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13 Cards in this Set

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Define scalawag

White southerner who supported reconstruction

Define carpetbagger

Northerner who moved to the sth during reconstruction

What three groups took over south state govt

1. Freedman

2. Southerners were supported republicans

3. Carpetbaggers

What could blacks be that they couldn't be before

Mayors, legislatures, sheriffs, voters

What political party did most southerners belong to

Democratic party

Describe terrorism in the south

Societies formed to regain white power. The KKK was main one. They killed, threatened, and tortured African Americans.

How did taxes and corruption Impact southern economy?

Rebuilding cost a lot of money. Before the war, taxes were very low. Now they have to be raised.

Define sharecropping

Southerners with huge amounts of land but no slaves to work on it allowed ppl to live on their land if they work.

What problems did president Grant's administration have?

Pres. Grant was hurt by the wide spread corruptions. The president appointed many friends to office. He was a horrible president.

Samuel Tilden

Governor of NY. Elected for pres by Democ.

Rutherford B. Hayes

Repub. candidate

What are poll taxes?

Required voters to pay a fee when they voted. Created to prevent freedman from voting.

What are literacy tests?

Tests voters had to take in order to vote. Many freedman weren't educated so they didn't pass