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61 Cards in this Set

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>24 AFI
<5 AFI
Fetal conditions a/w Oligohydramnios
Fetal Erythroblastosis
Chromosomal abnormalities
congenital anomalies
growth restriction
postterm pregnancy
ruptured membranes
Placental conditions a/w Oligohydramnios
Twin Twin Transfusion
Maternal conditions a/w Oligohydramnios
Uteroplacental Insufficiency
What is involved in the first trimester screening?
Beta HCG
Nuchal translucency
Drugs conditions a/w Oligohydramnios
Prostaglandin synthase inhibitors
ACE inhibitors
Oligohydramnios Prognosis
Early Onset - Poor outcome
Pulmonary hyperplasia increases
Late onset (more C/S for fetal distress
Polyhydramnios a/w
Diabetes, GI tract anomalies, Neural Tube Defects, Rh Isoimmunization, and multiple getstations.
Complications are PTL, Abruption, prolapsed cord with ROM, and PPH because of Uterine Overdistention.
1% incidence of all pregnancies.
2/3 - idiopathic -
1/3 a/w: Fetal anomalies, unknown;Maternal Diabetes or Multiple Gestation
Etiology: CNS or GI of fetus (ancephaly, esophgeal atresia)
S/S: Size >Dates
Difficult palpating fetal parts and FHR, Maternal Dyspnea, edema, Heartburn, & Nausea from mechanical pressure of large uterus.
Polyhydramnios outcome
The greater the Poly, the greater the perinatal mortality.
Preterm Labor increases
Polyhydramnios Manangement
AP -Amnio to relieve maternal distress and enable testing of Fetal lung maturity and chromosomes &
RF for vasa praevia?
bilobed placenta or succenturiate lobes (vessels run through the membranes joining the separate lobes together)
history of low-lying placenta in 2nd trimester
multiple pregnancy
Symmetrical Growth Retardation appears
Mid pregnancy - around 18-20 weeks.
Symmetrical Growth Retardation caused by
*CONGENITAL Infections
*CHROMOSOMAL Abnormalities,
*MATERNAL Drugs Insults i.e., alcohol, Tobacco, Dilantin, Cocaine Heroin
Asymmetrical Growth Retardation appears
Later in pregnancy
Asymmetrical Growth Retardation appears
as "Head Sparing" ~Caused by a reduction in the cell size not the number of cells.
At what stage are placenta praevia's usually picked up?
Usually documented on 18-20 week scan
BUT usually move higher as lower uterine segment stretches and thins in remainder of pregnancy
5% are placenta praevia at term
Re-scan at 30 weeks to see if still low
Describe the anatomical changes that occur during pregnancy
Bluish discolouration of cervix and vagina (Chadwick's sign) at 6 weeks due to vascular engorgement
Softening and cyanosis of cervix at 4 weeks (Goodell's sign)
Softening of the uterus at 6 weeks (Heager's sign)
Uterine enlargement
Breast swelling and tenderness
Linea nigra from umbilicus to pubis
Palmar erythema
Asymmetrical Growth Retardation caused by
Abnormalities in UTEROPLACENTAL INSUFFICIENCY due to Maternal, fetal and placental factors
Asymmetrical Growth Retardation IUGR occurs when there is Uteroplacental Insufficiency in later pregnacy after the growth of the size of the cell (hypertrophy) rather the growth in the number of cells (hyperplasia).
Symptoms and signs of early pregnancy
Breast swelling and tenderness
Hyperemesis gravidum (N/V)
Quickening - fetal movement
Weight gain in non-obese patients
Asymmetrical Growth Retardation Maternal factors
Collagen Disease
Diabetes (IDDM)
How do you manage a woman with placenta praevia?
+ bleeding --> term or severe bleeding - caesar; pre-term - keep baby in, admit, steroids, don't give tocolytics as contractions are helping to control the bleeding

no bleeding - council about bleeding, when to present
Grade 1 (placenta > 2.5 cm from os) - can deliver vaginally
All others delivery C/S
elective caesar at 37-38 weeks (NB: N 39+)
What cardiovascular changes occur in pregnancy
Increased cardiac output via stroke volume (early) then increased HR (later)
Systemic vascular resistance drops (probably related to progesterone = vasodilation to compensate for increased blood volume) --> decreased BP
Asymmetrical Growth Retardation Fetal factors
Multiple gestation
What respiratory changes occur in pregnancy
Increase in tidal volume despite decrease in lung capacity (due to rising diaphgram) --> drop in respiratory reserve capacity by 20%
Increase in minute ventilation increases O2 and blows off CO2 creating larger gradient between maternal and foetal circulations
Asymmetrical Growth Retardation Placental factors
What haematological changes occur in pregnancy
Increase in RBC (30%), increase in plasma volume (50%) - hemodilution of pregnancy- physiologic anemia,
WBC increases in pregnancy, labor and just after birth,
Some thrombocytopenia not below 100 million
Hypercoaguable state = increase in fibrinogen, factor VII - X,(protective mechanism from hemorrhage),
BUT clotting and bleeding times do not change so increase in VTE may be due to other parts of Virchow's triad - venous stasis and endothelial damage
Asymmetrical Growth Retardation Fetal Effects/ Outcome
Fetus adjusts to conditions by conserving energy and decreasing metabolic requirements
Fetus stops growing
Risk of IUFD (Demise)
What makes up the biophysical profile?
Amniotic fluid volume -looking for >2cm in largest pocket of AFV. maker of chronic hypoxia all others are acute hypoxia - reassuring, Otherwise if <2cm non-reassuring = oligo.
Breathing - reassuring = at least 1 episode of breathing lasting at least 30 seconds
Limb movement - 3 discrete movements
Fetal tone - at least one episode of limb extension followed by flexion
NST- Reactive =reassuring
reassuring = 2 points each
Non-reassuring = 0 points
Asymmetrical Growth Retardation Midwifery MGMT
Counsel to Decrease smoking
Nutrition evaluation
Maternal positions to facilitate uteroplacental blood flow
emotional support
Serial ultrasounds for growth,
NST AFI, BPP weekly/biweekly
Amniocentesis - Chromosome evaluation of parents
If Lungs are Mature - Delivery!
Interpret the biophysical profile
0-4 - BAD - perinatal mortality 200:1000 - deliver fetus if benefits of devliery > risks
6: perinatal mortality 31:1000 - repeat in 24 hours
8: repeat as clinically indicated
L/S Ratio
2:1 or greater ration indicates lung maturity (except in diabetes)
Lecithin is elevated after 35 weeks
Sphingomyelin remains faitly constant
Induction prior to 39 weeks
Requires evaluation of fetal lung maturity.
Phosphatidylglycerol (PG)
If present in combo with a favorable LS ratio = confirms lung maturity
If PG present ever with LS <2 the risk of RDS is minimal
Substance Abuse
NICOTINE (29%) 64 Million are current smokers
Illegal Drugs (6%) 14 Million
Alochol 11 million
Smoking a/w
Preeclampsia, abruption, previa, SAB, Ectopic, PROM
IUGR, Preterm birth, SGA
Benefits at 24-34 weeks, unclear after 34 weeks. Treatment most effective a minimum of 24 hours after injection up to a maximum of 7 days only.
Tocolytic Drugs
Maternal side effects i.e. pulmonary edema (is the most serious side effect), tachycardia, hypotension (cardiac insufficiency), hyperglycemia, hypokalemia, jitteriness, and death.
i.e. DO NOT Give Ritodrine, Terbutaline to GDM or IDDM!
Risk Factors for Psychological Well Being
Limited Support Network
High level of stress
Psyche/Mental Health Issues
Problem Pregnancies

# times you’ve been pregnant
# of pregnancies to viability 500g or 20 weeks.
Woman who’s never been pregnant
Nullip (never) Gravida (pregnant)
Woman who’s pregnant for the first time
Woman who’s been pregnant 3 or more times
Woman who’s pregnant for the first time or who’s not carried baby to 20 weeks or 500 g
Woman who had 3 SAB and is now pregnant again for the 4th time.
Women who’s had 1 pregnancy to birth a fetus at viable age.
Primip (1st)
Woman who’s carried >2 pregnancies to viability
Grand Multipara
Woman with >7 births
1st Trimester bleeding prognosis after hearing FHT
90% of pregnancies with bleeding will continue to term after FHT observed.
40% of women have some bleeding in 1st trimester

80% f SAB occur in the 1st 12 weeks.
Rule of 10
BhCG = 100 at time of missed menses
BhCG =100,000 at10 weeks
BhCG =10,000 at term
24 hours postpartum half life eliminated
90% of ectopics have BhCG <6500
Most frequently identified chromosomal anomaly
Autosomal Trisomy most frequent followed by Turner’s Syndrome.
2nd leading cause of maternal death in US
Ectopic Pregnancy
Painless dilation, Bloody show, SROM, Vaginal /Pelvic pressure
Symptoms of Incompetent Cervix
Incompetent Cervix Treatment
Cerclage after 12-14 weeks, 80%-90% success rate.
Risk of infection and or ruptured membranes.
Placenta migrates upward as gestation increases
1/3 of women have low lying placenta in 1st trimester.
Only 1% have previa in 3rd trimester.
Previa responsible for 20% of bleeding in 3rd trimester.
Risk Factors of Previa
Previous C/S /Uterine surgery
Materal age >35 (old endometrium covers larger space to get oxygen)
Risk Factors of Abruption
Maternal age>35
Smoking - cocaine
Poor maternal nutrition
Sudden decrease in uterine volume/size (i.e.ROM with polyhydramnios
between twin delivery uterine anomalies)
a fetus or structure is genetically abnormal
a genetically normal fetus develops in an abnormal uterine environment causing structural changes i.e. Oligo causing limb contractures
state of abnormal number of chromosomes
Indications for genetic studies
general screening
history of birth defects or mental retardation
family hx of genetics disorders
exposure to teratogens
Ingestation of medication in early pregnancy (dilantin)
Increased liklihood due to age or ethnic roots