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12 Cards in this Set

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pressure gradient
blood, and most fluids flow down pressure gradients, meaning that they flow from high to low pressure
why do u lose pressure in the systemic
the mean arterial pressure (aortic) is the highest (estimates the pressure of the LV contraction)
lose pressure as you get to the vein, and the least (The vena cava) because of friction between the blood and blood vessel walls
hydrostatic pressure
not moving, the lateral component of pressure, around the height of the water column

once the fluid starts flowing (dynamic) then you start to see loss in pressure
isovolumetric contraction
occurs when the left ventricle contracts on the slightly compressible blood, transfering the energy to the blood, but since the AV/semilunar are closed, blood has no where to go...
increase pressure without decreasing volume
driving pressure
created by the left ventricle, allows higher pressure blood to displace lower pressure blood of the ciruclation
flow is proportional to
pressure gradient (the difference between the absolute P in two different areas), depends on change P not absolute P

Flow = 1/R
the tendency to oppose flow, comes from friction between blood and blood vessel and cell to cell contact
resistance equation
Poiseulle's law

R = 8nL/r40
n = viscosity (doesn't really change)
L = length of system (since in closed determined system, doesn't change)
8/pi = constant

only thing that matters is r4
flow rate
volume of blood the passes a certain point per given time period (L/min)
velocity of flow
distance given a fluid per unit of time
equation of veloctiy
v = flow rate (Q) / cross sectional area (A)

which means that the velocity is FASTER in smalller area
equation for the mean arterial pressure
CO X Periferal resistance (arterioles)