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39 Cards in this Set

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- Takes place when receptors for a particular sense detect a stimulus.
- The RECEPTIVE FIELD is the part of the world that triggers a particular neuron.
Sensory Transduction
- the process in which physical sensation is changed into electrical messages that the brain can understand.
- The heart of sensation
- Composed of PHOTONS and WAVES measured by brightness and wavelengths.
- HUE (color) is the dominant wavelength of light. Brightness is the physical intensity.
- the clear protective coating on the outside of the eye
- located behind the cornea
- CILIARY MUSCLES allow it to bend (ACCOMODATE) in order to focus an image onto the retina
- located on the back of the eye
- receives light images from the lens
- is composed of about 132 million photoreceptor cells and of other cell layers that process information
Receptor cells (rods and cones)
- are responsible for sensory transduction
- this happens through the chemical alteration of PHOTOPIGMENTS
- are particularly sensitive to dim light and night vision
- concentrated along the edges of the retina
- concentrated in the center of the retina (FOVEA)
- particularly sensitive to colro and daylight vision
- cones see better than rods because there are fewer cones per ganglion cell than rods per ganglion cell
- the area of the retina with the greatest visual acuity
What happens to light after it passes through the receptors?
- it travels through the HORIZONTAL CELLS to the BIPOLAR CELLS to the AMACRINE CELLS
- some information processing probably takes place along the way
- finally, the information heads to the GANGLION CELLSm which make up the optic nerves
Visual Pathway
- consists of one optic nerve connecting each eye to the brain
- along the pathway is the OPTIC CHIASM in which half of the fibers from the optic nerve of each eye cross over and join the optic nerve from the other eye
- after the optic chiasm the information travels through the STRIATE CORTEX to the VISUAL ASSOCIATION AREAS of the cortex
Opponent-Color (opponent-process)
- proposed by EWALD HERING
- suggests that two types of color-sensitive cells exist: cones that respond to blue-yellow and those that respond to red-green
- when one color of hte pair on a cone is stimulated, the other is inhibited
Tri-Color theory
-proposed by Thomas Young and Herman von Helmholtz
- suggests that there are three types of receptors in the retina: red, blue, or green
Opponent-Color vs Tri-Color
- research shows that opponent-process theory seems to be at work in the LATERAL GENICULATE BODY, whereas the Tri-Color theory seems to be at work in the RETINA.
Lateral inhibition
- allows the eye to see contrast and prevents repetitive information from being sent to the brain
- this complex process is the idea that once one receptor cell is stimulated the others nearby are inhibited
Hermann von Helmholtz
- famous for a theory of color blindness
Daivd Hubel and Torsten Wiesel
- discovered that cells in the visual cortex are so complex and specialized that they respond only to certain types of stimuli
- e.g. some cells respond only to vertical lines, whereas some respond only to right angles and so on
- physical intensity of a sound wave that largely determines LOUDNESS
- the pace of vibrations or sound waves per second for a particular sound that determines PITCH
- frequency is measured in hertz (Hz), and humans best hear frequencies around 1,000 Hz
- comes from the complexity of the sound wave
Outer ear
- consists of PINNA and the AUDITORY CANAL
Middle ear
- begins with the tympanic membrane (also known as the ear-drum), which is stretched across the auditory canal
- behind this membrane are the ossicles (three small bones - malleus, incus and stapes)
- sound vibrations bump against the tympanic membrane, causing the ossicles to vibrate
Inner ear
- responsible for both hearing and balance
- begins in the OVAL WINDOW, which is tapped upon by the stapes
- these vibrations then active the fluid-filled, snail-shell-like COCHLEA, which contains the ear parts for hearing (the BASILAR MEMBRANCE and the ORGAN OF CORTI)
- the movement of the coclear fluid activate steh hair-cell receptors on the basilar membrance and the organ of corti
- this movement is called the TRAVELING WAVE
Vestibular sacs
- part of the inner ear
- sensitive to tilt and provide our sense of balance
Auditory system that leads to the auditory cortex
Hermann von Helmholtz and hearing
- famous for the PLACE-RESONANCE THEORY of sound perception, in which different parts of the basilar membrane respond to different frequencies
Sound localization
- is achieved in different ways
- the degree to which one of our ears hears a sound prior to and more intensely than the other can give us information about the origin of sound
- specifically, high-frequency sounds are localized by intensity differences, whereas low-frequency sounds are localized by phase differences
- small is an extremely primitive sense
- hair receptors in the nostrils send their messages to the olfactory bulb, which lies at the base of the brain
- smell has been strongly connected to memory and the perception of taste
- humans distinguish four basic tastes: sweet, bitter, sour, and salt
- saliva mixes with food, so that the flavor can flow easily into the tongue's taste receptors
- taste receptors are called taste buds (or PAPILLAE)
Free nerve endings
- in the skin they detect pain and temperature changes
Meissner's corpuscles
- receptors in skin that detect touch or contact
Two-point threshold
- for touch it is the shortest space between to points of contact that can be detected
- is largely determined by the density and layout of nerves in the skin
Physiological zera
- the temperature that is sensed as neither warm nor cold
Ronald Melzack and Patrick Wall's GATE CONTROL THEORY OF PAIN
- looks at pain as a process rather than just a simple sensation goverened in one center in the brain
- Melzack and Wall assert that pain perception is related to the interaction of large and small nerve fibers that run to and from the spine
- pain may or may not be perceived depending on different factors, including cognition
- neuromodulators that kick in to reduce or eliminate the perception of pain
Orienting reflex
- the tendency to turn toward an object that has touched you
Kinesthetic sense (proprioception)
- information from receptors in joints and muscles that tells us about the positioning of our own body
- deal with thirst