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28 Cards in this Set

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collection of data that has a name and is stored on a computer disk, tape, CD, DVD, or USB flash drive
program module containing instructions that tell the PC how to perform specific tasks
ex: word processing program
executable file
contains words, numbers, and pictures you can manipulate
ex: document created using microsoft word
data file
describe name, type, location, and size - also includes dates when the file was created, modified, and last accessed
file properties
cannot be modified or deleted
read only file
does not appear in the file lists and cannot be used unless you know it's name and location - can be used for archives (backups) and security (password)
hidden file
windows 95 and higher allows up to 255 characters for a file name making it much easier to identify the contents of the file
long file name
set of characters added to a file name to indicate the file's type or origin
ex: filename.doc - refers to a word DOCument
file extention
the form in which a file is stored - also included in the file extention
file format
part of the operating system designed to help you find and organize files on you PC - right click START to access and then click EXPLORE
windows explorer
lists devices and folders (on left)
folders pane
lists files (on right) - can be adjusted to show different info
name pane
helps to identify what type a file is
tiny versions of graphics file
thumbnail view
medium sized icon for each file along with name
icons view
large icon plus file's name, type, and size
tiles view
displays name, size, type, and date modified
details view
displays name of each file plus small icon to determine type
list view
a unique identifier for each storage device
ex: A = floppy disk drive
device letter
holds files in groups for easy retrieval - sometimes called a directory - can hold subfolders creating a hierarchical structure
information to find a file includes: device letter, folder, file name, and extention
ex: A:\Letters\Letter to Smith.doc
allows you to search for a file by name, phrase, date, or size
search companion
helps you create search specifications when you don't know an exact tiltle or phrase
ex: Medi* to find medical or medicine
search wildcard
located on the taskbar - can be used to adjust file settings
temporary holding area in you PC's memory
windows clipboard
quickly makes a copy of a floppy disk
copy disc utility
must be done to store data on a disk (erases all existing data)
disk formatting
copy of one or more files that is made in case the original file becomes damaged - usually stored seperatly from the original