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105 Cards in this Set

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grandson of earlier President
Benjamin Harrison
fostered Navy expansion
Benjamin Harrison
very religiously moral
Benjamin Harrison
lost popular vote but won in electoral college
Benjamin Harrison
1st billion dollar Congress
Benjamin Harrison
implemented high tariffs
Benjamin Harrison
refused to listen to opinions of others
Grover Cleveland
Pullman RR Strike
Grover Cleveland
poorly handled the Panic of 1893
Grover Cleveland
first Presdient in a movie
Grover Cleveland
Spanish-American War
William McKinley
annexed Hawaii
William McKinley
shot by anarchist in the Temple of Music
William McKinley
didn't want assassin hurt
William McKinley
knew nothing about football
William McKinley
youngest President ever
Theodore Roosevelt
Panama Canal built
Theodore Roosevelt
was Rough Rider
Theodore Roosevelt
ran for third term with Bull Moose Party
Theodore Roosevelt
wrote corollary to the Monroe Doctrine
Theodore Roosevelt
President salary to $75,000
William H. Taft
biggest Presdient ever, special bathtub installed for him
William H. Taft
ran for President at wife's urging
William H. Taft
Chief Justice of Supreme Court for 9 years
William H. Taft
Great War President
Woodrow Wilson
won Nobel Peace Prize for League of Nations idea
Woodrow Wilson
wife died while he was in office
Woodrow Wilson
woman's suffrage
Woodrow Wilson
child labor prohibited
Woodrow Wilson
liquor in White House despite Prohibition
Warren G. Harding
immigration quota law
Warren G. Harding
spent time in sanitarium
Warren G. Harding
Tea Pot Dome Scandal
Warren G. Harding
1st President to have a radio and speak to public on it
Warren G. Harding
born on July 4, 1872
Calvin Coolidge
Kellogg Briand Treaty
Calvin Coolidge
loved to eat cheese
Calvin Coolidge
known for being a friend to Big Business
Calvin Coolidge
first to have a son protected by the Secret Service
Calvin Coolidge
Stock Market crashed
Herbert C. Hoover
orphaned at age 8
Herbert C. Hoover
went to Stanford when it first opened
Herbert C. Hoover
shanty towns named for him
Herbert C. Hoover
"Great Humanitarian"
Herbert C. Hoover
created the New Deal
Franklin D. Roosevelt
distant nephew of Teddy
Franklin D. Roosevelt
wife Eleanor was 1st US representative to UN
Franklin D. Roosevelt
died during fourth term
Franklin D. Roosevelt
was in a wheelchair due to childhood polio
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Presidential salary to $100,000 plus $50,000 expenses
Harry S. Truman
A-Bomb dropped
Harry S. Truman
papers said "Dewey Wins"
Harry S. Truman
United Nations charter signed in San Francisco
Harry S. Truman
swore a lot in speeches
Harry S. Truman
Sputnik launch by USSR begins space race
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Supreme Commander of D-Day landing
Dwight D. Eisenhower
set fed. troops to Little Rock for segregation
Dwight D. Eisenhower
"I like Ike" slogan
Dwight D. Eisenhower
youngest President ever elected
John F. Kennedy
assassination conspiracy?
John F. Kennedy
Marilyn Monroe fan
John F. Kennedy
started the Peace Corps
John F. Kennedy
Bay of Pigs invasion
John F. Kennedy
only Catholic President
John F. Kennedy
refused salary
John F. Kennedy
wife is Lady Bird
Lyndon B. Johnson
Oath of Office taken on Air Force One
Lyndon B. Johnson
sent more troops to Vietnam
Lyndon B. Johnson
Civil Rights Act signed
Lyndon B. Johnson
created "Great Society" programs
Lyndon B. Johnson
salary to $200,000 plus $50,000 expense account
Richard M. Nixon
1st President to visit Communist China/Russia
Richard M. Nixon
VP Agnew resigned
Richard M. Nixon
Richard M. Nixon
1st President to resign
Richard M. Nixon
1st President never elected
Gerald R. Ford
once got locked in White House stairwell
Gerald R. Ford
he and wife were models
Gerald R. Ford
birth name was Leslie Lynch King, Jr.
Gerald R. Ford
pardoned Nixon
Gerald R. Ford
peanut farmer before becoming politician
James E. Carter, Jr.
Camp David Accords
James E. Carter, Jr.
Iran Hostage Crisis
James E. Carter, Jr.
Dept. of Education created
James E. Carter, Jr.
expert on nuclear submarine warfare
James E. Carter, Jr.
once governor of CA
Ronald W. Reagan
increased defense spending
Ronald W. Reagan
Trickle Down Economics
Ronald W. Reagan
wife began "Just Say No" to drugs campaign
Ronald W. Reagan
Iran Contra Scandal
Ronald W. Reagan
successful actor
Ronald W. Reagan
said "Read my lips, no new taxes," then raised taxes
George H.W. Bush
Persian Gulf War
George H.W. Bush
was ambassador to UN
George H.W. Bush
was CIA director
George H.W. Bush
negotiated weapons reduction treaty
George H.W. Bush
Rhodes Scholar to Oxford
William J. Clinton
jogged to McDonald's
William J. Clinton
economic upswing
William J. Clinton
wife is first, First Lady to be elected Senator
William J. Clinton
impeached for scandals, acquitted in Senate
William J. Clinton
salary to $400,000 with $50,000 expense account
George W. Bush
son of former President
George W. Bush
lost popular vote, won in electoral college
George W. Bush
owned Texas Rangers baseball club
George W. Bush