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55 Cards in this Set

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3 phases of Chemotherapy for leukemia
Remission induction, postremission therapy, CNS prophylaxis
Initial chemotherapy for remission induction in leukemia
Combination chemotherapy
Common agents used for maintenance therapy in leukemia
6-mercaptopurine and methotrexate
Common induction agents combos for leukemia
vincristine and prednisone, asparaginase, methotrexate
Common agents not used to initiate chemotherapy
High dose methotrexate, cyclophosphamide, cytarabine
CNS prophylaxis for leukemia
Intrathecal methotrexate alone or in combination with radiation therapy
What treatment option should be considered at the time of first relapse or second remission of leukemia
Bone marrow transplantation
Key genitourinary sign with leukemia
Lymph nodes most often involved in CLL
Cervical, supraclavicular, and axillary nodes
Group B symptoms of Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Unexplained fever of 101 or higher, drenching night sweats, weight loss of 10% or more in the previous 6 months
Definitive test of lung cancer
Purpose of CEA
Useful in monitoring therapy after surgery in colon cancer, its elevation suggests recurrence of colon cancer
Treatment of choice for colon cancer
Breast carcinoma in situ involves
ducts or lobules without invasion of surrounding tissues or organs
The most common type of non invasive breast cancer
ductal carcinoma in situ
The most common form of all breast cancers
Invasive ductal carcinoma
Late symptoms of cervical cancer
bladder dysfunction, rectal dysfunction, fisulas and pain
Tricuspid stenosis is which type of murmur?
Pulmonic stenosis is which type of murmur?
Tricuspid regurgitation is which type of murmur?
Most common reason for a "click: heart sound.
Mitral valve prolapse
Signs of MI progression
Peaking of T waves, ST elevation, inversion of T waves, Formation of Q waves, diminished height of R waves
Coronary artery(s) affected by ECG changes in inferior leads (II, III, aVf)
Primary: right coronay artery, secondary: left circumflex artery
Coronary artery(s) affected by ECG changes in inferolateral leads (II, III, aVf, V5, V6)
Left circumflex artery
Coronary artery(s) affected by ECG changes in anterior leads (V3 and V4)
Left anterior descending artery
Coronary artery(s) affected by ECG changes in anterolateral and lateral leads (I, aVl, V5, V6)
Left anterior descending or left circumflex artery.
Coronary artery(s) affected by ECG changes in anteroseptal leads (V1-V3)
Left anterior descending artery
Coronary artery(s) affected by ECG changes in posterior leads
Right coronary artery or left circumflex artery
Coronary artery(s) affected by ECG changes in right ventricular leads V4-V6
Right coronary artery
Contraindications to use of fibrinolytic therapy.
Recent GI bleeding, hypertension >165/95, prolonged CPR, cardiogenic shock, history of CVA
General rule for reexploratory surgery for chest tubes
if the output exceeds 400ml within 2 consecutive hours or 300 to 500ml within 1 hour
Signs and symptoms of cardiac tamponade
Beck's triad, tachycardia, pulsus paradoxus, changes in LOC, oliguria, shock
Description of Beck's triad
Symptom of cardiac tamponade involving JVD, narrowing pulse pressure, and distant heart tones
Contraindications to IABP
Aortic aneurysm, Bypass grafting, aortic insufficiency, perippheral or central atherosclerosis, bleeding disorders, history of embolic event
Arteriosclerosis obliterans has a higher incidence among the following:
Smokers, men 50-70, diabetics
Arteriosclerosis obliterans commonly affects which vessels
Femoropopliteal, popliteal-tibial, and aortoiliac vessels
Buerger's disease has a high incidence in the following:
Males 20-40, smokers, Eastern Europeans and Asians
Key signs and symptoms for occlusive arterial disease
Intermittent claudication, pain at rest, pain relieved by dependent positioning, coldness, numbness, pallor of the extremities, absent or diminished pulse, ulcerations of feet and toes
Most common cause of superficial thrombophlebitis.
IV cannulation
Most common organism causing superficial thrombophlebitis
Description of Virchow's triad
Associated with DVT and involves stasis of blood, vessel wall changes, changes in blood composition
Effect of diastolic dysfunction on heart size
Remains normal
Most common complication for mitral valve prolapse
mitral regurgitation
Complications of mitral valve prolapse
mitral regurgitation, bacterial endocarditis, SVT
Description of murmur associated with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Harsh, "diamond-shaped" systolic at the left sternal border, decreases with squatging and increases with the Valsalva maneuver
Meds contraindicated with hypertrophic obstructive disease
ACEI, nitrates, diuretics and digoxin
Most common type of cardiomyopathy
Major cause of death with restrictive cardiomyopathy
Infectious causative agents in otitis media
S. pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, M. catarrhalis
Common organisms of sinusitis
H. influenzae, S. pneumoniae
Drug used to prevent INH induced peripheral neuropathy.
Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)
Most common cause of interstitial lung disease among elderly patients
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Kerley B lines are present in which condition?
Pulmonary edema/CHF
Key physical examination findings of pulmonary hypertension.
Splitting of the second cardiac sound, peripheral edema, ascites
Diagnostic test for pulmonary hypertension
2 dimensional echocardiogram