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80 Cards in this Set

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Three divisions of the uterus are
corpus (fundus)
cervix ( internal os, cervical canal, eternal os)
The post partum period lasts
6 weeks or 42 days
puerperium is
the return of the reproductive organs to their non-pregnant state
organs never return to
pre-preganant state
retrogressive changes
are changes that result in an organ etc, going back to its non-pregnant state
ex. uterus, cervix
changes that keep moving forward after delivery
ex. breasts
reproductive postpartum changes
non-reproductive postpartum changes
uterine involution
the rapid return of the uterus to the non-pregnant state
happens immediately pp
pregnancy is a
vasodilation state
What causes uterine contractions after placenta detaches
Where is the fundus immediately after birth
half way between the pubic synthesis and umbilicus
Over the first 12 hours after birth the fundus will rise to
one finger breadth above the umbilicus
Between 12-24 hours the fundus
goes down a predictable rate, 1-2 finger breaths
at 24 hours the funds should be
at the umbiliuc or 1 finger breadth below
The first hour after birth
is the most dangerous
highest risk of hemorrhage
uterine atony is
a uterus without tone
uterine atony can be cause by
lack of oxytocin
retained placenta
failure or delay of the uterus to return to the non-pregnant state
pitocin is administered to all women
post partum
For multiparas women contractions postpartum are
Reproductive changes post partum include
sloughing of off uterine lining
reduction in pregnancy hormones
progesterone production stops till first ovulation
endometril regeneration
muscle tone recovery
build up breast tissue for lactation
Endometril regeneration occurs within
6 weeks of delivery
Lochia is
uterine discharge of blood and waste
Three types of Lochia
Lochia Rubra
Lochia Serosa
Lochia Alba
Lochia Rubra is seen
first 1-3 days pp
Lochia Serosa is seen
3-10 days pp
brownish, lighter
decreased amount
Lochia Alba is seen
10 days - 3 wks pp
can last up to six weeks pp
are descriptions that are
What hormones decreases after birth
human placental lactogen
human chorionic gondadotropin
What hormones are increased/ produced right after birth
oxytocin is responsible for the _____ of milk
let down of milk
prolactin is responsible for the _______ of milk
Humna Placental Lactogen
promotes normal nutriton and growth of the fetus
promotes maternal breast development for lactation
HUman Chorionic gondadotrpoin
helps to maint the corpus luteum to persist for the first 6-8 weeks and helps to secrete progesterone and estrogen
What hormones are increased/ produced right after birth
causes enlargement of the breast
growth of the ductal system of the breast
enlargement of the extrnal genitalia
oxytocin is responsible for the _____ of milk
let down of milk
promotes normal continuation of the pregnancy
prolactin is responsible for the _______ of milk
increase during pregnany and helps with metabolism of glucose, proteins and fat
anti-inflammatory, helps prevent rejection
Humna Placental Lactogen
promotes normal nutriton and growth of the fetus
promotes maternal breast development for lactation
Cervis is back to its pre-pregnant size by day
HUman Chorionic gondadotrpoin
helps to maint the corpus luteum to persist for the first 6-8 weeks and helps to secrete progesterone and estrogen
With every 250ml of blood lost
there is a 4 point decrease in hematocrit and 1 g decrease in hemoglobin
causes enlargement of the breast
growth of the ductal system of the breast
enlargement of the extrnal genitalia
promotes normal continuation of the pregnancy
increase during pregnany and helps with metabolism of glucose, proteins and fat
anti-inflammatory, helps prevent rejection
Cervis is back to its pre-pregnant size by day
With every 250ml of blood lost
there is a 4 point decrease in hematocrit and 1 g decrease in hemoglobin
Normal blood loss in vaginal delivery
up to 500cc
Normal blood loss with C-section
up to 1000cc
Above how many cc's with vaginal delivery is considered hemorrhage
Increased cardiac output postpartum results from
uteroplacental blood returns to maternal central circulation
decreased pressure on blood vessels
mobilization of excess fluid
Postpartum body gets rid of extra fluid by
diuresis -- 3,000cc's per day
diaphoresis- especially at night
Elevated cardiac output remains for at least ___________ and returns to pre-pregnancy levels within ____________
48 hours
2 weeks PP
During postpartum period women experience
increased appetite
delayed bowel exacuation
urinary retention
elvated WBC
stabilization of joints
reverse of hyperpigmentation
hair "loss
hemoconcentration results fromd
during pregnancy volume increases faster then production of RBC, leading to hemodilution hence after birth you have hemoconcentration
Normal WBC
WBC can go as high as
15 during pregnancy
also typical immediately postpartum
relaxes the joint during pregnancy giving leeway for delivery
temperature within the 1st 24 hours post partum is
uterus not being midlines is usually because
mother has a full bladder
If a mother is bleeding postpartum first thing you do is
then massage the fundus
Holmans Sign
check for a DVT
flex foot and feel for pain in the calf
During Fundal assessment woman should be
lying flat
Normal fundal assessment should include
unding should be midline
fundus should be firm not boggy
fundus 1-2 FB below umbilicus
1st degree laceration
involves the superficial vaaginal mucosa or perineal skin
2nd degree lacerations
involves the vaginal mucosa, perineal skin, and deeper tissues, which may include muscles of the perineum
3rd degree lacerations
same as second but involves the anal sphincter (goes to the edge but not through the anal sphincter)
4th degree lacerations
extends through the anal sphincter into the rectal mucosa
periurethral area
laceration in the area of the urethra may cause a woman to have difficulty urinating after birth
if a uterus is contracting normally and there is still a lot of bleeding
there may be a cervical tear
tears are communally seen
at 2 and 10 for cervical lacerations
Nothing in the Vagina for
6-8 weeks
How much pitosin is given postpartum
20 units ( 1000CC) @ 100/125 cc times 2
40 units total
Phases of maternal PP Adjustment
Phase 1- dependent
phase 2 - dependent - independent
phase 3 - interdependent
Paternal adjustment
stage 1: expectations
stage 2: reality
stage 3: transition to mastery
postpartum blues occur in
50-80% of mothers
baby blues peak within the
first week and usually resolve by 2nd week