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209 Cards in this Set

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5 types of antihyperglycemics?
Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors
1 biguanide
HbA1c reduction of the antihyperglycemics (in general)
Mechanism of metformin (3)
Suppresses hepatic glucose production and intestinal glucose absorption

Improves insulin sensitivity
Most common side effect of metformin
When to avoid metformin (4 reasons) and why
Cr >1.4, decompensated CHF, liver failure, or heavy alcohol use

Risk of lactic acidosis
3 sulfonylureas
Mechanism of sulfonylureas
Increase pancreatic secretion of insulin
2 thiazolidinediones
Mechanism of thiazolidinediones
Increase sensitivity to insulin
When to avoid thiazolidinediones?
NYHA Class III or IV heart failure
Best adjunctive antihyperglycemic
2 alpha-glucosidase inhibitors
Mechanism of alpha-glucosidase inhibitors
Decrease postprandial hyperglycemia by reducing GI carb absorption
When is acarbose contraindicated
Cirrhosis; always requires liver function monitoring
2 meglitinides
Mechanism of meglitinides
Increase pancreatic secretion of insulin thru diff glucose-binding site than used by sulonylureas
Benefit of meglitinides vs. sulfonylureas
Shorter onset of action/ half life
Greater decrease in postprandial glucose
Lower risk for hypoglycemia
Best studied oral agent combo (and why)
Metformin + sulfonylurea (addresses insulin resistance and insulin deficiency)
Initial insulin dose and how much to increase by
0.1 U/kg divided into 2 daily doses

Increase at 10% weekly
3 additional diabetes therapies
Pramlintide (synthetic amylin)
Exenatide (incretin mimetic)
Sitagliptin (DPP-4 inhibitor)
Disadvantage of beta blockers in pts with diabetes
May mask hypoglycemia
Disadvantage of thiazide diuretics in pts with diabetes
May elevated blood glucose levels
BP goal in diabetics w/ and w/o proteinuria
<125/75 if proteinuria is present
4 Rx agents for diabetic neuropathy
Capsaicin cream
Antiepileptics (carbamazepine or gabapentin)
Medical name for a skin tag
2 removal methods for actinic keratosis
Liquid nitrogen cryotherapy
5-FU if there are multiple lesions
Name for full-thickness epidermal involvement of squamous cell carcinoma?
Bowen's disease
4 SCC locations with greatest risk of metastasis
Hands, lips, temple, vulva
Rx for tinea (fungal infection)
Topical antifungals
Rx for hair/nail fungal infection
Oral antifungals (ketoconazole, griseofulvin, itraconazole, and terbinafine)
Where does spinal anesthesia go?
Subarachnoid space
Who needs preop ECG?
Men >40yo
Women >50yo
Scheduled for medium to high risk surgery
What are METs and what is the commonly used cut-off value?
Metabolic equivalents (used to measure functional capacity for preop eval)
<4: poor (climb flight of stairs)
6 risk factors in the cardiac risk index
High risk surgery, CAD, CHF, CVA/TIA, IDDM, SKD (Cr >2)
Ideal HR w/ beta blockers
If pt can't tolerate beta blocker, use
Preop CXR needed for which pts
>50 or history of heart/lung disease going for intermediate or high risk surgery
What lab test indicates a risk factor for pulm complications?
Albumin < 3.5
5 ASA classes
1: healthy
2: mild systemic disease
3: severe systemic disease
4: severe debilitating/daily systemic disease
5: moribund, prognosis <24hrs irrespective of operation
For elective surgery, asthma pts whould be optimized to?
>80% of their personal best FEV1
Management of pt on warfarin undergoing high bleeding risk procedure if they have a high thrombotic risk as well?
D/c warfarin, start heparin when INR subtherapeutic, surgery when INR <1.5, (d/c heparin preop, restart both heparin and warfarin postop)
3 groups of pts at risk for periop adrenal insufficiency
Hx of adrenal insufficiency, severe hyperthyroidism, prolonged courses of systemic corticosteroids in last yr
Steroid regimens for those pts at risk of period adrenal insufficiency
Minor surgery: give typical dose
Major surgery: 100mg IV hydrocortisone preop, then 50g q 8hrs for 3 days
Rx for surgery in pts with mild hyperthyroidism
Start beta blocker
Management of pts with severe hyperthyroidism who need elective surgery
Antithyroid agents, op in 3-8wks
Management of thyrotoxic pts who need urgent surgery (4)
Antithyroid meds, beta blockers, stress dose steroids, close monitoring
4 risks of surgery in pts who are hyperthyroid at time of op
A fib
Adrenal insufficiency
Thyroid storm
Benefit of revascularization prior to noncardiac surgery
None! No reduction in periop cardiac complications
5 As
How long must a person be quit for the cardiovascular improvements to take effect?
Likely consequences of nicotine withdrawal
10lb weight gain
1-3 wks: irritability/restlessness, insomnia, increased coughing, constipation, mild headache, anxiety
Dosing for nicotine patch
21mg for 4 wks, 12mg for 2wks, then 7mg for 2wks
Side effects of patch
Local skin reaction, insomnia
Side effects of nicotine gum
Mouth sores, dyspepsia
At what cholesterol levels do patients need lipoprotein analysis?
>240 or 200-239 with define CHD or 2+ risk factors
MOA of statins
HMG CoA reductase inhibitors
MOA of bile acid resins
Bind intestinal bile acids
MOA of niacin (nicotinic acid)
Decreases liver LDL/VLDL production, inhibits lipolysis, and increases lipoprotein lipase activity
MOA of fibrates
Inhibits peripheral lipolysis, decreases liver FFA extraction, and increases clearance and inhibits synthesis of apoB
MOA of ezetimibe
Prevents absorption of cholesterol at brush border
Brand name for ezetimibe
Rx for diastolic BP >120-130
Back pain in the morning relieved by activity
Ankylosing spondylitis or inflammation
Back pain that is worse with sitting, driving, or lifting
Slipped disc
Back pain that is worse with standing or walking, relieved by bending/ sitting
Spinal stenosis
Most common cause of lower back pain
Lumbosacral strain (caused by specific episode)
Impact of nicotine replacement therapy on quit rates
Doubles success
2 drugs which can help with smoking cessation
Bupropion (Zyban/ Wellbutrin)
Varenicline (Chantix)
When should bupropion be started, and what is the dose?
1-2wks before quitting
150mg qd x 3 days, then BID for up to 6mo
2 contraindications to bupropion
Eating disorder
2 side effects of bupropion
Insomnia, dry mouth
Concern with varenicline
SI/ depression
2 side effects of varenicline
Vivid dreams, mild nausea
3 contraindications to NRT
Acute MI
Uncontrolled asthma
Accelerating HTN
Major (and minor) effect of statins
Decrease LDL (20-60%)
Also increase HDL and decrease TGs
Side effects of statins
Myalgia, liver toxicity, DM, irritability
Major (and minor) effect of niacin
Increase HDL (20-25%)
Also decrease LDL and TGs
Side effects of niacin
Flushing, itching, myalgias, gout, glucose intolerance
Major (and minor) effect of fibrate
Decrease TGs (35-50%)
Also decrease LDL (though may increase) and increase HDL
Side effect of fibrate
Gallstones, dyspepsia, myalgia/myositis
Major (and minor) effect of bile acid resins
Decrease LDL (can increase TGs)
Side effect of bile acid resins
Constipation/ GI problems
Decreased absorption of other meds
Effect of ezetimibe
Decrease LDL
Side effect of ezetimibe
Liver toxicity
Treatment of Stage I vs. Stage II HTN
Both lifestyle intervention, Stage I is 1 drug, Stage 2 needs 2 drugs
Risk of developing HTN if you have pre-HTN
Risk of CHD doubles for every increase in BP of how much?
20/10 (once >125/85)
Work-up for new onset HTN (5)
Chem panel, urine (for protein), EKG

Also glucose and lipids to risk stratify
First line treatment for HTN (3)
Thiazides, ACEIs, ARBs
AA patient and/or has high cholesterol and needs a beta blocker, which to use?
What is malignant HTN?
Severely elevated BP accompanied by end-organ damaage (CHF, renal failure, neuro signs, papilledema, chest pain, ECG changes)
Rx for malignant HTN
Reduce MAP by no more than 1/3 using IV nitroglycerin, nitropruside, or labetalol
Rx for malignant HTN in pregnancy
IV hydralazine
Symptoms of migraine
Photo/sonophobia, N/V, vertigo, dysarthria, tinnitus, diplopia, weakness, ataxia
Rx for migraines (5)
Ergotamine derivatives
Prophy for migraines (3 classes)
TCAs, topamax or depakote, beta blocker
Which type of headache is often associated with neck stiffness?
Prophy for tension headaches
TCAs (amitriptyline, doxepin)
Cluster headaches are more common in
Precipitants of cluster headaches
Nitrates, alcohol, or stress
Symptoms of cluster headaches
Unilateral pain w/ conjunctival injection, tearing, rhinorrhea, congestion, ptosis, miosis, eyelid edema, facial sweating
Rx for cluster headaches (3)
100% O2
Intranasal lidocaine
DHE (IV or IM) or sumatriptan (SQ)
Prophy for cluster headaches (shorten cluster period or prevent expected attacks) (4)
Timed ergotamine
Steroid taper (2nd line)
Diet guidelines for weightloss (cal, cal from fat, cal from protein)
500-1000 kcal/day reduction
<30% from fat
>15% from protein
3 ways to lower cholesterol
Reduce saturated fats/ cholesterol
Increase soluble fiber (10-25g/day)
Plant stanols, sterols (2g/day)
Radiation of lumbosacral strain vs. sciatica
Lumbosacral strain: low back/ butt/ upper thigh, but not lower leg

Sciatica: down posterior or lateral aspect of leg to foot
PEX for lumbosacral sprain
Local swelling, very TTP
DDx for sciatica (6)
Herniated disc (95%)
Spinal stenosis, compression fracture, epidural abscess, vertebral osteo, tumor
Other signs and symptoms of sciatica
Sharp/ burning pain
Paresthesias, numbness
Worse with cough/ valsalva
PEX for sciatica
Numbness/ paresthesia
Calf atrophy, decreased ankle/knee jerk
Paraspinal muscle pasm
Rx for lumbosacral strain (3)
Continue activity
Heat/ warm baths
Mild analgesics/ anti-inflammatory
When do you get an xray with low back pain?
When you suspect it is serious
Potential serious causes of back pain and associated symptoms (7)
1) Malignancy (>50yo, bone pain unrelieved by rest)
2) Compression fracture (steroids, trauma, postmenopausal woman)
3) Ankylosing spondylitis (limited spinal motion in young male, pain relieved by activity)
4) Chronic oteo (fever/ ESR)
5) Major trauma
6) Major neuro deficits
7) High lumbar or thoracic region pain
4 criteria for DM diagnosis
2 fasting glucose >126
Random glucose > 200 + Sx
Postprandial glucose >200 after 75g oral GTT
HbA1c > 6.5%
Immunizations indicated in DM
Flu shot, pneumovax
Shoe care in diabetes
Break in slowly, alternate shoes daily
Can you use sulfonylureas in CKD?
Only 2nd generation (glyburide, glipizide)
Metformin shouldn't be given within 24hrs of?
IV contrast
Effect of metformin on lipids?
Can lower lipids
Risks with metaglinides
Hypoglycemia, pancreatitis, Stevens Johnson, HUS, hepatic dysfunction
Side effects of ACEIs (5)
Cough, hypotension, angioedema, hepatotoxicity, loss of taste
5 indications for ACEI
CAD, DM, CHF, LV dysfunction, HL
Which drugs are more effective in African Americans?
Diuretics and CCBs
When should you use an ACEI instead of a CCB in African Americans anyway?
With hypertensive nephropathy (better for preventing renal failure)
Side effects of beta blockers
Bradycardia, impotence, worsening CHF, bronhospasm, masks hypoglycemia, increases TG, decreases HDL
Risk of suddenly d/cing a beta blocker
When should the sympathomimetic beta blockers be used?
Pts w/ symptomatic bradycardia on cardioselective beta blockers
What are the cardioselective beta blockers? (4)
What are the sympathomimetic beta blockers (4)
2 alpha/beta blockers
Risk with alpha/beta blockers (2)
Orthostatic hypotension
2 non-dihydropyridine CCBs
Non-dihydropyridine CCBs are useful in
Dihyropyridines are useful in
Elderly w/ isolated systolic HTN
Side effects of non-dihydropyridine CCBs
Increase MIs in diabetics
Increase CAD, CHF
Dizziness, constipation, AV block, bradycardia, lupus rash
Side effects of dihydropyridines (3)
Flushing, tachy, gingival hyperplasia
Which diuretics should be used for pts with CKD (2)?
Thiazide or loop diuretic
Side effects of thiazides (3)?
Pancreatitis, impotence, gout
Side effect of loops?
Metabolic alkalosis
Side effect of K+-sparing diuretics?
GI upset
What serum levels are high with thiazide/ loop diuretics (4)?
Uric acid
What serum levels are high just with thiazides?
What serum levels are low with thiazide/ loop diuretics (3)?
K+, Na+, Mg2+
Cardiac exam findings with coronary ischemia
S4 or S3
Loss of physiologic splitting
2 drugs that relieve (not treat) GERD
What should be emphasized to patients with somatization, rather than symptoms?
What increases the facial pain in acute sinusitis?
Bending forward
Sinusitis with teeth pain indicates which sinus is involved?
Common bugs in acute sinusitis (4)
S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae
Also moraxella or anaerobes
Rx for acute sinusitis
Amox or Bactrim
If allergic: doxy or azithro
How long are chronic sinusitis symptoms present for?
2-3 months
Rx for chronic sinusitis
Augmentin x 10days
May require surgical drainage or sinus irrigation
What is the criteria system for IBS?
Manning criteria
2 Manning criteria
Continuous/recurrent Sx w/ mo of abd pain relieved w/ defecation or associated w/ change in frequency/ consistency of stool

Irregular pattern of disturbed defecation >25% of the time (incl altered frequency, consistency, straining, uregncy, incomplete evac, mucous, distended feeling)
Best IBS diet
High fiber, low fat
4 IBS meds
Anxiolytic (buspirone)
Antidiarrheal (loperamide)
Conjunctivitis with sore throat likely indicates
Viral (not strep)
Who needs a rapid strep test?
Pts w/ 1-2 suggestive symptoms
What are the 4 suggestive symptoms for strep?
Tonsillar exudates
Tender cervical adenopathy
Fever >101F
Pharyngeal erythema, absence of cough
5 characteristics that make a UTI complicated
Back pain
Rx for complicated UTI
10-14 days fluoroquinolone
Which UTI pts require hospitalization?
Rigors, high fever, flank pain, N/V
Rx for uncomplicated UTI (3 options)
3 days Bactrim
With sulfa allergy, use cipro or nitrofurantoin
Is conjunctivitis usually painful?
Laterality of each of the 3 types of conjunctivitis
Bacterial: unilateral
Viral: unilateral --> bilateral
Allergic: bilateral
Which type of conjunctivitis usually does not have a foreign body sensation
Which type of conjunctivitis has preauricular adenopathy?
Most common pathogen in viral conjunctivitis
3 most common pathogens in bacterial conjunctivitis
Pneumococcous, neisseria, staph
Risk with neisseria conjunctivitis
Scars cornea
Presentation of staph conjunctivitis
Chronic, ulcers
Rx for allergic conjunctivitis
Cool compresses, decongestant-antihistamine drops, oral antihistamine
Rx for bacterial conjunctivitis (2)
Erythryomycin ophthalmic ointment OR
Polymyxin/trimethoprim drops
Average gain in life expectancy from colon cancer screening
2-3 months
When to stop cervical cancer screening?
Average gain in life expectancy from cervical caner screening
3 mo
Average gain in life expectancy for mammography
PSA is most useful in which age group
50-70yo with average risk
45+ with increased risk (AA or FH)
Who needs flu vaccine?
>50, pregnant in 2nd/3rd trimester, serious medical condition, HCWs, nursing home residents
Who needs pneumovax?
>65yo, chronic medical condition (esp asplenia), nursing home reidents
Who needs HBV vaccine?
Hemodialysis, HCWs, IVDU, >1 sexual partner in 6mo, STD, MSM, traveler, prison inmate/worker
How many VZV vaccine doses are needed?
2 for susceptibles 18+, otherwise only 1 at 1yo
Which vaginitis has usually lasted for weeks to months before presentation?
Bacterial vaginosis
Vaginitis with itching odor after urination/intercourse
Vaginitis w/ discharge, itching, and burning pain
Vaginitis w/ extreme itching, discharge, and dyspareunia
Gray vs. green/frothy discharge
BV vs. trich
Strawberry cervix with vaginitis symptoms can indicate
pH in BV, candida, and trich
High in BV and trich (particularly latter)
Normal (4-4.5) in candida
Rx for BV
Metronidazole (Flagyl) PO 500mg BID
Rx for candida
Diflucan 150mg PO x1 dose or 1wk of Monistat OTC
Rx for Trich
Metronidazole 2g PO x1 dose, also treat sexual partner
Thyroid nodule work-up
Thyroid US
Work-up of thyroid nodule with indeterminate FNA
Meds that increase risk for osteoporosis (6)
Excess thyroid replacement
Antacids w/ aluminum
Definition of osteopenia
T score -2.5 < T < -1.0
Preventive meds for osteoporosis
Calcium + Vita D: 500mg BID or TID (Ca best absorbed in doses of 500mg or less)
5 potential treatment options for osteoporosis
Estrogen (more prevention)
Nasal calcitonin
PTH (Teriparatide)
Stare and lid lag may indicate
Puffy facies and hoarseness may indicate
Nail and skin in hyper vs. hypo thyroidism
Hyper: warm/moist skin, fine hair, hair loss

Hypo: coarse hair and skin, alopecia
Tender goiter + fever, myalgia, recent URI
DeQuervain's thyroiditis (subacutre granulomatous thyroiditis)
Thyroglobulin levels in thyroiditis
Thyroglobulin levels in exogenous hyperthyroidism
Decreased (suppressed)
What lab tests are elevated in Hashimoto's?
Antithyroglobulin and antimicrosomal Abs
Rx for hyperthyroidism
Rx for hyperthyroidism in pregnancy
Adjunctive therapy for hyperthyroidism (2)
Beta blockers