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22 Cards in this Set

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The largest mountain system in Europe.
The Alps
They cover parts of southeastern France and northern Italy, most of Switzerland, part of southern Germany, and some of Austria and Yugoslavia. Mont Blanc, in the Pennine Alps, is the highest mountain in all the Alps. It towers 15,782 feet (4,810 m.) higher than the sea. The second and third highest peaks, also in the Pennines, are Monte Rosa (15,203 feet; 4,634 m.) and the Matterhorn (14,692 feet; 4,478 m.).
The longest mountain chain in the world. They stretch along the entire west coast of South America from Cape Horn to Panama, a distance of 4,500 miles.
The Andes
The __________ Range is the highest mountain system in the world. The mountains extend in a 1,500 mile curve across southern Asia from the Pamirs, west of the great bend of the Indus River, eastward to the great bend of the Brahmaputra River. They form a barrier which separates northern India from the plateau of Tibet.
The Himalayas
Mount Everest (29,035 feet; 8,849 m.), which lies between Tibet and the kingdom of Nepal, is the highest mountain in the world is in this range
The __________ are a well-named group of jagged, snow-capped peaks which run through the western part of North America.
The Rockies
The ____________ are the chief mountain system of eastern North America, and the oldest mountains in the United States. They stretch southwestward for about 1,500 miles from Quebec in Canada to central Alabama.
The Appalachians
The _____________ is a spectacular mountain range located in Africa on the border of Uganda and theDemocratic Republic of the Congo. The range is not volcanic but consists of crystalline rock that moved upward from the earth's crust.
The Rwenzori (formerly spelled Ruwenzori)
The ____________ is a chain of mountains that forms a natural barrier between France and Spain.
The Pyrenees
The ___________ is a range of mountains in northern Iran.
The Alborz (or Elburz)
The ____________ are a range extending 1,500 miles across northwestern Africa. They run from Cape Guir on the Atlantic Ocean to Cape Bon on the Mediterranean Sea. The range crosses part of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia.
The Atlas Mountains
The _______________ are probably the richest mountain range of their size in the world. They extend for 1,500 miles in a north-south direction, from the Arctic Ocean to near the Aral Sea. Old map makers used this range to mark the continental boundary between Europe and Asia.
The Ural Mountains
The _____________ is a huge uplifted and tilted granite mountain range which extends north and south for 400 miles in eastern California.
The Sierra Nevada
The _____________ are a chain of mountains that extend from northern California through western Oregon and Washington State, into southern British Columbia. The mountains are made up of lava and volcanic materials
The Cascades
The ______________ Range of Australia is so callled because it forms a watershed. Rivers on the east side flow from the highlands toward the Pacific Ocean; on the west side they flow toward the central lowlands.
The Great Dividing
The __________ Mountain range stretches south and west from the borders of Turkey and Russia to the Persian Gulf, and is Iran's largest mountain range
The Zagros
The ___________ is a large mountain range spanning the borders between Pakistan, India and China, located in the regions of Gilgit-Baltistan (Pakistan), Ladakh (India), and Xinjiang (China). It is actually the northwestern extension of the Himalaya.
The Karakoram
The ________ _________ is a chain of mountains in Central Asia extending to the west of the Himalayas. They are part of the boundary between eastern Afghanistan and northwestern Pakistan.
The Hindu Kush
This major river is the longest river in Africa and the world and flows into the Mediterranean sea
The longest river in Asia and flows into the East China sea and is the third longest river
Yantse (Chang)
Largest river in Australia and it flows into the indian ocean
Largest river in Europe and it flows into the caspian sea
The second longest river in the world, located in northeastern South America, and it flows into the Atlantic Ocean
The Amazon
This river is located in Asia and is the 4th largest river and it flows into the Yellow Sea
Yellow River