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39 Cards in this Set

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Surgery is the best treatment when

repairing, removing, or replacing body tissues or organs. Invasive process


time span that includes preperation for, the process of , and recovery from surgury

Perioperative time span includes 3 phases




Optional/Elective surgery

the condition is not life threatening. The client may choose to have it or not.

-plastic surgery

-tubal ligation


required / non-elective surgery

the surgery is necessary at some time. The client has some choice as to when the procedure will be done.

-hernia repair

-prolapsed uterus

-hip joint replacement

urgent/non-elective surgery

The surgery must be performed within a short time, to prevent further damage to the client.


-removal of inflamed appendix

Emergency surgery

The surgery must be performed immediately to save the client's life.

-ectopic pregnancy

-severe internal hemorrhage

-ruptured appendix

-angioplasty after a heart attack

Nursing interventions that are common for the post operative patient (3)

-providing emotional support to client and family

-preparing client physically for surgery

-ensuring that all legal matters , such as signing the surgical consent are carried out

-ensuring exam and tests are carried out

-family caregiving/teaching

-providing routine preoperative and post care

minimal sedation client can

respond to commands

moderate sedation client can

-depressed LOC

-client can breathe without assistance

-respond to pain

-follow some commands

deep sedation client

-cannot be easily aroused

-can respond after repeated stimulation

-may need to be supported

In Conscious sedation

-IV sedative medications are used alone or in conjuction with local anesthetics

-depressed LOC

-can breathe and is able to respond to verbal stimuli

Midazolam (HLC) is frequently used for

conscious sedation for procedures like endoscopy


-partial loss of sensation

General anesthetics

-block all body sensations and cause unconsciousness, relaxation, and loss of reflexes

These anesthetics disrupt sensation to specific body areas or parts, without causing unconsciousness

-local anesthesia

-regional anesthesia

-conduction blocks

-spinal anesthetics


absence of pain

general anesthetics are administered by these routes






-GI tract

local anesthetic is usually administred


by injection

sometimes freezing with ethyl chloride

Lidocaine (Xylocaine)

procaine (Novocaine)

tetracaine (Pontocaine)

are examples of

drugs used as local anethetics

Common procedures done under local anesthesia are

-dental work

-many types of plastic surgery

-skin suturing

-some types of eye surgery

-most brain surgery

lower extremeties, perineum, and lower abdomen will use this kind of anesthesia

spinal anesthesia

General anesthesia is most often given by


general anesthesia

-unconsciousness induced

-cannot be aroused, breathing artificial

-sometimes cardiovascular function is impaired

local anesthesia

-pain and sensation blocked in a limited area

-via injection or topical

-used usually for dental or for sutures for wound

Regional anesthesia

-type of local anesthesia, pain blocked in region

-induced by interuption of sensory nerve conductivity

Conduction block anesthesia

-Field block encircles operative area with injection

-Nerve block injection near nerve supply

-commonly used for obstetrics or for back pain

spinal anesthesia

-extensive conduction nerve block

-injection into subarachnoid space of spinal cord

-must be done by an anesthesiologist rather than


With slow acting anesthesia client passes thru

_________ goal is to ________

smooth progression in and out of stage 1-3

and to provide anesthesia without going to stage 4

Stage 1 Gen Anesthesia

-beginning anesthesia

-reflexes present

-heart rate normal

-slower respiration rate and depth

-normal blood pressure

-some dilation of eyes and reaction to light

Stage 2 Gen Anesthesia

-Dreams and excitement

-active reflexes

-increased heart rate

-irregular breathing

-increased blood pressure

-pupils widely dilated and divergent

Stage 3 Gen Anesthesia

-surgical anesthesia

-progressive loss of reflexes

-decreased heart rate


-normal to decreased BP

-constricted to slightly dilated centrally fixed pupils

Stage 4 Gen Anesthesia

-toxic or extreme medullary depression

-no reflexes

-weak and thready pulse

-respirations flaccid

-decreased BP

-widely dilated pupils

-prompt intervention to prevent irreversible coma and death

In most cases a client will be asked to stop

taking _______ 14 days before surgery to prevent

excessive bleeding

aspirin and anti-coagulants (blood thinners)

maybe some herbal supplements

Preoperative checklist

-before patient going to surgery or ECT

-make sure all items are checked off before client is transported to surgical suite

Nursing Alert for permit for operating

-the client must sign it before receiving medications

-obtaining client permission for operating is responsiblity of surgeon

-nurse must double-check to make sure it is done

If surgery must be cancelled because of error such as innapropriate signing of operative permit or absence of name bands this is

considered a __________

a sentinel event and must be reported and investigated

Nurse must interview preoperative client to make sure_____

All steps in the preoperative preparation have been completed

Nursing Alert for discharge/transportation for postoperative

-All post up must provide name of driver for

post op
