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87 Cards in this Set

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They work together to make us who we are today.
Environment and Biology
The study of human evolution
Charles Darwin
Takes place over many generations
Emphasizes the importance of adaptive behavior.
Evolutionary Psychology
Suggests that the way in which people develop is adaptive for the most part.
Evolutionary Developmental Psychology
Contained within our chromosomes
According to the Human Genome Project, how many chromosomes do humans have?
After fetilization of the egg by the sperm, a single cell is created known as what.
What percent of genes do you get from your mother and father?
50% from mother & 50% from father
In which pair of chromosomes lies the difference between male and female?
23rd Chromosome
What chromosome pairing do women and men have?
Women have XX chromosome and men have XY chromosome
100% of a person's genetic material.
Consists of observable characteristics.
This can only assert itself when both genes in a pair are recessive.
Recessive gene
When it comes to the inheritance of an X-linked disease, who has the best chance for inheritance?
If you are looking at someone's brown hair, you are observing that persons what?
Chromosome abnormalities occur when the sperm and ovum do not: have a normal set of what?
23 Chromosomes
Who does Klinefelters syndrome effect?
Males only
With what sex-linked syndrome does a man have an extra X chromosome?
Klinefelters Syndrome
This chromosome disorder esults from an abnormality in the x-chromosome, which often becomes constricted and may break off?
Fragile X Syndrome
This syndrome occurs in females who have a missing or damaged x chromosome
Turner Syndrome
Turner syndrome occurs in approx. how man live births?
1 in 2,500 live births
In a study by Witkin in 1976, it was found that males with XYY syndrome were what?
Just as likely to commit crimes as were XY males.
A disorder that results in the inability to metabolize phenlalnine which is an amino acid.
PKU occurs in approx how many live births?
1 in 10,000-20,000 live births
Occurs most often in African Americans
Sickle cell anemia
Genetic disorder when the bodys red blood cells take on a hook shape instead of the normal round shape.
Sickle cell anemia
Sickle cell anemia occurs in approx how many live birthds?
1 in every 400 births for African Americans and 1 in every 800 live births for latin americans
The development takes place in the first 2 weeks after conception.
The germinal period
The period of development that includes the creation of the zygote, attachment to the uterine wall and the continued cell division is know as what?
The germinal period
Composed of cells that will eventually develop into the embryo and the trophoblast.
The period of development that occurs 2 to 8 weeks after conception
The embryonic period
The embryonic mesoderm layer will become all of what?
Circulatory system, reproductive system, and the bones
Digestive, respiratory system
Nervous system, sense, skin
1st protective A group of tissue in which small blood vessels from the mother and offspring intertwine but do not connect is the what?
2nd protective Provides oxygen and nutrition
Umbililical cord
3rd protective protects the fetus from jolts and temperature
When do the most important developments occur?
Within the first 8 weeks after conception.
When does the fetal period begin?
2 months after conception and lasts until birth
How much does the fetus weigh by the end of the 4th month?
4 to 7 ounces
What happens at the end of the 4th month?
Kicking movements
What happens at the end of the 5th month?
toenails and fingernails
What happens at the end of the 6th month
eyelids are formed, reflexes occur
What does the average baby weigh at birth, and how long is the baby.
7 1/2 pounds and approx. 20 inches long
Teratogen comes from the greek word what?
"Tera" which means "monster"
What are some teratogens?
Drugs, diseases, and environmental pollutants
What influence the severity of damage a teratogen can do to an unborn child?
Amount of exposure, time of exposure, and genetic susceptibility
In 1961, a rash of deformed babies were born because of the use of a popular tranquilizer called what?
The incidence with thaliamide made the medical community see what?
The mother does not have to be a chronic drug user for birth defects to occur
What does caffeine consumption do to a baby?
A low-birth weight baby, spontaneous abortion, preterm delivery
Drug tha tacts on the nervous system to alter states of consciousness, modify perceptions, and change moods.
Psychoactive drugs
What would a moderate drinker have?
Preterm birth
Smoking risks in pregnancy?
Sudden infant death syndrome, respiratory problems and low birth weight.
What is likely to occur in the from smoke?
Stacie and her fetus are RH incompatible. This means what?
Stacie may produce antibodies that will attack the fetus
Carol found to be RH incompatible with her first child, so to prevents the body from producing antibodies that will attack any future baby RH-incompatible fetuses, what does her doctor give her?
What examples of prenatal tests?
Amniocentesis, Ultrasound, and Triple screen
What isgenerally performed between weeks 12 and 16 of pregnancy?
What are causes of infertility in females?>
Abnormal ovam, block fallopion tube, and diesease
How long should they wait before they suspect intertility?
12 months of unprotected sex
Research by Bracken and other (1990) showed a relationship between what?
Cocaine and infertility; lowered sperm count in men
Claudia and Mike are considering ingertility treatment, which treatment would allow them to have the best chance of conceiving?
In vitro fertilization
what is the social and legal process by which a paren- child relationshpi is established?
About 1/3 of all children who are born through the birth canal of a mother with active genital herpes do what?
What must a pregnant with HIv take to prevent the baby from having HIV?
What are the two afes of the mother in which there is more danger to the fetus?
15 and 36 years
In which of the following age groups are woman the least likely to obtain prenatal care?
Sergio was born underweight. The best explanation for this is that?
His father smoked cigarettes
One of the possible deformities that are influenced by a fathers age at conception is what?
Marfan syndrome
Child birth occurs in three stages. What is the first stage
The beggining of contractions
The second stage of child birth is?
Emergence of the child's head/delivery of the child out of the mother.
The third stage of child birth is?
Expulsion of the placenta, umbilical cord, and other membranes.
Numbs the entire lower area of the body during labor.
Malarie was born 32nd week of pregnancy
Preterm baby
A method used to assess the health of a new born
Agar scale
On the Agar Scale, a scale of 3 would indicate what?
Signal an emergency because the baby's survival is in doubt
What is being checked on the baby when being born?
Heart rate, respiratory effort, and muscle tone
The Agar scale uses which of the following measure
New born's heart rate.
Rates 27 catagories
Brazelton Neonatal Assesment scale. Cuddliness, pinprick
Some health professionals refer to the post partum period as the what?
4th trimester
The process by which the uterus returns to it's pre pregnant size 5 to 6 weeks after birth is what?
worries alot, not being able to sleep
Post partum derpression
A mother who decides against a rooming arrangement can be pretty sure tha ther infant will what?
Not be underattached
What are 3 life support systems for the babies?
Embryonic Placenta, umbilical cord, and amnion
Name 5 teratogens.
Nicotine, Alcohol, heroin, toxins, cocaine, and marijuana
Name 3 sexually transmittted dieseases.
Aids, syphillis, and herpes