inhibitory
Excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP)
- in this case, positive charges from the outside are allowed into the cell in a process called depolarization
- this may case the nerve to fire
Inhibatory postsynaptic potential (IPSP)
- in this case, the few positive charges in the cell body are let out, and the cell becomes HYPERPOLARIZED (or even more negative compared to the outside)
- this makes the cell even less likely to fire a nerve impulse
Action potential (nerve impulse)
- begins when a cell becomes stimulated with enough positive ions and "fires"
All-or-none law
- refers to the fact that once a minimum threshold for stimulation is met, the nerve impulse will be sent
- the intensity of the nerve impulse is always the same, regardless of the amount of stimulation
- intensity of stimulation is indicated by how many signals are fired, not by how strong the signals are
Absolute refractory period
- the time after a neuron fires in which it cannot respond to stimulation
Relative refractory period
- the time after the absolute refractory period when the neuron can fire, but it needs a much stronger stimulus
Neurotransmitter after nerve firing
- after the neurotransmitter has done its job, it is either reabsorbed by the presynaptic cell via REUPTAKE, or it is deactivated by enzymes
- these processes keep the messenger from continually stimulating neurons
- contracts skeletal muscles
- appears to contribute to attention, arousal, and perhaps memory
- comprise two classes of neurotransmitters:
- IDOLAMINES, which include SEROTONIN (linked to depression)
- CATECHOLAMINES - include dopamine (lack of which is associated with Parkinson's and too much is associated with schizophrenia)
- are like neurotransmitters, but they cause long-term changes in the postsynaptic cell
- in the bloodstream determine whether an infant mammal will be a male.
hormones at adolescence
- males receive a dose of androgens, and females receive a dose of estrogens.
Follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone
- regulate the development of sperm and ovum.
- stimulates milk production
Antidiuretic hormone
- causes water retention
Thyroid Gland
- is triggred by a hormone from the pituitary, the THYROID-STIMULATING HORMONE
Electroencephalograms (EEGs)
- measure brain-wave patterns and have made it possible to study waking and sleeping states.
Non-REM sleep
- altogether it takes about a half hour to pass through the first four stages of sleep
Stage 0 sleep
- prelude to sleep
- low-amplitude and fast-frequency alpha waves appear in the brain; these waves are also known as NEURAL SYNCHRONY
- a person becomes relaxed and drowsy and closes his eyes.
Stage 1 sleep
- the eyes begin to roll
- alpha waves give way to irregular THETA WAVES (lower in amplitude and slower in frequency)
- the person loses responsiveness to stimuli, experiences fleeting thoughts
Stage 2 sleep
- The THETA WAVE stage, characterized by fast frequency bursts of brain activity called SLEEP SPINDLES
- is also marked by muscle tension and accompanied by gradual decline in heart rate, respiration, and temperature
Stage 3 sleep
- Takes about 30 minutes after falling asleep
- Fewer sleep spindles occur
- high-amplitude and low-frequency DELTA WAVES appear
Stave 4 sleep
- DELTA WAVES occur more than 50 percent of the time
- these delta waves demarcate the DEEPEST LEVELS OF SLEEP, when heart rate, respiration, temperature, and blood flow to the brain are reduced and growth hormones are secreted
- a person roused from stage 4 sleep will be groggy and confused
- approximately 20 PERCENT of sleep time is spent in REM
- REM is interspersed with non-REM sleep every 30 to 40 minutes
- is when dreams are experienced
- characterized by the same fast-frequency, low-amplitude BETA WAVES (NEURAL DESYNCHONY) that characterize waking states
- REM sleep is also known as PARADOXICAL SLEEP
- beta waves and a person's physiological signs - heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure - resemble those in a wakign state, but muscle tone decreases to the point of PARALYSIS, with sudden twitches, especially in the face and hands
- lasts from 15 minutes at the beginning of a sleep cycle to 1 hour at the end of it
Rebound effect
- occurs when people are deprived of REM sleep
- they will compensate by spending more time in REM sleep later in the night
Sleep cyles
- people complete four to six complete sleep cycles each night
- each cycle lasts about 90 minutes
- early in the night most of the time is spend in Stage 3 and 4 sleep
- stage 2 and REM sleep predominate later in the night
Infants and sleep
- infants sleep about 16 hours a day
- REM sleep comprises about half of toal sleep at birth, and eventually decreases to only 25 percent