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78 Cards in this Set

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Alpha 1 action

Peripheral vasoconstriction.

Mild bronchoconstriction.

Alpha 2 action

Inhibit the release of norepinephrine.

(Antagonistic to alpha 1. Over time, peripheral vasodilation.)

Beta 1 action

Increase in cardiac rate, cardiac force and cardiac automaticity and conduction.

Beta 2 action



Beta 3 action

Stimulate lipolysis and thermogenesis in skeletal muscle.

Dopaminergic receptor action

Dilation of renal, coronary and cerebral arteries.

Positive chronotropic effect

Increase in heart rate

Positive inotropic effect

Increase in cardiac force

Positive dromotropic effect

Increase in rate of cardiac impulse conduction through the AV node

What medication can be used in management of beta-blocker OD? Why?


It activates adenyl cyclase which has chronotropic and inotropic effects. It bypasses the beta receptors in the activation of the cAMP pathway.


Patients with bronchospastic disease (asthma, COPD) should receive beta-blockers if needed.


Patients with bronchospastic disease should not receive beta-blockers unless OLMC deems that the benefits outweigh the risks.

5 classes of antiarrhythmics in the Vaughan-Williams system

Class I: Sodium channel blockers

Class II: Beta-blockers

Class III: Potassium channel blockers

Class IV: Calcium channel blockers

Class V: Miscellaneous

Class IA antiarrhythmics

Sodium Channel Blockers




Class IB antiarrhythmics

Sodium channel Blockers




Class IC antiarrhythmics

Sodium channel Blockers




Class II antiarrhythmics






Class III antiarrhythmics

Potassium channel blockers



Class IV antiarrhythmics

Calcium channel blockers



Class V antiarrhythmics




Class IA ECG effects

Widened QRS, prolonged QT

Class IB ECG effects

Widened QRS, prolonged QT

Class IC ECG effects

Prolonged PR, widened QRS

Class II ECG effects

Prolonged PR, bradycardias

Class III ECG effects

Prolonged QT

Class IV ECG effects

Prolonged PR, bradycardias

Class V ECG effects

Prolonged PR, bradycardias

Location and effects of H1 receptor

Histamine 1.

Located in smooth muscle and endothelial cells.

Major effect is acute allergic reactions.

Location and effects of H2 receptor

Histamine 2.

Located in gastric parietal cells.

Major effect is increase in secretion of gastric acid.

Location and effects of H3 receptor

Histamine 3.

Located in CNS.

Major effect is modulation of neurotransmission.

Location and effects of H4 receptor.

Histamine 4.

Located in mast cells, eosinophils and T cells.

Major effect is regulating immune response.

Pancreatic alpha cells release....

which does what?


which causes stored carbohydrates, especially glycogen, to be broken down into glucose.

Pancreatic beta cells release....

which does what?


which is required for the passage of glucose into the cells

Pancreatic delta cells release....

which does what?


which inhibits the secretion of insulin, glucagon and growth hormone.

What 9 classes of drugs have narrow-angle glaucoma as a contraindication?

Topical anticholinergic

Sympathomimetic dilating drops

Tricyclic antidepressants

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors





Sulfa containing medications

narcotic/opiate toxidrome

classic triad: decreased LOC, resp depression, constricted pupils

(Note: Demerol and Talwin or pentazocine, may not cause pupil constriction)

anticholinergic toxidrome

Note: commonly seen with antihistamine and TCA overdoses

hot as Hell, blind as a bat, dry as a bone, red as a beet, mad as a Hatter

pupils will likely be fixed and dilated

cholinergic toxidrome

Note: seen with organophosphate pesticide poisoning

SLUDGEM - salivation, lacrimation, urination, defecation, gastrointestinal upset, emesis, miosis (constricted pupils)

sympathomimetic syndrome d/t alpha-adrenergic agents

(e.g. phenylephrine, methoxamine, phenylpropanolamine)

hypertension and reflex bradycardia secondary to vasoconstriction of resistance vessels

sympathomimetic syndrome d/t beta-adrenergic agents

(theophylline, cafffeine, metaproteronol)

tachycardia with or without hypotension (secondary to excessive stimulation of sinus node or vascular smooth muscle dilation)

serotonin syndrome

(SSRI's - Prozac, Zoloft, Celexa citalopram, Lexapro, Paxil, SNRI's - Cymbalta, Effexor, Triptan class of migraine meds - Imitrex, Maxalt)

Agitation or restlessness, diarrhea, tachycardia, diaphoresis, hallucinations, confusion, hyperthermia, ataxia, N/V, hyperreflexia, hyper or hypotension.

Neuroleptic mailgnant syndrome

antipsychotic agents (haloperidol), antiemetic medications (prochlorperazine), antiparkinsonian medications.

Hyperthermia, muscle rigidity, mental status change, tachycardia, hypertension or hypotension, diaphoresis, tremor, incontinence, tachypnea, metabolic acidosis.

Acetaminophen overdose route of exposure


Acetaminophen overdose mechanism of toxicity

90% of acetaminophen is metabolized into nontoxic compounds that are excreted in urine. However this process forms a toxic by-product which normally binds to hepatic glutathione and is excreted in urine. In a massive overdose, the liver's stores of glutathione are depleted and hepatotoxicity occurs.

Acetaminophen toxic dose

7.5 g or 140 mg/kg

chronic alcoholics are at a higher risk

Acetaminophen OD S/S

Anorexia, N/V, malaise, pallor, diaphoresis

Acetaminophen OD management

supportive care. Airway support. Determine time of ingestion as accurately as possible.

common anticholinergic ODs

TCA's, dimenhydrinate, diphenhydramine, shrooms

anticholinergic OD mechanism of toxicity

cholinergic blockade occurs both centrally and peripherally and involves muscarinic and nicotinic receptors. Different agents have different degrees of effect on the 2 types of receptors

anticholinergic OD management

Supportive care. Monitor airway, breathing and circulation supplemented with IV access and cardiac monitoring. Treat seizures and arrhythmias as usual except avoid using Class 1a antiarrhythmics.

common neuroleptic OD's

antipsychotics and some tranquilizers. Haloperidol, droperidol

neuroleptic OD mechanism of toxicity

act by blocking neurotransmission involving dopaminergic, adrenergic, muscarinic, and histaminic receptors. Effects vary from agent to agent depending on the degree of blockage of each type of receptor

neuroleptic OD S/S

Dystonic reaction: involuntary muscle spasm. Tx is dyphenhydramine or benztropine

Akathisia: restlessness, insomnia. Tx is benztropine, amantadine, propranolol

Psudoparkinsonsim: resting tremor, rigidity, masked face. Tx is benztropine, diphenydramine, amantadine.

Tardive dyskinesia: lip smacking, tongue protrusion, grimacing and chewing motion

Neuroleptic malignant hyperthermia: hyperthermia, rigidity, ALOC, autonomic instability

Various: CNS depression, resp depression, pinpoint pupils, anticholinergic symptoms, arrhythmias, PR and QT prolongation.

neuroleptic OD management

ABCs, cardiac monitoring, naloxone, BGL if ALOC. N/S bolus if hypotensive. Treat seizures and arrhythmias per protocol.

Beta-blocker OD mechanism of toxicity

BB cause blockage of B1 and B2 receptors which affects several organ systems but most notably the cardiovascular and repiratory systems.

Beta blocker OD S/S

Bradycardia, AV block, hypotension. ALOC (confusion, seizure, coma). Bronchospasm, CHF. Can mask the signs of hypoglycemia and impair recovery from it.

Beta blocker OD management

Airway management, atropine or catecholamines, glucagon. Glucagon augments HR, AV conduction and myocardial contractility. TCP, fluids, treat seizures and bronchospasm as per protocol.

Calcium channel blocker OD Mechanism of toxicity

any cell that uses calcium can be affected but especially, myocardium, SA and AV nodes and AV nodal conduction pathway.


Hypotension, bradycardia, AV conduction blocks, lethargy, slurred speech, N/V, coma and resp depression

Carbon monoxide poisoning Mechanism of toxicity

CO binds hemoglobin which reduces the availability of hemoglobin to oxygen inducing hypoxemia. It also binds to cardiac and skeletal myoglobin which decreases contractility. In the CNS, CO induces cerebral edema and necrosis of white matter.

Carbon monoxide poisoning S/S

<10%: asymptomatic

10-20%: headache and dyspnea

20-30%: headache, fatigue, visual disturbances

40-50%: tachycardia, ALOC, may precipitate angina

>60%: coma, seizures and cherry red skin

Carbon monoxide poisoning management

O2 via NRB @ 100%

Cyanide poisoning mechanism of toxicity

cyanide binds a key cellular enzyme causing cellular asphyxia thus affecting all organ systems.

cyanide poisoning S/S

unconscious, noncyanosed patients with hypotension and bradycardia - death occurs in seconds to minutes.

less severe - headache, dyspnea, confusion or seizures with hypotension.

Pt may have bitter almond odour about them


The attraction between a drug and a receptor

Allosteric site

A binding site for substrates not active in initiating a response; a substrate that binds to an allosteric site may induce a conformational change in the structure of the active site, rendering it more or less susceptible to response from substrate.


The fraction or percentage of a drug that reaches the systemic circulation


Metabolism or degradation of a drug from an active form to an inactive form


Special configuration or shape of a drug; most drugs exist in 2 shapes


Removal of a drug from the body


Decreased availability of drug receptors

First-pass effect

The phenomenon by which a drug first passes through the liver for degradation before distribution to the tissues


The time required for half of a total drug amount to be eliminated from the body


Processes through which drugs affect the body


Processes through which the body affects drugs


The site of drug action

Second messenger

A chemical produced intracellularly in response to a receptor signal; this second messenger initiates a change in the intracellular response

Therapeutic window

The range of drug concentration in the blood between a minimally effective level and a toxic level.


The level below which a drug exerts little to no therapeutic effect and above which a drug produces a therapeutic effect at the site of action