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33 Cards in this Set

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Era of Good Feelings
A term that was coined by an editor that reflected the sense of nationalism during Monroe's term.
The splitting of one party into several different factions.
James Monroe
He was Madison's Secretary of state and became president after him.
Cultural Nationalism
Defines the nation by shared culture.
Economic nationalism
Consists of consumers favoring the goods or services produced in their country.
Tariff of 1816
This protective tariff raised tariffs on imported goods from Europe.
Protective Tariff
They tried to protect American manufacturing from European manufacturing.
Henry Clay
He proposed a plan known as the 'American system'. It advanced U.S. economic growth.
Second Bank of the United States
This bank caused the Panic of 1819
Panic of 1819
This caused many people to be put into debtors' jail.
John Marshall
He helped to strengthen the national government.
Fletcher v. Peck
The first case in which the supreme court ruled a state law unconstitutional.
McCulloch v. Maryland
Allowed the Federal government to pass laws not expressly provided for in the Constitution.
Gibbons v. Ogden
Gave congress the power to regulate interstate navigation.
Implied Powers
Powers authorized by a legal document which, while not explicitly stated, are deemed to be implied.
Tallmadge Amendment
This amendment was defeated in the senate because the south thought that it was a plan to eliminate slavery.
Missouri Compromise
In the Louisiana territory south of Missouri, slavery would be allowed. Everything north would be free.
Stephen Decatur
He is known for his bravery during the bombardment of Tripoli.
Rush-Bagot Agreement
This placed limits on border fortifications along Canada.
Treaty of 1818
Allowed for joint occupation of the Oregon territory and for the sharing of fishing grounds with Canada.
Andrew Jackson
He over-enthusiastically raided Florida.
Florida Purchase Treaty
Spain agreed to sell Florida for $5 million in claims.
Monroe Doctrine
Tried to prevent European powers from invading South or Central America.
Lancaster Turnpike
The first long-distance, paved road built in the United States.
National Road
One of the first major improved highways in the United States. It was in Cumberland.
These made it easier to send good to other parts of the country.
Eli Whitney
Inventer of the Cotton Gin
If a company became one of these, it could sell share.
Factory System
Products were mass produced under this system.
Lowell System
This system recruited young farm women and housed them on factory grounds.
Favored mass production over skilled artisans.
Groups of workers who wanted to improve their condition.
Cotton Gin
This made it easier to process short staple cotton, which was easier to grow.