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151 Cards in this Set

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mammography indicated for what ages?
all women yearly over 50
bone scan for what age women?
all women over 65 and all
post mp women w/o hrt
pap smear ages?, frequency?
over 21 or 3 yrs after sex activity began; until:
over 30 and 3+ negative pap smears
TB screening for which women?
contact with TB
IV drug users
HIV inf
residents of nursing home/care facilities
health care profession
vaccines for women over 65?
tet diph booster every 10yrs
influ vaccine yearly
one time pneumococcal vaccine
is CA125 screening indicated for elderly women?
ONLY if high risk for ov cxr
parabasal cells on pap smear?
indicate estrogen lack = normal in elderly woman postmenopausal
causes of death in teens?
heart dis
cong anoms
gartner's duct cyst def?
embryonic remants of m/n duct that course along outer ant aspect of vag canal...small and asx usually
inclusion cyst def?
post lower vag surface...M/C VAGINAL CYSTS! = due to birth trauma or prev gyn surg
bartholin duct cyst?
m/c large cysts of vulva - open into groove b/w hymen and labia minora
age 45-64 mammography?
start every 1-2yrs, then anualy after 50
age 45-64 chol testing?
every 5 yrs
ocp use decreases ov cxr by what %?
by 40%!!
what % of pts who stop smoking relapse w/in 3 mo?
m/c germ cell tumors in women?
benign cystic teratoma (dermoids) = 25% of all ovarian neoplasms!!
% of dermoids that are bilat?
how does ov cxr metastasize?
mainly via para aortic and plevic lymphatics, but also hematogenously
cerv cancer staging?
Ia = microscopic
Ib = macroscopic limited to cervix
IIa = vag involvement (not lower 1/3)
IIb = " +parametrial involvement
IIIa = lower 1/3 vag
IIIb = extension to pelvic wall or hydronephrosis or nonfx kid due to cxr
IV = spread outside repro tract

L/N's NOT used in staging!!
are l/n's used in cerv cxr staging?
NO b/c staging is CLNICAL!!
NSIM for removed stage Ia cerv cxr? for stage IB or IIA? past what pt do you only do chem/rad w/no surg?
either simple hysterectomy or careful observation after complete excision
IB or IIA = rad hysterect + chem/rad...
past IIA (IIB and beyond) do only chem/rad tx and no surg
Is HRT indicated solely for the tx of osteoporosis?
increased risk for osteoporosis?
wt under 70kg;
fam hx of osteoporosis
desired BMI range as a goal for anorexia?
mom has homogenous goiter 3-6 mo post delivery, with low TSH and High T4? results on RAI uptake scan?
postpartum thyroiditis; presents initially like Grave's disease; due to acute autoimmune thyrotoxicosis after delivery; resolves in 1-3mo
HOWEVER UNLIKE grave's, uptake scan will have DECREASED uptake b/c is due to
damaged gland
HRT is indicated for what?
SHORTterm relief of postmenopausal sx
what % increase in Breast cxr does HRT cause, accordint to women's health initiative study?
26% increase!!
headaches, unilat, no aura, coming within regular 3-5 day intervals 1x / month in female?
menstrual migraines!!
tx for prego w/ uti?
cephalexin (1st gen ceph) or ampicillin;
NOT normal first line for women = tmpsmx b/c sulfa's may cause fetal inhibition of albumin binding and a resulting fetal hyperbilirubinemia; not 2nd line = nitrofurantoin bc nausea and fetal hemolysis due to fetal def of erythrocyte phosphate dehydrogenase
% of women with peripartum cardiomyopathy that spont resolve? tx for?
only 50%...the rest need tx with ie
salt restriction, ace i's, diur's, digitalis, b-blockers,etc
tx for vulvar carcinoma?
surgical - radical vulvectomy +bilat inguinal lymphadenectomy; or if mets = bilat full PELVIC lymphadenectomy
most sensitive pelvic organ to radiation?
pregnant woman at highest risk for which cancer?
cervical - due to assoc of preg w/ younger age
only time that a cone bx is indicated in pregnancy?
if microinvasive disease is apparent from previous colposcopy and cerv bx. otherwise, trauma to cervix during preg is too risky
m/c cancers in adults?
The most common cancers in adults are skin cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, rectal cancer, breast cancer, endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer and prostate cancer.
m/c cancers in women?
Endom / uterine

radical hysterectomy indicated for what stage cerv cxr?
what is a radical hysterectomy?
upper 1/3 vag
all pelvic l/n's
uterosacral/uterovesical ligaments
entire parametrium on both sides of cervix
automatic indications for explorative laparotomy for suspected ov cxr?
papillary veg on pathology
>10cm size
solid lesions
if see ovarian cyst on U/S, what NSIM?
follow for 1 menstr cycle to detm if follicular cyst which should regress.
clitoral vs rest of vulvar L/N drainage?
clit drainage = directly to deep fem nodes-->ext iliac
vulva = sup ing l/n's --> deep fem--> ext iliac

so if carcinoma is near the midline, it's possible that only the deep fem nodes involved w/o sup inguinals
7 y/o girl with grape-bunch-like mass in vagina and vaginal bleeding?
sarcoma botryoides
most epith tumors of ovary are benign or malignant?
90% benign; 25% of these are dermoids (teratomas)
m/c epithelial malignant tumor?
serous carcinoma
serous carcinoma of ovary has what on histology?
psammoma bodies (30% of tumors)
what % serous carcinoma of ovary are bilateral?
histology: loss of rete pegs within the dermis and chronic inflamm infiltrate below dermis; decrease in number of cellular layers?
lichen sclerosis
tx of lichen sclerosis?
laser or cryo if this doesn't work
hpv type causing condylomata acuminata ? causing CIN /cxr?

16, 18, 31
tumor assoc with excessive estrogen production, 15% also causing endom carcinoma?
granulosa / theca cell tumor of ovary
tumor of 45 xx/46 xy female with ambiguous genitalia?
s/e of this drug is hemorrhagic cystitis and alopecia?
s/e of this chemo drug is renal failure and neural toxicity?
Cisplatin -
pts must be WELL hydrated to prevent renal failure
s/e of this chemo drug is allergic rxns and bone marrow depression?
s/e of this chemo drug are pulm fibrosis?
s/e of this chemo drug is cardiac toxicity?
s/e of this chemo drug is peripheral neuropathy?
invasive mole vs choriocarcinoma?
invasive mole = has chorionic villi; 15% of hydat moles become this
choriocarc = none; 3% of hydat moles become this ; met spread to lungs is early; easily tx'd with chemo
tx for large condylomata acuminata on vagina?
local excision;
if smaller, may do podophyllin, 5fu, or imiquimod, or TCAcid application
painless chancre that later becomes macular rash vs. painless chancre that later becomes painful adenopathy in inguinal and perirectal areas? vs. painless chancre with donovan bodies on histo? vs painful chancre?
1) syphilis
2) Lymphogranuloma venereum of chlamydia - tx tetracycline
3) granulmoa inguinale - tx tetracycline
4) h ducreyi - tx azithro
inguinal granulomas caused by? what see on pathology? tx?
granuloma inguinale; C. granulomatis; see donovan bodies
tx = tetracycline
antibody titers tested for HIV how long after exposure?
initially right away, but then wait 6-12 weeks as it may take 6 weeks for seroconversion; then follow up again 1 yr later for late seroconverters
NSIM for Pap showing HSIL but colposcopy only showing CIN 1 ?
this is descrepancy b/w pap and colp; thus, CONE BIOPSY is indicated
agus found on pap smear, NSIM?
LSIL on pap smear, NSIM?
probably CIN 1 so can watch and wait, but most will still do colposcopy
intense burning with pain on intercourse; several punctate erythematous lesions 3-8mm b/w bartholin's glands? tx?
vulvar vestibulitis
looser clothing, stop tampon use,
if this doesnt work,
tx with topical lidocaine, steroids, and estrogen
m/c sx of lichen sclerosis?
chronci vulvar pruritis
tx for bact vaginosis? trichomonas? candidiasis? c trachomatis?
metronidazole 500mg bid for 7 days
metro single dose 2g
triazoles, fluconazole (diflucan)
doxycycline (+ceftriaxone for gon)
initial inpatient managment of PID? NSIM for tuboovarian abscess?
cefoxitin (2nd gen ceph) + cefotetan + doxy
Or outpatient mangament (pg 235)

NSIM = hospitalize and give IV ab's; if doesnt resolve, drain abscess via lapscopy or percut CT guidance
what therapy is contraindiciated for pts with atypical endometrial hyperplasia?
is there any use for OCP's in postmenopausal bleeding?
ABSOLUTE c/i's to postmp HRT?
breast/uterus (est dependent) tumors;
active thromboembolic disease;
undiagnosed genital tract bleeding;
severe liver disease
malignant melanoma
order of puberty?
thelarche (NORM AGE 9-11)
adrenarche/pubarche (pubic hair) age 11-12.8
growth spurt
pubertal delay? tx?
no thelarche by 13, or
adrenarche by 14,
or menarche by 16
tx = eval for cause;
precocious puberty def? tx?
pub changes before 8 yrs in females, 9 in males
tx =gnrh agonist (in past tx was MPA)
mcune albright syndrome?
cafe aulait spots
precocious puberty
osteofibrous dysplasia (cystic degen of longbones)
CNS tumors acct for what % of precocious puberty? what is most common cause precocious puberty?
m/c is idiopathic
rf's for osteoporosis?
Thin, smoker, whit/asian, little physical activity
why do pts with adren insuff syndrome (test feminization) have breasts?
b/c at puberty, hothal signals testes to produce testosterone,which is converted to estradiol - causes breast formation
galactorrhea with primary amenorrhea?
think first hypothyroidism: low T4=high TRH stims release of prolactin and TSH from pit = hyperprolactinemia =galactorrhea.

OR also consider cranial tumor/ pit gland tumor
tx for dysmenorrhea?
ocp's, and antiprostoglandins
tx for endometriosis? mech?
1) danazol -a modified testosterone; inhibits ovarian steroidogenesis so inhibits estradiol prod; causes endometrial tissue atrophy and a 'pseudomenopausal state' to ensue with no cycles
2) OCP's
3) GNRH analogues
4) progestins continuous
anosmia and primary amenorrhea, delayed puberty, and normal stature?
kallman's = just test sense of smell
tx for precocious puberty?
gnrh agonist = leuprolide
dysmenorrhea and menorrhagia with
tender, symmetrical, enlarged uterus with no adnexal px,
pt with pituitary ablation requires what for normla ovulation?
hMG (gonadotropin, since cant produce anymore FSH / LH since pit is gone) and hCG timed to take place of LH surge (like done during infertility schedule)
climiphen citrate stimulates what? how?
stimulates GNRH release by competing w/circulating estrogens to BLOCK neg feedback on hypoth
prolactin levels normal? of pregnancy?
normal = 25 ng/mL
preg = up to 250 ng/mL is normal
tx for hyperprolactinemia?
dop agonist = parlodel
is bleeding a sx of fibroids, endometriosis, or both?
mainly fibroids, not endometriosis (cyclical PX mainly)
salpingitis isthmica nodosa?
diverticuli of fallopian tubes
tx for asherman's syndrome?
hysteroscopy with lysis of adhesions
stress, phenothiazine, and hypthalamic lesions all may cause what?
decreased PIF = causing hyperprolactinemia
1 ovaries
2 adipose conversion of
3 dhea-s of adrenals converted
to estriol in placenta
normal male with a uterus..Dx?
mullerian inhibitory factor deficiency
progesterone levels in mid-luteal phase of what = luteal phase defect?
less than 7ng/mL
what is luteal phase defect?
failure of ovary to produce enough prog to stimulate adequate endometrial support during luteal phase; NOT due to low LH levels
HIrsutism + HIgh LH:FSH ratio ...dx?
DHAS is marker of ?
adrenal androgen production; if elevated in hirsutism, know source
s/e's of gnrh agonists?
flushing, headaches
tx for primary dysmenorrhea? tx for primary dysmenorrhea in sex active female who doesn't wnt pregnancy?
antiprostoglandins (indometh, naproxen, ibuprofen)
OCP's (will do both)
vaginal dilatation or artific vag created withsplit thickness skin grafts
test fem vs mullerian agenesis?
both have blind vag pouch and no uterus; test fem has much less sexual hair; and is 46 XY
greatest efficacy tx for PMS?
SSRI's !!
what part of puberty progression is NOT caused (even in part) by estrogen
thelarche IS
adrenarche IS NOT (hair is b/c of androgens from adrenals and then from ovaries)
growth spurt IS in part
Menses IS
first indications of puberty (hormonal)
nocturnal LH pulses
normal semen analysis?
20mill sperm
50% forward motility
60% norm morphology
2 mL volume
What day of cycle should the following tests be done?
1)postcoital test
2) prog levels for inad lut phase test?
1)sex on day 14
3) 26 = 2 days before expected onset of menses, when endom should be thickest
4) 8 = midfoll phase when endom is thinnest
5) 3 = early follicular phase
M/C cause of hirsutism? proposed mechof action?
selective insulin resistance
woman with RAPIDLY virilizing characteristics...dx?
Sertoli/leydig cell tumor secreting testosterone
pcos produces elevated levels of what?
estrone is made in adipose tissue....are levels for estrone req'd in workup for PCOS?
how does spironolactone work to tx PCOS?
competes for androgen receptor
tx for CAH?
change of regular, monthl pds to irregular, infrequent vaginal bleeding pds withunderlying diabetes and morbid obesity?
classic case of chronic anovulation
tx for woman with heavy and acute bleeding due to anovulation?
HIGH DOSE conjugated estrogen every 4 hours until bleeding abates
hrt use increases risk of what in women? by what amt?
thromboembolic events 2-3fold increase
estrogen / HRT use effects on lipid levels?
increases HDL, trig, decreases LDL and total chol
first sx of ovarian dysfxn in normal menopause?
hot flashes
what tx for hot flashes? time before tx begins to work?
estrogen, takes 3-6 weeks
main cause of true precocious puberty? isosexual?
true = idiopathic, or tumors, hx of meningitis, hypoth, or mcune albright
iso= ovarian tumor
salpingitis isthmica nodosa findings on HSG?
see diverticulum of tube and salt and pepper pattern of tubal fililng
m/c type of stress incontinence?
GENUINE usi = anatomic defect of u/v jxn / incompetence of ureth sphincter caused by one or both of: 1) p floor damage, nerve damage due to childbearing, etc. 2) hypermobility of urethra (also due to weakend pelvic floor) such that bladder and angle of u/v jxn moves down
less common type of stress incontinence?
intrinsic urethral sph deficiency, usually caused by surgical failure for procedures trying to correct Genuine SUI
m/c cause of urge incontinience?
detrusor instability: urine loss WHEN desire to voide when feeling bladder is full; cause unknown; demonstrated by sponaenous detrusor contractions when bladder is full
other causes are urethral instability and detrusor hyperreflexia (in elderly, due to cns disorder)
GSUI vs Detrusor instability on urodynamic tests?
GSUI= after cough, pt loses urine and anatomic descent of bladder neck occurs
DI = sponatneous contractions of bladder muscles
what's the q-tip test for?
for GSUI: if q-tip placed in urethra when pt in lithotomy position, and upon cough/increased abd pressure, it moves > 30% from horizontal = GSUI
tx of SUI?
transvag Tape procedure or retro pubic urethropexy (but older method: MMK causes osteitis pubis often, so Burch procedure done, OR actually, TVT sling procedure done more commonly now)
first thing in workup for SUI?
urine culture for UTI!!
cystometry and cystoscopy mainly done for what?
to rule out causes of SI other than U/V angle descent (ie detrusor instability, or neoplasms, stones, infection, diverticula, etc.
complic of sling procedure?
infection and ulceration due to foreign body
detrusor instability def?
involuntary, uninhibited bladder contractions of > 15cmH2) with urethrral relaxation
m/c cause of stress incontinence in elderly women?
detrusor instability
does uterine prolapse cause USI?
no, it often causes continence b/c pressure on urethra; thus, often the surgery to correct it causes incontinence
frequent uti's, dribbling, hematuria, dypareunia, due to what problem w/ urethra?
urethral diverticula - affects 4% of all women!
severed ureter during hysterectomy: how to tx?
re-implant ureter into bladder
ut artery in relation to ureter?
water under the bridge: ureter passes immediately inferior to uterine artery near the lateral fornix of vagina
primary reason to perform cystometrogram?
to rule out detrusor instability in pt with suspected GSUI. urethral pressur e profile should be NORMAL if just GSUI.
normal first sensation of fullness , urge felt on cystometrogram?
at 100ml, urge at 350
max cap = 450
sx of detrusor instability?
urgency, frequency, and nocturia
painless continous loss of urine from vagina?
vesicovaginal fistula
tx for stress incontinence caused by cystocele?
still is surgery
fecal incontinence is related to what common disease?
diabetes = 20% of diabetics report f.i.!
painless and continous loss of urine starting 8 days after a gyn procedure/
Vesicovag fistula
what is procidentia?
= same as 3rd degree uterine prolapse: uterus is located outside of body
tx for: 1)elderly pt with ut prolapse that does not bother pt? 2) causes px but pt has high surgical risk? 3) causes px in pt with low surg risk? 4) same as 3 but pt doesn't require sexual fxn anymore?
2- pessary
3- hysterectomy + Ant & Post vaginal repair
4- le Fort procedure ( partial obliteration of vag by suturing upper walls together
tx for vaginal vault prolapse in surg high risk pt? if ulcer on prolapse tissue?
if ulcer - tx first with topical estrogen cream
urge incontinence tx?
bladder training, eliminate excessive h20 and caffeine intake, biofeedback. if these don't work, give anticholinergics to decrease bladder contractions caused by Parasympathetic innervation; or b ag's, antidep's, or dop agonists (all these stim bladder relaxation)
1st line tx for UTI in female? if allergic?
tmp-smx (bactrim)
nitrofurantoin if allergic
if no sepsis and AB's tolerable, can pt with acute pyelonephritis be txed as outpatient?
recurrent uti's directly after sexual intercourse tx?
suggest voiding after intercourse; if this doesn't work, igve prophyl ab tx!