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81 Cards in this Set

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When evaluating blood pressure it is important to remember

Diastolic BP is more potent for heart disease risk factor UNTIL age 50….AFTER age 50, systolic is more potent risk factor

Sports physcials

Have standardized forms that appropriate for all age groups

Macular degeneration

Loss of central vision

Allergic conjunctivitis

Pale yellow rope like discharge, itchy watery eyes, hyperemia bulbar, palpebral conjunctiva

Most prevalent anemia in the US

Iron deficiency

Partial gastrectomy is at risk for

B12 anemia

G6PD foods to avoid to avoid a hemolytic crisis

Fava beans or red wine

Most common causes of pancreatitis

Gallstones or alcohol

Murphy's sign

abdomen assessment



ST elevation

ST depression

Heart disease in women under 50

higher mortality rate than men

S3 is best heard

Apex or left lower sternal boarder with the bell of the stethascope

Difference between Parkinson tremor and essential tremor

Occurrence at rest

10 Complex higher-order activities of alzheimer's disease assessment is

ADL Independent Activities of Daily Living

CAGE questions should be asked

Of all patients

Oral contraceptives decrease the risk for

Ovarian cancer

Secondary prevention example

vision and hearing screenings

Bells Palsey affects which cranial nerve


Perianal lesions are congruent with

chron's disease

Emphysema findings

decreased FEV, increased total lung capacity, and increased residual volume

What antibiotic is given if exposed to pertussis?


Flashes of light and painless eye

Retinal detachment

When does S3 happen?

Early systole

Secondary prevention in abuse?

use of a protocol to identify an abused individual

Deciding factor for hyperlipidemia


Epigastric tenderness and guarding, sudden pain that peaks within 10-30 minutes, severe, lasts several hours without relief

aortic dissection

ABI for claudication due to atherosclerosis


If see perforation of the nasal septum, what is suspected?

cocaine use

Place hand above right knee and have the patient raise the right thigh against pressure...

iliopsoas sign

Breath sounds are equal in length for inspiration and expiration is abnormal and indicate what?

pneumonia that needs to be treated with antibiotics

If neuro signs last more than 15 minutes after head trauma

the patient should be sent to the ER as this is abnormal

What does PTT reflect in heparin monitoring

Intrinsic pathway for coagulation

National cholesterol education program recommends fasting lipid panel beginning at age 20 how often?

every 5 years

Chronic use of topical steroids such as ? can cause thinning of the skin?

triamcinolone cream

What will summation of the vector impulses indicate?

muscle damage to the heart

When giving glaucoma medications, what must be included in the education?

systemic effects

What are the broadest covering antibiotics for gram positive and gram negative organisms


What does depo-provera put someone at risk for?


A relative (not absolute) contraindication for the use of an oral contraceptive is?

migraine without aura

What is bacterial vaginosis treated with?


What does category 3 mean in reference to drugs and pregnancy?

animal studies show no risk

What medications are contraindicated with pregnancy for hypertension?

ACE inhibitors…don't give them Lisinopril (Zesteril)

What should you do with a strawberry hemangioma?

Watch for resolution

When is a PKU test most accurate?

48 hours after the first breast feeding or formula feeding

How many calories are in breast milk and formula per ounce?


If an antiviral medication is started in someone with shingles, what is the rationale?

Can produce faster healing of the lesions

Mycoplasma pneumonia is an atypical pneumonia that affects?

children and young adults and should be treated with azythromycin

What is NOT a risk factor for carotid stenosis in older adults?


Who should be referred to an endocrinologist?

New diagnosis of diabetes in adolescent or child

Can an obstructive airway disease be reversed?


What does tine versicolor look like and how should it be treated?

spagetti and meatballs and a topical antifungal

What is predominately found in those under 2 years of age, has a 2 week prodromal of malaise, paroxysmal cough, coryza (inflammation of the nares), anorexia?

Bordetella pertussis and treated with macrolide or trimethoprin sulfameth.

Unequal corneal light reflexes are?

Abnormal after 6 months of age

A woman comes to the office complaining of a unilateral headache, photophobia, blurred vision after watching a movie. What does the NP do?

Refer to a specialist immediately for acute angle-closure glaucoma

How would you recommend a nosebleed be treated at home?

spray afrin or neo-synephrine in the nostril

What are the following part of: collect, analyze, interpret data, state the dilemma, consider choices of action, analyze advantages and disadvantages, and make a decision

ethical decision making process

Tay-Sachs disease is most prevalent in which population?


Health status indicators to measure progress of health behaviors of Americans through?

Healthy People 2020

What is a secondary prevention to recommend to someone who has had a 20# weight gain?

Keep a food journal and RTC

What do open-ended questions do?

help to define the patient's goals and potential problems

Reproducibility or reliability of the interview information is present when?

Different interviewers are able to obtain the same information

E&M codes are established through?


NPI numbers are established through


Advanced nursing practice is a broader concept than advanced practice nursing and is described as?

Any form of nursing interventions that influence health care outcomes

A patient comes in with a swollen non-tender scrotum for a week and is found to have a mass within the tunica vaginalis that transilluminates?


Diastolic murmurs

Begin with the onset of S2 and terminates before S1

When should DTap boosters be given?

every 10 years or Tdap after age 11

A teenaged boy comes in and reports he has been having leg cramps. His lab work reveals an increased Alk Phosphate

The NP knows an increased Alk phosphate is normal during rapid growth spurts

What medication causes an increased lipoprotein level?


What is the NP evaluating when testing rapid movements of the hands?

Cerebellar function

A total gastrectomy patient comes in and ℅ sore mouth, indigestion, tingling in the lower extremities. What test would the NP order?


What is the main reason for progestin medications during perimenopause?

promotes shedding of the endometrium

What is a health promotion strategy for obese adolescents?

Put them in age-matched self-help group

A 45 year old patient comes in who is an opera singer. She ℅ progressive hoarseness for four weeks after a 3 hour opera performance. She does not smoke, denies neck pain, denies weight loss, denies a recent URI, denies dysphagia, denies SOB. What would the NP do?

Refer for larynx evaluation

Patient is on Retrovir for HIV. What blood tests should be done?

CBC to monitor for side effects

What treatment is recommended for viral conjunctivitis?

Cold compresses

What is the most difficult aspect of determining occupational exposure to disease?

Long latency period of occupational disease

A 49 year old female comes to your office who suffers from fibromylagia. She reports she is feeling overwhelmed. What would you recommend?

Support group meeting

38 year old vietnamese man who's mother died of liver cancer comes to your office for a routine exam. You understand the man is most at risk for?

Hepatitis B

60 year old patient with diabetes comes to the office. His BP is 150/96. He returns 3 months later after losing 10 pounds and his BP is 142/94. What should be done?

Start enalipril (vasotec)

What causes the pain associated with lumbar herniated nucleus pulpous?

Disc pressure on the nerve roots radiating from the spine