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141 Cards in this Set

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ir a la ciudad
to go to the city
llegar a la oficina
to arrive at the office
regresar a casa
to return home
ver a consuelo
to see consuelo
ayudar a los ninos
to help the children
le di el paquete a carla
i gave carla the package
les compre helado a los chicos
I bought the children ice cream
salir a comer
to go out to eat
venir a vernos
to come to see us
a cuanto esta el dolor hoy
what's the exchange rate today
estos caminones se venden a veinte mil doelares
these trucks sell at 20 thousand dollars
dos veces al dia, a la semana
twice a day, a week
a sesenta millas por hora
at sixty miles per hour
a pie
on foot
a caballo
on horseback
andar a gatas
to crawl on all fours
a reganadientes
a doble espacio
double spaced
escribir a lapiz
to write in pencil
hecho a mano
made by hand
a la espanola
a la americana, a lo americano
estar setados a la mesa
to be seated at the table
tocar a la pureta
to knock at the door
a la izquierda/derecha
on the left/right
a la salida del pueblo
at the edge of town
a la salida del trabajo
upon leaving work
al final de la calle
at the end of the street
mi colegio esta a dos kilometros de aqui
my school is two kilometers from here
a la vuelta de la esquina
around the corner
a(l) mediodia/a medionoche
at noon/midnight
a las dos de la tarde
at two in the afternoon
a nuestra legada
upon out arrival
estar a dieta, a regimen
to be on a diet
al mes de trabajard aqui
after working her for one month
paso a paso
step by step
uno a uno
one by one
a veces
a escondidas
stealthily, behind someone's back
a espaldas de uno
behind someone's back
a min juicio, a mi parecer
in my opinion
el avios llega de colombia
The plane is arriving from colmbia
vengo de la farmacia
I'm coming from the drugstore
slago de casa a las ocho menos diez
i leave home at 10 to 8
son de venezuela
they're from venezuela
el tren de buenos aires
the train from buenos aires
la mochila de pedrito
pedritos backpack
la casa de mis tios
my aunt and uncles house
una casa de ladrillos
a brick house
un reloj de oro
a gold watch
una camisa de algodon
a cotton shirt
una taza de cafe
a cup of coffee
un vaso de agua
a glass of water
una caja de juguetes
a box of toys
lleno de agua
filled with water, gull of water
cudierto de nieve
covered in snow
forrado de plumon
lown lines, lined with down
vestido de negro
dressed in balck
pintado de azul
painted in blue
un leccion de musica
a music lesson
una exposisiton de arte
a music lesson
la maquina de levar
an art show
la facultad de medicina
a washing machine
el cuarto de bano
the medical school
el libro de biologia
the bathroom
una person de dinera
the bilogy book
la mujer del sombrero rojo
a wealthy person
un chica de talento
a talented girl
un hombre porte medio
a man of medium build
trabajo de programador
i work as a programmer
ciego del oho izquerido
blind in one's left eye
alto de estaturea
ancho de espaldas
broad shouldered
un metro de largo, de ancho, de alto
a meter long, wide, high
trabajar de dia, de noche
to wrk days, nights
es de dia, de noche
its daytime, nighttime
muy de manana
very early in the morning
ponerse de pie, de rodillas
to stand up, get on one's knees
estar de luto
to be in mourning
se viste, se disfraza de policia
he dresses as, disguises himself as a policeman
servir de interprete
to serve as an interpreter
hacer algo de buena fe, de mala gana
to do something in good faith, unwillingly
beber algo de trago
to drink something in one gulp
el loco de pedro
crazy pedro
la muy tonto de marta
silly marta
el pobre de mi cunado
my poor brother in law
aquel burro de recepcionista
that jerk of a receptionist
saltar de alegria
to jump for joy
gritar de dolor
to scream in pain, because of the pain
morir de hambre
to starve to death
estar loco de alegria
to be mad with joy
no poder moverse de miedo
to be paralyzed with fear
hablar de filosofia
to talk about philosophy
saber poco de aquella familia
to know little about that family
en el comedor
in the dining room
en las mesa
on the table
en el aeropuerto
at the airport
vuelvo en unos minutos
i'll be back in a few minutes
roma no se construyo en una dia
rome wasn't built in a day
en serio
en broma
not seriously, as a joke
estar en contra
to be against something, to be against it
mas alto que you en una cabeza
a head taller than I
los precios han aumentado en un 20 por ciento
Prices have gone up by 20 percent
te lo doy en diez dolared
I'll give it to you for ten dollars
te reconoci en la voz, en el andar
i recognized you by your voice, by your way of talking
ir en avion, en barco, en tran, en coche
to go by plane, by boat, by train, by car
salir con los amigos
to go out with friends
llegar con un ramillet de flores
to arrive with a bouquet of flowers
te con limon
tea with lemon
es muy amable conmigo
he's very nice to me
generoso con uno
generous with someone
insolente para con el maestro
fresh to the teacher
abrir la puerta con una llave
open the door with a key
atar el paquete con cuerda
to tie the package with a string
con pulsar esta teclas, se guarda el archico
by pushing this key, you save the file
nos recibio con una sorisa
he recieved us with a smile
lo hice con mucho esfurezo
i did it with a great deal of effort
con todos sus problemas, se hizo abogado
in spite of all his problems, he became a lawyer
con tnener tanto dinero de su tio, acabo sin un centavo
in spite of all the money he had from his uncle, he would up penniless
un cesta con ropa
a basket of clothing
un bolas con cebolla
a bag of onions
expresses accopatiment
expresses attitude
labels the means
labels the manner
expresses in spite of or nonwithstanding
can label the condent of a container and is less ambigous than de.
indicates location
indicates extent of time
is used in some expressions of manner
labels the amount by which
labels the price
labels the means by which
indicates motion from place
indicateds origin and possesion
indicates the materical which something is made of or the contents of a container
is often the equivalent of English with or in in descriptive expressions such as the foloowing
forms noun phrases that are the equivalent of noun plus noun or presnte particliple plus noun contruction in english
indicates a charecteristic
indicated a limitation or restriction on a verb or adjective