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18 Cards in this Set

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What year did Jeff May Sport Complex open?

Fall 2011

Where is Jeff May Sport Complex located?

1/2 block from campus

What does Jeff May include?

- Baseball field

- Softball field

- Field House

- Soccer field

- 12 Tennis courts

- A perimeter track for students and the community

Where is the Equestrian Center located?

A short distance from campus beside the Burton Center ( a center which provides work opportunities and assistance to individuals with disabilities and special needs)

Equestrian Center offers boarding too?

Horses owned by Lander University Students

What are the dimensions of the Equestrian Center?

- 26 stalls

- 300' x 150' covered arena

- 190' x 140' outdoor arena

- 30 great horses

- Classroom

- Pastures

- Paddocks

What is the Therapeutic Horsemanship Minor?

Prepares to work in Therapeutic Riding Programs and become a Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor through PATH)

What is the name of the Equestrian club?

ISHA Equestrian Club

Chipley hold how many students?

100 female students at Lander University

What is the History of Chipley?

- The oldest free standing building on campus

- Built in 1925

- Renovated Fall 2013

Where is Chipley located?

- The Center of campus close to everything

- There is a friendly atmosphere and more of what you think of as a traditional residence hall.

- Residents always comment on the great sense of community at Chipley

- How do residents get inside of Chipley?

Residents must use a key to enter the building and their individual room

What type of Laundry services does Chipley offer?

- Offers Laundry View- an online program available to watch the machines (tell when they are available, when your clothes are done, etc)

How is Chipley rooms set up?

Suite style- sharing a bedroom with your roommate, a bathroom in the center that is also shared with your suitemates

How do residents check in non-residents?

Offers front desk attendant to check guest of residents in (they must leave a Lander ID or driver's license at the desk)

What is special about LL parking lot?

The furthest point of campus

Describe the history of the Amphitheater

- Known as "The Dingle"

- Was the sight of graduations, May Day celebrations, and plays

What is the Amphitheater used for today?

- Movies and concerts

- Student Activities brings many performers to LU including bands & comedians

- Sciences and math/cis host picnics