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38 Cards in this Set

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What three projections do you do for a hand?
PA Oblique
What size film do you use?
Position of patient for PA and PA Oblique.
Seat pt at end of table.
Adjust seat and rest forearm on table.
Position of part for PA.
Forearm on table with PALMAR surface down.
Spread fingers slightly.
What do you center the IR to on a PA?
The Metacarpophalangeal(MCP) joints
Where should the CR be on a PA?
Perpendicular to the third MCP joint.
What should a PA show/include?
All anatomy distal to the radius and ulna.
1)carpals, metacarpals, phalanges
2)distal radius and ulna
3)an oblique projection of the first digit
What should the obliquity of the hand be for a PA Oblique?
The MCP joints should form an angle of approximately 45 degrees with the IR plane.
How do you obtain a PA oblique projection of the hand?
By rotating the patient's hand laterally (externally) from the pronated position until the fingertips touch the IR.
Where should the CR be on a PA Oblique?
Perpendicular to the third MCP joint.
What should be demonstrated on a PA Oblique?
Minimal overlap of the third-fourth and fourth-fifth metacarpal shifts.
All anatomy distal to the distal radius and ulna.
What is the position of the pt for a lateral?
Pt up to table with hand in the lateral position with the ulnar aspect down.
What is the position of the part for a lateral?
Extend the pt's digits and adjust the first digit at a right angle to the palm.
Center the IR to the MCP joints.
A position of part which eliminates superimposition of all but the proximal phalanges.
fan lateral position
What does a true lateral position cause?
Superimposition of the phalanges.
Where should the CR be in a lateral?
Perpendicular to the second digit MCP joint.
What is a lateral projection of the hand good for?
Localizing of foreign bodies and metacarpal fracture displacement.
What is the criteria for a hand to be in a true lateral position?
1)superimposed phalanges
2)superimposed metacarpals
3)superimposed distal radius and ulna
What should the CR be for any projection with second through fifth digits?
Perpendicular to the PIP joint of the affected digit.
For a lateral projection what surface should the hand rest on for the second or third digit?
For a lateral projection what surface should the hand rest on for the fourth or fifth digit?
For a PA oblique of a finger, how should you position the part?
Rotate the hand externally until the digits are separated and at 45 degrees.
What should be demonstrated on a PA Oblique of a finger?
The entire digit at a 45 degree angle, including the distal portion of the adjoining metacarpal.
What is the preferred projection for a thumb and why?
AP because the thumb is closer to the IR and the magnification is decreased.
How do you position the part for a AP projection of the thumb?
Put the pt's hand in a position of extreme internal rotation.
How do you position the part for a lateral projection of the thumb?
Adjust the arching of the hand until a true lateral position of the thumb is obtained.
How do you position the part for a PA Oblique projection of the thumb?
Same as a PA hand.
Where should the CR be for any projection of the thumb?
Perpendicular to the MCP joint.
What is the routine for a wrist?
PA Oblique
AP Oblique
For a lateral wrist, what is the position of the patient?
Place the shoulder, elbow, and wrist joint in the same plane to permit right angle rotation of the ulna and radius.
What is the center for a wrist?
The joint or the flexion point.
Position of part for a PA wrist.
Align parallel with long axis of IR and slightly flex the digits to press wrist down.
What should you be able to see on a PA wrist?
Distal radius and ulna, carpals, and proximal half of metacarpals.
Position of part for the lateral wrist.
Have the pt flex the elbow 90 degrees to rotate the ulna to the lateral position.
Center the IR to the carpals.
What are the structures shown in a PA Oblique of the wrist?
Demonstrates the carpals on the lateral side of the wrist, particularly the trapezium and the scaphoid.
Position of part for a PA Oblique of the wrist.
Rotate the wrist laterally(externally) until it forms an angle of approximately 45 degrees.
Position of part for an AP Oblique of the wrist.
Rotate the wrist medially(internally) until it forms a semisupinated position of approximately 45 degrees.
What are the structures shown in an AP Oblique of the wrist?
It separates the pisiform from the adjacent carpal bones.