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13 Cards in this Set

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What makes ATP a possible immediate vasodilator?
causes release of NO, prostaglandins, and EDHF from vascular endothelial cells, which then affects smooth muscles cells
What's the problem with ATP as an immediate vasodilator?
Testing has been hampered by inconclusiveness of location of blood ATP. Also specific receptor blockers have messed up conclusions
Why is NO considered a possible immediate vasodilator?
NO is synthesized from many locations (endothelium, skeletal muscle, and RBC's) and it's proven that release of NO from muscles causes a marked increase of blood flow
What's the problem with NO as a vasodilator?
We don't know how well NO synthase inhibitors work.
Fiber types exhibit different NO dependent vasodilation
Why are prostanoids consideredd to be a possible immediate vasodilator?
Prostanoids come from both skeletal muscles and endothelial cells whish is where some vasodilators originate from and work
What is the problem with Prostanoids as immediate vasodilators?
Prostanoids are not essential for exercise hyperemia but may play a back up role
Why are EDHF's considered to be immediate vasodilators?
EDHF may be involoved in exercise hyperemia via Bradykinin
What's the problem with EDHF as an immediate vasodilator?
Bradykinin is an amino acid peptide that circulates in plasma and is not directly linked to EDHF
How do skeletal muscles produce NO and what does the NO synthase enzyme bind to in skeletal muscle?
Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase. NO binds to Caveolin-3 in skeletal muscle
How do endothelial cells produce NO? What does NO bind to in endothelium?
Endothelial cells produce NO via eNOS (endothelial nitric oxide synthase).
NO from endothelial cells binds to Bradykinin, ATP, and ACh or by mechanical factors like shear stress.
What does NO bind to in RBC's? What is the main mechanism of vasodilation of NO in smooth muscle cells.?
NO binds to hemoglobin (Hb) in red blood cells.
NO creates vasodilation in smooth muscles when binding to the receptor guanylate cyclase
What are the characteristics of Type I and II Muscle Afferents?
Type I and II Muscle Afferents are highly myelinated nerve fibers that serve as endings for muscle spindles and GTO's.
These nerve fibers have no effect on cardiovascular function
What are the characteristics of Type III and IV Muscle afferents?
mechanical, thermal and chemical stimuli