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40 Cards in this Set

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cleaning tool

loop tools

piercing / needle tool

extruder / clay gun

clay cutter

slab roller

scoring broom

brush / fan brush




making marks on the edges to two pieces of clay before joining them together with slip


A procedure for preparing clay or a clay body by hand

green ware

unfired clay


use this type of paint after clay is fired

leather dry

The condition of a clay or clay body when it has been partially dried to the point where all shrinkage has been completed.

bone dry

The final stage of greenware dried to a completely dry state and ready to be fired. In this stage, the clay is very fragile, non-plastic and porous


A furnace for the firing of ceramics.

color wash

mix half water and half paint, apply on project, rub off with a damp sponge


a mixture of powdered materials that often includes a premelted glass made into a slip and applied to aceramic body by spraying or dipping and capable of fusing to glassy coating when dried and fired.

crystal glaze

A coating that has been matured to the glassy state on a formed ceramic article, or the material or mixture from which the coating is made.

slip / slip casting

A suspension of clay, clay body or glaze in water.


A parting and contraction of the glaze on the surface of ceramic ware during drying or firing, resulting in unglazed areas bordered by coalesced glaze


glob the sip of to the scored piece of clay


A group of hydrous aluminium phyllosilicate minerals. Often also used to refer to the clay body, which sometimes may only contain small amounts of clay minerals.

hand builing

any clay piece you make by using your hands


to construct a project by pinching it


putting it in the slab roller to flatten the clay to the size you need


a hand method of forming pottery by building up the walls with coils of rope-like rolls of clay.

hollowing out

remove clay from the interior from solid piece of clay so it does not explode

primary colors




Secondary colors




tertiary colors

you get this by mixing a primary color with a secondary color

monochromatic colors

colors go well together, producing a soothing effect.

colors go well together, producing a soothing effect.

complimentary colors

colors, when are combined, cancel each other out to form a brown or grey color.

How many coats of color and/or glaze on green ware

color = 3

glaze = 2

How many coats of color and/or glaze on bisque

color = 3

glaze = 2

what kind of paint is used on green ware

used on un-fired clay

what kind of paint is used on bisque

used on fired clay

how long for clay to dry once placed in the kiln room?

24 hours

when and how to tell if it is kiln ready?

light color, the feel of it, has to be warm and no dampness,