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21 Cards in this Set

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Chapter 21
I. When crisis strikes
a. surprise-not prepared for (9/11 attacks, customer falls)
b. escalating intensity-fights at bars, emergency at hotel.
c. Media/gov't - involvement or scrutiny - board of health, police or lawyers.
d. Disruption - of normal opertions
e. Bottom line $ - have to close your restaurant because of disruption.
f. Loss of control - (seige mentality) - feel surrounded
II. Sensitive subjects
Create lasting memories - negatively affect business.
1. Name one spokesperson to address media, lawyers, etc. Best helps control rumor mill given @ news conference.
III. Issues Managment
What to do if.....
a. Anticipate - what issues will hit & predict how to handle...what to do
b. Assess - current organization - strengths and weaknesses...how ready are we.
c. External Vs. Internal - Plan from the outside in. External environment will dictate what is important.
d. Long term vs. short term - Areas hit: Money - financial. Image - reputation.
e. Action - taking action in a timely manner.
f. Top down concern - upper level management should be supportive - if they do not take seriously than no one else will.
IV. Risk Communication
a. Training - how to handle the media. Comes with experience.
b. Outside Experts - contact & develop experts as a contact to media & advisor to mgmt.
c. In-House experts - Develop people or hire people wiht certain expertise - SME - Subject Matter Expert.
d. Gauge credibility - do research - see where you stand in community - damage control
e. Deal from the offense - If you know something is wrong - say it. Go directly to media.
V. Dealing with media
tell it all & tell it fast
a. Define the risk - crisis impacted audience - understand risk.
b. Mitigate the risk - describe actions to lessen impact. ie...product recall.
c. ID the cause - how did this happen - why?
d. Demonstrate responsibility - take action - do not just talk about it.
VI. Common Negative situations
1. Guest commits suicide or victim of a violent crime.
2. A public figure engages in illegal activity - refer media to spokesperson.
3. The area is hit by some type of disaster - natural or other - communicate to public what type of damage if any.
4. Controversial guests prompts demonstrations.
Chapter 20 Integrated Marketing Communications

I. P.R. vs. Marketing
a. Changes in perception - PR was offshute of advertising department.
1. Public concern
2. Product values - swifty
3. Changes in perceptionm of product recalls.
4. Image problems - how you do business (ENron, Conseco)
II. Product Publicity
1. Introducing new product
2. Create awareness & consumer demand.
3. Help redesign an old favorite & bring it back.
4. Associate a product with unique representative (aflac duck)
III. 3rd Party Endorsement
Newspaper, celebrity, newscaster.
IV. Branding
Trademark - namely symbol or sign that is protected - differentiate products from each other.
a. Advantages -
1. Promotes good image
2. Has ability to recruit & retain local following
3. Help company segment market
IV. Branding
b. Effectiveness
1. recognition - easy to pronounce, recognize & remember. (ie...Tide, Bounce, All, Hyuandai)
2. Web - effectiveness on the web - consistency create logo, coloring that can be transmitted.
3. Multinational - How things appear when translated in other countries dialects.
4. Image - gives people proper conotation of your product.
5. Legally protected - under the law.
V. Product Development
a. Horizontal Integration - organization obtains a business in their own field - makes similar products. (Marriott Organization - Saga Corp & Service System...food companies- acquired alot of businesses in their own industry.
b. Vertical Integration - obtaining a business that is not in their field - R.J. Reynolds (tobacco) buying food company.
VII . Product-Mix Decisions
a. width - number of different services or products a company provides - width of assortment.
b. Length - number of related services or products a company serves.
c. Depth - Variations of each product in the mix.
VIII. P.R. Marketing Activities (element of communication)
a. Article Reprints - Done & sent out to target markets - reinforcing a story or product or idea. ie...TCEM taking articles from paper & sending out to target new recruits.
b. Trade Shows - Participation- to go or not to go. Is it essential to product sales...P.R. show or sales shows.
c. spokesperson - celebrity testimonial - have knowledge of product & associate them with product.
d. Cause-related - Grand opening of new hotel sponsorships. School sales of goods for charities or fundraising for school needed goods.
VIII. P.R. Marketing
e. P.R. Advertising
1. Used to....
a. Inform public of company mergers changes or new products.
b. Keep staff informed of personnel changes.
c. To inform company growth
d. Promote financial position or stability.
e. Remind the public not violate trademark copyright laws.
f. Damage control
Chapter 17 Execution: Public Relations Writing

I. Fundamentals of writing
a. Think 1st! - engage brain before stating idea - gain attention
b. 1st draft - necessary than edit - not saying something you do not mean.
c. Clear/concise - Extra words not needed

pg. 252
II. Inverted Pyramid
Defines newspaper writing - style. The climax is at the beginning. The prime idea than the support. Unlike novels that give the idea and then the climax.
III. New Release
About a special event or item of interest - given to news media that will generate a news story. (hopefully) Have impact & known entity.

a. Defined -

b. Localized - helps because they can identify new item....IUPUI, Eli Lilly, Lucas Stadium.
c. Is it news? - Dilemma, be careful to be too common place - public can tune out.
IV. Style
a. Gender - watch sexual bias. Be politically correct. ie...Chairmen - chairperson.
b. Down-style - Use capital letters only when needed.Use to emphasize something.
c. Abbreviations - spell out day of week...use month w/date you can abbreviate, w/o date spell out month. Spell out company name - IUPUI...spell it out.
d. Numbers - spell out 1-9, 10 or more write number. Start sentence w/number -write out number.
e. Punctuation - Follow normal format. Do not use exclamation often.
V. Format
a. Spacing - typed & double spaced. margin 1" to 11/2"
b. Paper - 8 1/2 x 11
c. ID - Name, address, phone number of writer.
d. Dates - Release date & embargo date (expired date)
e. Length - no more than 2 or 2 1/2 pages. Try 1
f. Paragraphs - No more than 6 lines per paragraph.
g. Slug lines - (-more-) or at bottom of page (## or -30-) marks end of release.
h. Headlines - good to have, the grabber.
i. Boilerplate - same info that is sent to multiple people - standard and may be disclaimer.
j. Timing - be sensitive to editorial deadlines. Know the cut off dates.
VI. Content
a. Announcement - avoid puffery (bragging)
b. Mgmt. Change - common reason to send out news release.
c. Mgmt. Speech - part 0of speech - begin with famous person's name. or common man can begin with material than name.