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120 Cards in this Set

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_____ consists of sheets of aggregated cells of similar type that cover or line the external and internal surfaces of the body ?
what are the 4 functions of epithelium?
protection, absorption, secretion, and diffusion
classification of epithelium is based on ____ and ____.
number of layers present
shape of the cells
____ epithelium has a single layer of cells restin on the basement membrane.
____ epithelium has two or more layers of cells with only the basal cell layer resting on the basement membrane.
____ ____ epithelium is a single layer of flat, thin, and scale like cells. A has a nucleus that is either ___ or ____ shaped to give its slightly elevated appearance
simple squamous epithelium
sperical or oval shaped nucleus
what are the five things that simple squamous epithelium line?
blood vessels
pleural and peritoneal cavities
pulmonary alveoli
glomerular capsule
____ ____ epithelim is a single layer of cuboidal cells with centrally placed nucleus
simple cubiodal epithelium
what are two places that simple cuboidal epithelium line?
thyroid gland and collecting ducts of the kidney
____ ____ epithelium consists of tall, narrow cells. The nucleus is oval and located near the base of the cell.
simple columnar epithelium
what are the three four places that simple columnar epithelium line?
gall bladder
what are the four types of basic tissues?
connective tissue
muscular tissue
nervous tissue
_____ _____ epithelium is composed of a single layer of cells, but because of the different cell shape and nuclei location at various layers, give an impression of stratisfied epithelium.
pseudostratisfied columnar epithelium
where would psedostratisfied epithelium occur in the body?
trachea and bronchi (cilated form)
____ _____ epithelium has several layers of the cellsl with most superficial cells having a squamous shape.
stratisfied squamous epithelium
where would stratisfied squamous epithelium occur in the body?
skin (keratinized)
cornea (non-keratinized)
where would you fine stratisfied cubiodal epithelium?
lining of the excretory ducts of glands
where would you find columnar epithelium?
in the parotid and mandibular gland ducts
_____ epithelium lines hollow organs and is capable of considerable distention. when relaxed, superficial cells are dome-shpaed and bulge into the lumen. When stretched, the superficial cells are reduced to a few layers of flattened cells
transitional epithelium
where would you find transistional epithelium?
urinary bladder
what two things does a gland consist of ?
parenchyma and stroma
____ is a glandular or secretory epithelium and duct system
____ is a supportive framework of CT
endocrine gland
ductless gland, secretions are released into intercelluar fluid and transported to the site of action by blood
exocrine gland
has ducts, can be simple or compound gland
____ glands produce a thin, watery secretion. These cells have ____ nuclei in the center and their apical cytoplasm is filled with small ____ granules (zymogen granules)
serous glands
spherical nuclei
secretory granules
where would you find serous glands?
parotid salivary gland
____ glands produce a thick, viscous (mucin) secretion to form a ____ covering. The cells stain lightly with ___ and ___ because of mucin. The nuclei are ____ and displaced towards the basal part of the cell.
mucous glands
protective covering
heterochromatin and euchromatin
_____ have both serous and mucus acini. Generally, the serous cells are located over the mucus ____ as serous ____.
mucus acini
serous demilunes
where would you find seromucus glands?
mandibular salivary gland
_____ have secretory granules enclosed in a membrane, discharged by exocytosis.
____ are membrane-bounded granule, together with a rim of cytoplasm and plasmalemma, is released from the apex of the cell.
where would you find apocrine glands?
sweat amd mammary glands
_____ is the entire cell released as the secretory product
what is an example of holocrine?
sebaceous gland
____ is the secretory material from one cell is transferred from one cell to the cytoplasm of another cell.
what is an example of cytocrine?
transfer of melanin pigment from the melanocytes into keratinocytes
_____ cells are interspersed between the secretory cells and basement membrane. When contracted, these cells force the secretory product into the duct system.
Myoepithlial cells
_____ ____ connect other tissue and provides a framework to support the entire body by cartilage and bones.
connective tissue
what are the 9 connective tissue cells?
mesenchymal cells
fibroblasts fibrocytes
reticular cells
plasma cells
pigment cells
what are the three fibers of connective tissue?
collagen fibers
elastic fibers
reticular fibers
what are the 3 components of the amorphous ground substance?
interstitial fluid
____ fibers are present in tendon, ligament, and organ capsules.
collagen fibers are most abundant in _____ CT and are composed of the fibrous protein ______. Collagen is strong and flexible but _____. Collagen has a ____ arrangement.
mature CT
collagen protein
wavy arrangement
reticular fibers form_____, _____ networks around capillaries, _____, and ____. These fibers form the _____ of liver, endrocrine, and lymphatic organs.
delicate, flexible network
muscle fibers and nerves.
elastic fibers are present in stuctures that require_____.
what structures in the body require elasticity from elastic fibers?
aorta and muscular arteries,
nuchal ligament, pinna of ear, and lungs
cells and fibers of CT are embedded in an amorphous ground substance composed of ______ and ____.
glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and proteoglycans.
what are the three main types of CT
adult CT
special CT
what are the two types of embryonic CT?
1. mesenchymal CT
2. Mucous or Gelatinous CT
what are the 5 types of adult CT?
1. loose or areolar CT
2. Dense CT
3. Elastic CT
4. Reticular CT
5. Adipose CT
what are the 2 types of special CT?
1. Cartilage
2. Bone
______ CT gives rise to various adult types of adult CT
____ or ____CT is characterized by stellate (star shaped) fibroblast and viscous, gel like amorphous ground substance with collagen fibers. Surrounds umbilical cord
mucous or gelatinous CT
____ or ____ CT is found beneath the epithelium (lamina propria, hypodermis)
loose or areolar CT
where is Areloar CT found?
around blood vessels and nerves and in serous membranes (produce serous fluid, found in saliva)
In areolar CT ____ substance predominates.
ground substance
in areolar CT many scattered cells of ______ types.
various types
in areolar CT, loose network of fine _____, ____ and ____ fibers.
collagenous, reticular, and elastic fibers
_____CT is mainly composed of ____ ____ fibers and few ____ cells.
Dense CT
thick collagenous fibers
few fibroblast cells
dense irregular CT is in capsules of the ____, and ____ layer of the dermis.
deep layer
dense regular CT is found in ___, ___, and____?
elastic tissue is characterized by numerous ___ and ____ arranged elastic fibers.
reticular tissue is composed of numerous ___ cells and a network of ____ fibers
reticular cells
reticular fibers
where would you find reticular tissue?
spleen, lymph node, and liver
adipose tissue consists of _____ within the loose CT of mesenteries (membrane that attaches organ to body wall), around ____ and ____. Two types of adipose tissue are ___ and ____.
blood vessels and nerves
brown and white adipose tissue
cartilage consists of cartilage cells (___ and ____) and ____. It lacks ____ ___.
chondroblasts and chondrocyes and matix.
blood vessels
cartilage matrix is composed of fibers and ground substance containing ____ and ____ and the adhesive molecules ____ and ____.
proteoglycans and GAGs
chondronectin and fibronectin
what are the 3 things that make up GAGs
chondroitin sulphate, keratin sulphate, and hyluronic acid
what are the 3 types of cartilage?
hyaline cartilage
elastic cartilage
in hyaline cartilage, chondrocytes occur singly in a ___ or in clusters called ____ groups.
isogenous groups
in hyalaline cartilage, the ground substance is firm gel-laced with type __ collagen fibers, which have the same refractive index as ground substance.
hyaline cartilage is surrounded by ____ with is composed of an outer fibrous layer (collagen fibers and fibroblast) and an inner chondrogenic layer (chondroblast)
where would you find hyaline cartilage in the body?
articular sufaces of the bones, nose and trachea
elastic cartilage is similar to hylaline cartilage except the large amount of ____ fibers are embedded in _____ substance.
elastic fibers
ground substance
elastic cartilage lacks a distinct ___ although surrounded by____ fibers.
where would you find fibrocartiage in the body?
intervertebral disks and menisci
____ is a specialized CT composed of : intercellular calcified material _____ matrix and three cell types ___, ___, and____.
bone matrix
osteocytes and osteoclasts
osteoblasts varies in ___ to ___ in shape and are located on the surface of bone. The nucleus is located in the ____ region of intesely ____ cytoplasm. It secretes _____ (organic matter of bone matrix) which is subsequently calcified by the deposition of calcium salts.
columnar to squamous in shape
basal region
basophilic cytoplasm
osteoclasts are derived from ____, lies in ____. Surrounded by calcified interstitial ___. Their numerous long processes extend into the ____ within the matrix and make contact with adjacent osteocytes.Also have many nuclei
osteoclast is a large ____ cell located in the area of bone ____ or ____. The activated osteoclast has a ____ border created by extensive ____ of the cell membrane. It secretes ___ and ___ enzymes for bone resorption.
resorption and remodeling
ruffled border
acid and lysosomal enzymes
bone matrix is the organic matter that contains sulphated ___, ___, and ___ collagen fibers, coursing in a ___ direction. In the inorganic matter, ____ and ___ are abundant, but bicarbonate, citrate, magnesium, potassium, and sodium are also found. The ___ and ___ form hydroxyapatie crystals deposited as slender needles within the collagen network.
GAGs, glycoprotein, and type 1
calcium and phosphous
calcium and phosphorous
periosteum consists of ___ and ___ layers. It is absent on the articulating surfacesand its sites where ___ and ___ inserts on the bone.
fibrous and osteogenic layers
tendons and ligaments
the collagen fibers from the fibrous layer of the periosteum, ___, and ___ are embedded in the bone matrix as perforating ____ fibers.
tendons and ligaments
sharpeys fibers
endosteum lines the marrow cavity with a single layer of ___, ___ and ___
squamous cells, osteoblast, and osteoclasts
compact bone forms the outer surface of the ___ and ___. Whereas, the spongy bone occurs in the interior of the _____.
diaphysis and epiphysis
spongy bone, aka cancellous consists of delicate ___ plates and ___, which run in various directions.
bony plates and spicules
Compact bone consists 5 things.
haversian systems
outer and inner circumferential lamellae
interstitial lamellae
each osteon consists of a _____ ___ surrounded by ____ ____.
central canal
concentric lanellae
the central canal of compact bone contains ____ ____, ___, and _____ CT, while the concentric lamellae are ____ fibers arranged concentrically around the central canal.
blood vessels, nerves, and loose CT
collagen fibers
each osteon is surrounded by ____ surface that consists of ____ matrix with a few ____ fibers.
cementing substance
mineralized matrix
few collagen fibers
the central canals are connected by ____ canals.
perforating canals
intramembranous ossification
ossification of skull bones, not base of skull however
intracartilagenous ossification
ossification of appendicular skeleton, vertebral column and bones of the base of the skull
muscle tissue has property of ___ and produces ____ movement on contraction.
organized movement
specialized cells of muscle
myocytes (muscle fibers or myofibrils)
cytoplasm (sacroplasm)
the sacroplasm is ____ becaue of numerous myofilaments
skeletal muscle is ___ and ___
striated and voluntary
where do you find skeletal muscle?
muscle that is attached to the skeleton
cardiac muscle is ___ and ____.
striated and involuntary
smooth muscle is ___ and ___.
non-striated and involuntary
where would you find smooth muscle?
walls of most viscera
smooth muscle ____ fibers are elongated cells that range from 10-110 um in diameter and 50 cm in length.
myocytes are derived from the prenatal fusion of many _____ _____
mononuclear myoblasts
myocytes have ___ ___ nuclei located peripherally.
multiple oval
each muscle cell contains myofibrils aligned in ____ direction.
myofibrils are composed of ___ and ___ filaments.
thick and thin
thick and thin filaments overlap in the darker ____ whereas, only thin myofilaments are present in the ____.
A band (anisotrophic)
I bank (isotrophic)
the I band is bissected by the ___
z line
the A band shows a lighter zone in the center, the ____ which is bisected by the ____
H band
M line
the smallest unit of the contractile apparatus is the ____ which is between two adjacent Z lines.
the sacroplasm contains ___, ___, ___, and ____. It is covered by the _____
smooth ER (sacroplasmic reticulum)
glycogen, mitochondria, and myoglobin.
sacrolemma (cell membrane)
each muscle fiber is surrounded by a ____ ___ and ____ fibers, the ____.
basal lamina and reticular fibers teh endomysium
each bundle of muscle fibers (fasicles) is surrounded by dense irregular CT termed ____.
the muscle at the gross anatomical level is surrounded by dense irregular CT the ____. .
____ cells are spindle shaped with heterchromatic nuclei, located adjacent to ____. these cells represent inactive myoblasts that can be activated upon injury to initate some regeneration of muscle fibers.
cardiac muscle myocytes (fibers) branch and anastomose. the ___ nucleus is located in the ___ of the cell and the sacroplasm is ____.
single nucleus
the ____ disc of cardiac cells is present at the junction of the adjacent cells. These discs link the adjacent cell ___ and ___ creating ____
intercalated disc
mechanically and electrically
smooth muscle cells are ___, ___ shaped with a ____ centrally located nucleus and ____ cytoplasm.
elonagated, spindle shaped
___ muscle regulates teh animals ability to respond appropriately to changes in its envrionment.