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28 Cards in this Set

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Where is the majority of the potassium inside the body?
Intracellular space (98%)
What protein has the largest impact on K levels in the body?
Na/K ATPase

Regulation of this process is a big dea
What is a main function of K as an ion inside the body? What happens if K homeostasis is disrupted?
Control of membrane potential in cardiac, neuromuscular cells.

Cardiac arrhythmias
What's the normal concentration of K in the ICF? ECF?
ICF: 150 mEq/L

ECF: 4.5 mEq/L
What changes happen on EKG during hyperkalemia? When in the course the problem do the abnormalities occur?
Peaked T waves

You see the changes early on, before you start to have arrhythmias
What changes happen on EKG during hypokalemia?
U waves
What are the changes in the EKG that you see during K concentration abnormalities?
What are the changes in the EKG that you see during K concentration abnormalities?
What is the effect of insulin in membrane channels?
Increase in Na(into)/H(outof) exchange

Increase in Na/K ATPase
What defines a metabolic acidosis?

HCO3<24 mEq/L
What defines a metabolic alkalosis?

HCO3>24 mEq/L
What defines a respiratory acidosis?

PCO2>40 mmHg
What defines a respiratory alkalosis?

PCO2<40 mmHg`
What is the relationship between intracellular H and K?
Increased K, less H
Increased H, less K
Generally, what is the relationship between potassium and acid-base status?
Hypokalemia and alkalemia

Hyperkalemia and acidemia
What is the activity of beta agonists on channel activity in the kidney?
Increase in Na/K exchange

Blocking the beta receptors leads to hyperkalemia...you don't have stimulation of the Na/K exchange
What is a nonintuitive stimulus for K insulin release?
Increased K intake
What are the main routes of K excretion?
Kidney: >85%

GI tract: <15%
Where is the main site of control for renal handling of K?
What are some of the factors that control K homeostasis at the DCT?
Plama K
Flow rate
What are the two main cell types at the collecting duct? What are their functions?
Principal cells: Na/K regulation

ICs: Acid-base status
What are the effects of aldosterone on the cells?
-More channels on the apical membrane
-More Na/K ATPase activity
-Changes enzymes of energy activity in cells--> need to be able to make more pumps
What is the effect of potassium on aldosterone levels?
More potassium, more aldosterone released

Body doesn't want to become hyperkaelemic
What is the impact of flow on K excretion?
Low flow:
-Na is absorbed well before CD-->not large drive for this guy to go into cells. Not much drive for the Na/K ATPase...not extra K inside the cells-->not abnormally large gradient pushing K out.
-naturally high amount of K in lumen

High flow:
-You've got high Na --> pushes stuff out into the cell-->high Na/K-->lots of K inside cell-->pushing of K out of the glomeruli into urine at high rate
-always low concentration in lumen-->more drive of K out
Where is the majority of the Mg in the body? Is it readily available?
It's in the bone.

It's bound inside the plasma
What are the functions of magnesium inside the body?
Regulation of membrane excitability via the regulation of postassium, calcium metabolism
Where does handling of Mg take place within the kidney?

Collecting duct
Why should you be concerned with loop diuretics and Mg? Don't loop diuretics work on sodium?
Na and Mg resorption distally in the tubule are linked, so things that block Na reabsorption distally also stop Mg reabsorption.

This can cause membrane excitability problems