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32 Cards in this Set

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Whole Numbers
natural numbers
Whole number 1,083,664,500 is written in?
standard form
We can visualize who numbers by points of a line.
number line
5,672=5000+600+70+2 is written in?
expanded form
2 + 4 + 6

2 is called what?
4 is called what?
6 is called what?
2 is called addend
4 is called addend
6 is called sum
addition property of 0

7 + 0 = 7 or 0 + 7=7
the sum of 0 and any number is that number
commutative property of addition

2 + 3=5 or 3 + 2=5
changing the order of two addends does not change their sum
associative property of addition

2 + 1 + 5=8 or 3 + 5 = 8
when adding numbers, grouping of the numbers can be changed without changing the sum.
8 - 3 =5
what is 8 called?
what is 3 called?
what is 5 called?
8 is minuend
3 is subtrahend
5 is difference
subtraction properties of 0
the difference of any number and that same number is 0
perimeter of a polygon
distance around the polygon. add all the sides
5 x 6 = 30
what is 5 called?
what is 6 called?
what is 30 called?
5 and 6 are called factors.
30 is the product
multiplication property of 0
if we x by 0
the result is always 0
area of a rectangle
length x width
the process of separating a quantity into equal parts is called
75 divided by 3 = 25
75 is the dividend
3 is the divisor
25 is the quotient
division properties of 0
the quotient of 0 any any number (except 0) is 0
the quotient of any number and 0 is not a number.
order of operations
parentheses, brackets fraction bars innermost set
x or divide left to right
add or subtract left to right
Adding Rules:
Positive + Positive = Positive: 5 + 4 = 9
Adding Rules
Negative + Negative = Negative: (- 7) + (- 2) = - 9
Adding Rules
Sum of a negative and a positive number: Use the sign of the larger number and subtract
Subtracting Rules
Negative - Positive = Negative: (- 5) - 3 = -5 + (-3) = -8
Multiplying Rules
Positive x Positive = Positive: 3 x 2 = 6
Multiplying Rules
Negative x Negative = Positive: (-2) x (-8) = 16
Multiplying Rules
Negative x Positive = Negative: (-3) x 4 = -12
Multiplying Rules
Positive x Negative = Negative: 3 x (-4) = -12
Dividing Rules
Positive ÷ Positive = Positive: 12 ÷ 3 = 4
Dividing Rules
Negative ÷ Negative = Positive: (-12) ÷ (-3) = 4
Dividing Rules
Negative ÷ Positive = Negative: (-12) ÷ 3 = -4
Dividing Rules
Positive ÷ Negative = Negative: 12 ÷ (-3) = -4