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14 Cards in this Set

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What are the 2 main reasons for s reduction in pressure

Frictional loss in the hose line

Effects of gravity when working above the water source or pump

What are the factors the affect that pressure loss

Internal diameter of hose

Output flow of water

Height above or below water source

Length of hose line

How does the diameter affect the pressure

The smaller the diameter the greater the frictional loss

How does the output flow of water affect pressure

Higher required output the higher the frictional loss

How does thw height in metres above or below water source affect pressure

Working above will result in pressure loss

Working below will result in pressure gain

How does length of hose affect pressure

The longer the line the greater the frictional loss

Frictional loss Law 1

Pressure loss is directly proportional to the length of the hose through which the water flows

Frictional loss Law 2

Pressure loss is directly proportional to the square of the flow rate

(If flow rate is doubled then frictional loss is quadrupled)

Frictional loss Law 3

Pressure loss is inversely proportional to the hose diameter

Most important single factor

(45mm has 5x more frictional loss than 70mm and 32x more than 90mm for the same flow-rate)

Frictional loss table

Effects of gravity

Loss 1 bar for every 10m above pump

(Roughly 3m per floor = .3bar loss)

What must be considered wben estimating pressure loss

Working pressure of branch

Frictional loss rate for hose

Effects of gravity

What is the water on command order

Water on

Delivery number ?

Branch working on ? Floor

? Bar pressure

When the water source is twinned and using our largest diameter hose what does that do to our frictional loss

It gets quartered