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41 Cards in this Set

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is, ea, id
dieser, diese, dieses; er, sie, es
this; he, she, it
nox, noctis, f. (Gen. Pl. -ium)
multa nocte
in tiefer Nacht
in the middle of the Night
sleep, dream
excitare, excito
wecken, erregen, ermuntern
to wake up
animadvertere, animadverto, animadverti
bemerken, wahrnehmen
to notice
surgere, surgo, surrexi
sich aufrichten, sich erheben, aufstehen
to get oneself up, to rise, to stand up
summus, a, um
der hochste, der letzte, der oberste
the highest, the last (final, ultimate)
pauci, ae, a
few, a few
contendere, contendo, contendi
eilen, sich anstrengen
to hurry, to exert oneself
currere, curro, cucurri
eilen, laufen
to hurry, to run
arcessere, arcesso, arcessivi
herbeirufen, holen
to call over, to summon
imperare, impero (m. Dat.)
befehlen, herrschen (uber)
to order, to rule (over), to command
claudere, claudo, clausi
abschlieBen, einschlieBen
to close, to shut off
primus, a, um
der erste
lux, lucis, f.
Licht, Tageslicht
light, daylight
prima luce
bei Tagesanbruch (wann?)
at first light, at daybreak, at sunrise
profecto (Adv.)
sicherlich, tatsachlich
surely, certainly
duo, duae, duo
stare, sto, steti
to stand
discedere, discedo, discessi
auseinandergehen, weggehen
to depart, to leave
convocare, convoco
to call together, to summon
accusare, accuso
anklagen, beschuldigen
to accuse, to charge (with a crime)
defendere, defendo, defendi
abwehren, verteidigen, schutzen
to defend
insidiae, insidiarum, f. Pl.
Falle, Attentat, Hinterlist
trap, trick
insidias parare
eine Falle stellen
to set a trap
vitare, vito
meiden, vermeiden
to avoid
monere, moneo, monui
to warn, to admonish
postulare, postulo
to demand
pellere, pello, pepuli
schlagen, vertreiben
to strike, to chase out
mittere, mitto, misi
(los)lassen, schicken, werfen
to release, to send, to throw
restare, resto, restiti
ubrigbleiben, Widerstand leisten
to be left over, to make a stand
dare, do, dedi
to give
instituere, instituo, institui
beginnen, einrichten, unterrichten
to begin, to set up
attinere, attingo, attigi
to touch
respondere, respondeo, respondi
antworten, entsprechen
to respond, to answer
expellere, expello, expuli
vertreiben, verbannen
to drive out
ostendere, ostendo, ostendi
zeigen, darlegen
to show
(M. Tullius) Cicero, Ciceronis
Marcus Tullius Cicero (Konsul 63 v. Chr.)
Marcus Tullius Cicero (Consul in 63 BC)
Catilina, m.
Catilina (Anfuhrer der Verschworung)
Catiline (Leader of the Conspiracy)
Tiro, Tironis
Tiro (Sekretar Ciceros)
Tiro (Cicero's assistant)