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8 Cards in this Set

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Is a contract whereby two or more persons bind themselves to contribute 💰.

The owners of the partnership are called patrtners


Is an artificial being created by operation of law, having the right of succession.

It is formed by at least five but not more than fifteen persons called incorporators.

Sole Proprietorship

Is the simplest form of business organizations. It is goes and owned by only one person who is called a proprietor. 👩‍💼


Is another legal form of business organizations. It has its own set of board of directors and officers.

Each member of a cooperative is only entitled to one vote.

Service Organizations

Are those business firms which are engaged in rendering services.

Trading or merchandising

Are those business firms which are engage in the buying and selling of goods in the same form.

As to purpose

Manufacturing firms

Are those companies engaged in buying raw materials and making them into new items called finished goods.


Concerned with planting of crops or raising animal,s and selling either in raw or finished form at a profit.