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36 Cards in this Set

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Mr.Jones is unable to speak clealy or with meaning this evening. this may be due to?
the amount of medication he is receiving
when the nurse assistant utilizes the plan of care he/she should:
Check activity calendar and plan care accordingly
Mrs. Mason cannot hold a thermometer in her mouth or rectum. which method would you use to take mrs. Mason's temperature?
Mr. Douglas is a resident who is usually cheerful, oriented and able to dress himself. when you go to his room, you discover he has slurred speech and cannot use his right arm you should:
have him lie down and you ring the call light for the charge nurse
A responsibility of the nurse assistant in preparing for the new resident would be:
Greet the resident warmly and introduce yourself
which of the following statements is not an effective communication skill?
indicate that you are too busy to talk
what is the oral temperature?
95.0 to 98.6
what is the rectal temperature?
96.0 to 99.6
In caring for MRS. Taylor who is experiencing confusion, you should:
give her simple directions
what is the axillary temperature?
94.0 to 97.6
what is the pulse temperature?
50 to 100
which body system is mainly responsible for maintaining posture?
what is the respirations?
14 to 20
what is sysolic/ Diastoic B/P?
sysolic is 100 to 150
Diastoic is 60 to 90
you are charting on a resident's chart and make an error. which one of the following examples is the procedure for correcting the error?
Draw one line through the error, write the word "error" and place your initials by it
which of the following statements best describes the term abuse?
verbally shaming a resident who spits out their food
To make a resident feel at home, you should:
help personalize their room
Defecation is the:
passing of stools
The correct definition of AD LIB is:
As desired
How should you perpare for MRS. Reed's arrival?
Ensure the room is clean towels and has a pitcher of fresh water
Which of the following emotions would you expect MRS. Reed to experience for the first few dats after her admission to the facility?
Apprehensive about her admission to the facility
during the admission process you are responsible for helping MRS. Reed get settled. which of the following tasks is the responsibility of the charge nurse rather than the nursing assistant?
Reviewing the physician's orders for treatments and medications with the resident and her family.
you are walking down the hall when you glance in Lori Jame's room. you see her, and bleeding profusely from the right wrist. what action would you, the nursing assisant, take first in this situation?
After donning gloves from your pocket, apply firm pressure over the wound and elevate the arm above head level and call for help from your charge nurse
Mr. Henderson walked to the dining room 15 minutes early and is sitting at his assigned table for breakfast. He is wearing only his tennis shoes and a pair of boxer shorts. How should the CNA respond?
Bring a robe to MR.Henderson or assist him back to his room so he can dress for breakfast
you are walking Terry lay in the hall when he says, "I feel weak". He begins to fall as you turn to take him back to his room. what is the BEST thing to do in this situation?
Gently lower him to the Floor
Each letter of "RACE" stand for:
Remove the resident from danger, Activate the alarm. Clear the area, and Extinguish the fire.
Abduction means to:
move away from center of body
Mrs. James has an area on her right heel that looks like a blister. This is sign of?
stage II pressure ulcer
The temperature in the shower or tub room should be kept between 75 and 80 F to:
Meet the state and federal requirements.
For lunch, MRS. Turner had 6oz of soup. How many cc of liquid is this?
Miss White, an Elderly lady who has lived in the facility for 5 years, has recently been diagnose with tuberlosis. she has been placed on transmission-based precautions. so tuberculosis is usually transmitted by?
contaminated air
when caring for Miss white, the CNA must always wear:
A mask
Generally, how many packets of thickener does it take to make 8 ounces of a thin liquid such as water thickened to a pudding consistency?
3 packets
when a CNA is assisting a resident to eat who has paralysis or muscle weakness of the mouth or throat, the resident should be:
sitting upright and allowed plenty of time to chew.
Mrs. Smith, a blind resident, is being served her tray. The nurse assistant should:
Identify where the food and utensils are located on the tray in a clockwise manner
When caring for a resident receiving oxygen, a CNA should:
Check the tubing for kinks and disconnections