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24 Cards in this Set

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Abolition is....

the action or an act of abolishing slavery

Sec​tionalism is....

A devotion of interests to one geographic region over the interests of the country as a whole.

William Lloyd Garrison was....

William Lloyd Garrison was a prominent American abolitionist, journalist, suffragist, and social reformer.

Frederick Douglass was....

Frederick Douglass was an African-American social reformer, orator, writer, and statesman. After escaping from slavery, he became a leader of the abolitionist movement, gaining note for his dazzling oratory and incisive antislavery writing.

Harriett Tubman was….

An escaped slave who became an abolitionist and an underground railroad.

Sojourner Truth was….

Sojourner Truth was an African-American abolitionist and women's rights activist. Truth was born into slavery in Swartekill, Ulster County, New York, but escaped with her infant daughter to freedom in 1826.

Harriett Beecher Stowe was….

Harriet Elisabeth Beecher Stowe was an American abolitionist and author. Her novel Uncle Tom's Cabin was a depiction of life for African Americans under slavery; it reached millions as a novel and play

John Brown tried....

John brown took the issue of slavey into his own hands and tried to raid harpers ferry for its abundance of army issued weapons. He planned to give slaves all over these weapons and start an uprising of the slaves

American Anti-Slavery Society

(1833–70), promoter, with its state and local auxiliaries, of the cause of immediate abolition of slavery in the United States. As the main activist arm of the Abolition Movement (see abolitionism), the society was founded in 1833 under the leadership of William Lloyd Garrison.

Southern economic dependence on…

The north for almost all utilities and other things that was for sure needed at the time.

The Underground Railroad was…

The Underground Railroad was a network of secret routes and safe houses used by 19th-century slaves of African descent in the United States to escape to free states and Canada with the aid of abolitionists and allies who were sympathetic to their cause.

popular sovereignty was…

Political doctrine that allowed the settlers of U.S. federal territories to decide whether to enter the Union as free or slave states. It was applied by Sen. Stephen A. Douglas as a means to reach a compromise through passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act.

Result of Harper’s Derry raid

The Southern States did not trust the officials in the north , eventually leading to a distrust in federal government officials. After the raid, they were frightened and believed that the North was going to invade the South. The South also used the raid as a point to their advantage, saying that slavery can never be safe and it must be settled quickly.

Compromise of 1850 created…

Made califonia as a free stage but in return the Southampton got an iodates version of the fugitive slave act.

Fugitive Slave Act was…

Required that slaves spotted anywhere even free states be returned, if you do not return them you go to jail and must pay a fee of $1000.

Kansas-Nebraska Act resulted in…

The Kansas–Nebraska Act of 1854 created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska, opening new lands for settlement, and had the effect of repealing the Missouri Compromise of 1820 by allowing white male settlers in those territories to determine through popular sovereignty whether they would allow slavery within each state or not.

Missouri Compromise created…

In 1854, the Missouri Compromise was repealed by the Kansas-Nebraska Act. Three years later the Missouri Compromise was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in the Dred Scott decision, which ruled that Congress did not have the authority to prohibit slavery in the territories.

Dred Scott Supreme Court decision..

Lost two first case then reached Supreme Court and the judges simply said that since he was black and a slave he had no right to be here.

Significance of the Election of 1860…

The people running for president all had there personalities that for some reason the states who felt the same way voted for that person. One didn't want to touch slavery, one supported popular sovereignty in territories while another wanted the exact opposite and the final wanted to only have slavery where it exists.

Westward Expansion caused…

Americans believed they had the rights of god to clam the whole of America and this caused argument over who should get what areas out of new area.

Economies of North and South were…

Corrupt and splitting farther apart

Slavery was…

Is when one person owns another as if they're property.

Abraham Lincoln was…

A president in the the time of slavery he is also the president who put an end to slavery.

Manifest Destiny is…

the 19th-century doctrine or belief that the expansion of the US throughout the American continents was both justified and inevitable.