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25 Cards in this Set

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What was Microsoft’s goal for Windows PowerShell?

To build 100% of a product’s administrative functionality in the shell.

What is the command to tell what PowerShell version is use?


OR just


What is one advantage of using the PowerShell ISE, and what do MS call this?

Autocompletion, Intellisense

What is pipelining?

The pipeline provides a way for one command to pass, or pipe, its output to another command, allowing that second command to have something to work with.

What is an Object?

Object - think of a "table row". It represents a single thing, like a process of a single service.

e.g. Chrome.exe CPU = 50%

What is a Property?

Property - think of a "table column". It represents one piece of information about an object, like a process name, process ID, or service status.

e.g. for Processes: CPU, handles, VM, etc.

What is a Method?

Method - this is what is called an "action". A method is related to a single object and makes that object do something like killing a process or starting a service.


What is a Collection?

Collection - This is the entire set of objects, or what we've been calling a "table".


Why use Objects to represent data?

It gives more power and flexibility. Example; retrieving data from a table in Linux/Unix using Grep (i.e. needs lots of text manipulation) versus in Windows with PowerShell (grab it once from a table column).

How do you get information on the entire data set of a Collection ("the table")?

[CMDLET name] | Get-Member
If objects are like a giant table in memory, and PowerShell only shows you a portion of that table on the screen, use Get-Member to see the rest of the table.

All of the properties, methods, and other things attached to an object are collectively called its ___________

Members, as if the object itself were a country club and all of these properties and methods belonged to the club.

What does the Select-Object CMDLET do?

Selects specified properties of an object or set of objects. It can also select unique objects, a specified number of objects, or objects in a specified position in an array.

How do you show the value of a Property using a syntax in the command?

Use the -Property switch:
Get-Service -name gupdate | Format-Wide -Property Displayname
Google Update Service (gupdate)

What is a 2nd way to show the value of a Property, using the dot approach?

Use the .PropertyName:
(Get-Service -Name gupdate).DisplayName

What is a 3rd way to show the value of a Property, using the variable approach?

$GUpdateSVC = Get-Service -name gupdate

What is a Method in PS terminology?

An action, e.g.
$GUpdateSVC = Get-Service -name gupdate

How do you get info on what Methods are available?

CMDLET | Get-Member
Variable | Get-Member
$GUpdateSVC = Get-Service -name gupdate
$GUpdateSVC | Get-Member

When you call a Method, what do you need to have at the end?

$GUpdateSVC = Get-Service -name gupdate

What is the value of Chocolatey to automation?

Sort of like YUM or APT-GET but for Windows - the ability to download and install packages in one go.

"choco install chrome"
"choco install firefox"

How can you ensure your PowerShell help files are current?


How can you describe Windows PowerShell in one sentence?

Windows PowerShell is a task automation and configuration management framework from Microsoft, consisting of a command-line shell and associated scripting language built on the .NET Framework.

What does PowerShell provide?

PowerShell provides full access to COM and WMI, enabling administrators to perform administrative tasks on both local and remote Windows systems as well as WS-Management and CIM enabling management of remote Linux systems and network devices.

What are PowerShell CMDLETS?

The native commands in the PowerShell stack.
Cmdlets are specialized .NET classes, which the PowerShell runtime instantiates and invokes when they are run.

What is the naming pattern for CMDLETS?

Cmdlets follow a Verb-Noun naming pattern, such as Get-ChildItem, helping to make them self-descriptive.

How do CMDLETS output their results?

Cmdlets output their results as objects, or collections thereof (including arrays), and can optionally receive input in that form, making them suitable for use as recipients in a pipeline.