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10 Cards in this Set

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Ujjayi breath

Victorious breath

Ud-upward/expanding Jaya-conquest/succeed

Constrict muscles in back of throat as if you were going to fog a window - engage jalandora mudra

Nadi shodana

Left wrist on knee raise right hand and fold peace fingers into palm

Begun with full lungs

Block left nostril with ring finger

Exhale through right nostril

Inhale through right

Block both

Lift pelvic floor (mula bandha)

Thumb to right nostril exhale through left

Inhale through left

Block both

Bhramari pranayama

Humming bee breath

Relaxing and calming

Sanmukhi mudra - hands to face - thumbs in ears - pointers over eyes - middle press bridge of nose to narrow passage - ring finger upper lip - pinky bottom lip squeeze lips together

Simple bhramari- inhale ujjayi - exhale humming - repeat 10-20 rounds

Chakra - use simple bhramari start hands at root run up through each chakra - repeat 3x times

Bhastrika breath

Bellows breath

Engage jalandhara Bandha lift chest to chin and lower chin to chest - shoulders and chest do not move - draw strong exaggerated breath in and out of nostrils- exhalation belly draws in and up - inhalation pushes stomach out - repeat 10 breaths 3-5 x

Should not be practiced if

High blood pressure, heart disease, brain tumor, vertigo, ulcers, glaucoma, dysentery, pregnant


Skull shining/brain cleansing breath


Inhale halfway - Exhale sharply through nose and engage mula bandha and pull belly in and up in hooking action - perform fifty fast pumping respirations - after last exhale inhale deeply through nose and exhale forcefully through mouth - close lips hold breath out - engage jalandhara, mula and uddiyana bandhas- hold as long as possible until point of gasp for breath - inhale comfortably release bandhas - repeat 3-5 rounds

Lions breath

Cleanses lungs and improves circulation

Deep inhalation through nose - open mouth wide stretch tongue out curling tip downward to chin, open eyes wide, contract muscles in throat, exhale slowly and powerfully

Jalandhara Bandha

Throat lock

Acts to catch the nectar of the vishuddha chakra printing earth longevity and physical attractiveness

Palms on knees - spine upright - shoulder blades onto back - lift sternum toward chin - bend head fwd and downwards - slightly round thoracic and cervical spine fwd- chin rear in notch between collarbone - relax temples and keep ears and eyes passive

Uddiyana Bandha

Stomach lock

Rising or flying Bandha

Exercises diaphragm and abdominal organs massages and tones heart muscles stimulate digestive tract

Best of bandhas constant practice believed to rediscover youth

On empty stomach - stand in tadasana - stoop fwd with bent knees and grin hands to thighs - slightly bed arms take jalandhara Bandha - inhale deep exhale forcefully and quickly - pull whole abdominal region back towards spine and lift hold grib 10-15 seconds - relax abdominals first without moving head or chin - then raise head and inhale slowly - repeat 6-8x no more only once a day

never while pregnant

Mula bandha

Root or foundation lock located between genitals and anus

Men concentrate on contracting perineum, women focus on contracting cervix and vaginal muscles - when contracting lift cervix towards naval while lower abdominals press in toward spine then up - hold for a seconds while maintaining breath - release and repeat up to 20x

Maha Bandha

The great lock us a combination of jalandhara, mula and uddiyana bandhas together with mental focus on third eye

Hands on knees spine erect head straight eyes closed - breathe in slowly and deeply through nose - exhale forcefully through pursed lips - retain breath outside - perform jalandhara uddiyana and mula nearly simultaneously - keep breath outside as long as possible and move awareness through chakras - release mula uddiyana and lastly jalandhara and inhale in slow controlled manner - sit with eyes closed and observe - repeat up to three rounds

Should not be practiced with - high or low blood pressure, hernia, ulcer, visceral ailment or pregnancy