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120 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
Assumption Bill
George Washinton
Proclaimation of Neutrality
George Washinton
Bill of Rights Ratified
George Washinton
Bank of the United States Chartered
George Washinton
Lancaster Turnpike Begins
George Washinton
Whiskey Rebellion is put down
George Washinton
Jay Treaty w/ England
George Washinton
Pinckney Treaty w/ Spain
George Washinton
Farewell Address
George Washinton
Alien and Sedition Acts
John Adams
Navy Department Created
John Adams
Eleventh Amendment Ratified
John Adams
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
John Adams
"Midnight Judges"
John Adams
John Marshall as Chief Justice
Thomas Jefferson
Marbury v. Madision
Thomas Jefferson
Louisiana Purchase
Thomas Jefferson
12th Amendment Ratified
Thomas Jefferson
Lewis and Clarck Expedition
Thomas Jefferson
War w/ Barbary Pirates
Thomas Jefferson
Embargo Act
Thomas Jefferson
Non-intercourse Act
Thomas Jefferson
Macon Act
James Madision
"War Hawks"
James Madision
Indian fight at Tippecanoe
James Madision
National Road begun
James Madision
War of 1812
James Madision
Treaty of Ghent restores peace
James Madision
Hartford Convention
James Madision
Battle of New Orleans
James Madision
Second Bank of the US chartered
James Madision
First Protective Tariff
James Madision
Marshall Court Decisions
-McCulloch v. Maryland
-Dartmouth College v. Woodward
-Gibbons v. Ogden
James Monroe
Rush-Bagot Agreement approved
James Monroe
Florida from Spain
James Monroe
Missouri Compromise
James Monroe
First public high school opens
James Monroe
Monroe Doctrine
James Monroe
Sectional Tariff
James Monroe
Favorite son election
James Monroe
Erie Canal Opens
John Quincey Adams
Tariff of Abominations
John Quincey Adams
Calhoun's Exposition and Protest
John Quincey Adams
work begins on Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
John Quincey Adams
Webster-Hayne Debate
Andrew Jackson
Turner Uprising in VA
Andrew Jackson
First issue of The Liberator
Andrew Jackson
Tariff od 1832
Andrew Jackson
Ordinance of Nullification
Andrew Jackson
President Vetoes Bank of US renewal
Andrew Jackson
formation of Whig Party
Andrew Jackson
Compromise Tariff
Andrew Jackson
Texas declares Independance
Andrew Jackson
Panic of 1837, depression begins
Martin Van Buren
Horace Mann begins school reform
Martin Van Buren
Oberlin College admits women
Martin Van Buren
Tangles w/ Congress over sub-treasury plan
Martin Van Buren
Webster-Ashburton Treaty
John Tyler
Vetos Clay's bill for a third Bank of the US
John Tyler
MA recognizes legal right of labor unions to exist
John Tyler
Treaty settles Oregon boundary
James K. Polk
War w/ Mexico
James K. Polk
Wilmot Proviso presented in Congress
James K. Polk
Mormons settle at Great Salt Lake
James K. Polk
Treat of Guadaloupe-Hidalgo ends war w/ Mexico
James K. Polk
Seneca Falls Convetion
James K. Polk
Gold discovered in CA
Zachary Taylor
Compromise of 1850
Millard Fillmore
Clayton-Bulwer Treaty
Millard Fillmore
Uncle Tom's Cabin published
Millard Fillmore
Gadsen Purchase Approved
Franklin Pierce
Perry Arrives in Japan
Franklin Pierce
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Franklin Pierce
Republican Party formed
Franklin Pierce
Ostend Manifesto
Franklin Pierce
Violence breaks out in Kansas
Franklin Pierce
Dred Scott Decision
James Buchanan
Licoln-Douglas debates
James Buchanan
John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry
James Buchanan
South Carolina secedes
James Buchanan
Confederacy is formed
James Buchanan
Morrill Tariff Act
James Buchanan
Civil War Begins
Abraham Lincoln
Homestead Act
Abraham Lincoln
Morrill Act for agriculture and Industrial education
Abraham Lincoln
Department of Agriculture
Abraham Lincoln
Freedmens's Bureau Created
Abraham Lincoln
13th amendment ratified
Andrew Johnson
national labor union formed
Andrew Johnson
US buys alaska
Andrew Johnson
Congressional reconstruction organized
Andrew Johnson
Grange Organized
Andrew Johnson
14th amendment ratified
Andrew Johnson
house impeaches the president. 1st pres to be impeached
Andrew Johnson
senate acquits the pres
Andrew Johnson
First transcontinental railroad completed
Ulysses S. Grant
Knights of Labor organized
Ulysses S. Grant
15th amendment
Ulysses S. Grant
Force Acts
Ulysses S. Grant
Amnesty Act
Ulysses S. Grant
Credit Mobilier scandal breaks
Ulysses S. Grant
Resumption Act
Ulysses S. Grant
Compromise of 1877
Ulysses S. Grant
"Granger Cases" decided
Ulysses S. Grant
Troops withdrawn from South
Rutherford B. Hayes
National Railroad Strikes
Rutherford B. Hayes
NY Port Authority
Rutherford B. Hayes
Bland-Allison Act
Rutherford B. Hayes
New immigration from SE europe
Rutherford B. Hayes
Chinese Exclusion Act
Chester A. Arthur
Standard Oil Trust organized
Chester A. Arthur
Pendleton Act sets up civil service commission
Chester A. Arthur
Presidential Succession Act
Grover Cleveland
AFL is organized
Grover Cleveland
Haymarket Square Riot
Grover Cleveland
Wabash Case
Grover Cleveland
Intersate Commerce Act
Grover Cleveland
Hatch Act
Grover Cleveland
Dawes Act
Grover Cleveland
McKinley Tariff
Benjamin Harrision