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91 Cards in this Set

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what is mcCune albright syndrome? (4)
precocious sexual development, holes of CT (lytic lesions),
"coast of maine" pigmented skin macules
polyostitis fibrosa dysplasia
what does the seminal vesicles give to the sperm?
fructose (food) and semen (clothing)
what bulbourethral = cowper's gland secrete? why?
bicarbonate to neutralize lactobacilli
what does prostate secrete?
prostate "HAZ" it.
acid phosphatase
what is capacitation rxn?
zinc is peeling off the semen
what is acrosomal rxn?
sperm release enzymes to eat away into the corona radiata
what is crystalization rxn?
the sperm releases a compound that crystalizes around the egg so it cannot be fertilized by other sperm (polyspermy)
where does testosterone comes from?
adrenals and testicles
where does DHT comes from?
from the testicles at puberty
what is a pseudohermaprodite?
external genitalia problem
what is a true hermaphrodite
has both sexes, internal genitalia problem
what is female hermaphrodite
not possible, female is defult
what is female pseudohermaphrodite? what is the cause of this
CAH: 21 hydroxylase deficiency
XX with low 21-OHase => high testosterone
what is male hermaphrodite?
what is male pseudohermaphrodite? why?
XY that has 17-OHase => low testosterone
what is hirsutism?
what is virilization?
man like
what is testicular feminization = androgen insensitivity syndrome
bad DHT receptor => XY with blind pouch vagina
what is cryptochordism?
what is the child at risk for?
undescended testes >15 months = infertility
which stage of the mestrual cycle has the highest estrogen levels? and describe its endothelium
follicular stage ( has proliferative endothelium)
what stage of the mestrual cycle has the highest temparature
ovulation stage
what stage of the menstrual cycle has the higest progesterone levels? describe its endothelium
luteal phase (secretory endothellium)
what form of estrogen has the highest form in menopause? what is it made from?
E₁: estrone (made by fat)
what form of estrogen has the highest form in middle age female?
what is it made from?
E₂: estradiol (made by ovaries)
what form of estrogen has the highest form in pregnancy? what is it made from?
E₃: estriol (made by placenta)
4 states that have increase estrogen?
liver failure
p450 inhibition "ID SMACK Quin"
what is adenomyosis?
endometrium invading into the myometrium
--> uterus becomes boggy and enlarged with cystic areas
what does DES taken by mom cause in her daughter? presentation of a pt exposed to DES with adenomyosis?
recurrent abortions
clear cell vaginal/cervical carcinoma
adenomyosis--> menorrahgia
what is kallman syndrome?
no GnRH and can"t smell (anosmia)
what is PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)? what is the pathophysiology?
⇒cannot ovulate: has numerous cystic areas --> no progesterone
⇒ unopposes estrogen from continuous secretion of LH --> increase risk of endometrial carcinoma and can have hirsutism, obesity and acne
what is savage syndrome
ovaries are resistant to LH/FSH
what is turner's syndrome (XO)
hormone levels (2)
pathogenesis in the reproductive system
ovarian dysgenesis
low estradiol, increase FSH
describe progesterone challenge test
bleeding --> has estrogen
no bleeding --> she has no estrogen or ovaries
then check FSH
FSH increased -> ovarian problem
FSH is decreased --> pituitary problem
what is sheehan syndrome?
too much bleeding post partum
--> infraction of the pitutary gland, hyperplasia
--> cannot lactate
what is asherman's syndrome?
previous D&C--> uterine scars
what is oligomennorrhea?
too few periods
what is polymenorrehea?
too many periods
what is the most common cause of post coital vaginal bleeding in child bearing age?
cervical cancer
what is the most common cause of post coital vaginal bleeding in pregnant women?
placenta previa
what is the most common cause of post coital vaginal bleeding post-menopausal women?
endometrial cancer
what is chronic pelvic pain?
endometriosis until proven otherwise
what is dysfunctional uterine bleeding?
usually due to anovulation. diagnosis of exclusion
what is dysmenorrhea?
painful menstrual cramps due to PG-F. teenager cannot go to school or work
what is endometriosis?
what would be seen?
painful heavy cyclic menstrual bleeding
chocolate cyst, powder burns
this is due to ectopic endometrial tissue outside the uterus
what is klein regnung?
scant bleeding during ovulation
what is menorrhagia
heavy menstrual bleeding
what else is it called?
2 types and presentation for each
benign smooth muscle turmor of the uterus
submucosal: bleeding
subserosal: painful
what is metorrhagia?
bleeding between periods
what is mittelschmerz
pain at ovulation
what causes syphillis?
teponema pallidum (spirochete)
what is herpes genetic compound?
DS DNA virus
what is HPV?
DS DNA virus
what is chlamydia?
obligate intracellular bacteria
what is gonorrhea on a slide?
gram (-) diplococci
what is chancroid?
H. ducreyi
what causes lymphgranuloma venerum?
chlamydia tricomatis
what causes lymphogranuloma inguinale?
c. granulomatosis
what cause epididymitis in a young person?
what is condyloma lata?
what disease is it associated with?
fresh, flat warts that ulcerate
secondary syphillis
condyloma acuminata
presentation (4)
HPV 16,11
koilocytes, cauliflower," verrucous" warts
how does herpes present?
primary: painful group clear vesicles on red base
secondary: painful solitary lesions
how does syphillis present?
primary: 1-6 weeks: painless chancre
secondary: 6 weeks: rash on the palms and soles, condyloma lata
tertiary: 6 years: bone, neuro and cardiac
how does chancroid present?
gram stain
painful w/ necrotic center
"school of fish pattern", gram (-) rods
how does lymphogranuloma venerum present?
painless ulcers -->abscess nodes--> genital elephantiasis
how does granuloma inguinale present?
pathopneumonic structure
ulcers that spread
donovan bodies
granulation test
how does chlamydia present?
conjuctivitis, cervicits (yellow pus) and PID
how does gonorrhea present?
arthritis, urethral discomfort, palmar pustules
what is epididymitis?
unilateral scrotal pain and it gets better with elevation
(pain decreases with support)
what causes congenital blindness?
what causes neonatal blindness?
what is lichen simplex chronicus
raised white lesions, chronic scratching
what is lichen sclerosis?
paper like vulva, itching, cancer risk
what is hidradenoma?
sweat gland cyst
what is paget's disease of the breast
breast cancer, rash and ulcer around the nipple
what is lobular carcinoma
cells line up in single file, primary and contralateral
what is comedocarcinoma?
multiple focal areas of necrosis. "black heads"
what is inflammatory carcinoma?
"peau d" orange". lymphatic infiltrate, pulls on cooper's ligaments. breast cancer
what is cystosarcoma phylloides?
exploding mushroom, firm, movable rubbery and
good prognosis
what is intraductal papilloma
bleeding nipple, most common breast cancer
what is ductal carcinoma?
worse prognosis of breast cancer
what is sarcoma botyroides?
vaginal cancer, ball of grapes
what is a sister mary joseph nodule?
ovarian tumor metastisized to the umbilicus
what is meig's syndrome?
pleural effusion, ascites, ovarian fibroma
what are the side effects of estrogen?
headache, nausea, vomiting, breast tenderness and weight gain
what are the side effects of progesterone?
acne, depression and HTN
what are the non-bacterial fetal infections?
Toxoplasmosis, rubella, CMV, herpes, syphillis
What is the T in ToRCHS?
CT scan
how is it acquired?
part of the brain
multiple ring enhancing lesions
cat urine
peraital lobe
What is the R in ToRCHS? describe (6)
"blueberry muffin" rash, cataracts,
PDA, hearingloss, meningoencephalitis
What is the C in ToRCHS? describe
CMV: central calcifications, blindness, spastic dysplesia and hepatomegally
What is the H in ToRCHS?
what does it need?
Herpes: hemorragic temporal encephalitis, need C/S prophylaxis
What is the S in ToRCHS? describe (4)
syphillis: rhagade"s (lip fissures), saber shins, mulberry molars, hutchison's teeth