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117 Cards in this Set

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How many cervical vertebrae is there?


How many thoracic vertebrae Is there?


How many lumbar vertebrae is there?


A new born baby has how many sacral segments?


How many coccygeal segments are there for newborns?

3 to 4 average 4

How many separate bones does an adult have for the vertebral column?


How many bones consist of the vertebral column for a child?


What are intervertebral disks?

Cushion like disks for spinal stability and allow flexibility and movement

What protects the spinal cord?

The spinal canal

What is kyphosis?

Abnormal condition characterized by increased convexity of the thoracic spine

What is scoliosis?

An exaggerated lateral curvature of the spine

What is lordosis?

Abnormal anterior concavity of the lumbar spine

What is the largest individual vertebrae?

The 5 lumbar vertebrae

Where does the spinal canal start and end?

Begins at the base of the skull and ends at into the sacrum

What are the two main parts of the vertebra?

The body and vertebral arch

What is laminae?

Two flat layers of bone that form the Posterior part of the vertebral arch

What movement type is skull-c1?

Synovial diarthrodial -ellipsoid

What movement type is C1-C2?

Synovial diarthrodial -plane (gliding)

What type of movement is medial atlantoaxial?

Synovial diarthrodial- trochoid (pivot)

What type of movement is C2-T12?

Cartilaginous amphiarthrodial (slightly movable)

What type of movement is the zygapophyseal?

Synovial diarthrodial -plane (gliding)

What movement type is T1-T12?

Synovial diarthrodial -plane (gliding)

What movement type is T1-T10?

Synovial diarthrodial -plane (gliding)

What cervical landmark corresponds to the level of C1?

Mastoid process (tip) and 1 inch below level of EAM

What cervical landmark corresponds to C5?

Adam’s apple (thyroid cartilage)

What landmark is the same level as C7/T1?

Vertebra prominence

What landmark is at the level of T2/T3?

Jugular notch

T1 is how many inches above the jugular notch?

1.5 inches

Where is the vertebra prominens?

Posteriorly at the base of the neck

What is the central portion of the sternum called?

The body

What is the name for the upper section of the sternum?


Name the most inferior end of the sternum.

Xiphoid process, xiphoid tip, ensiform process

What landmark is at the level of T9/T10?

Xiphoid tip

What makes up the sternal angle and where is it located at?

The manubrium and body connected at a slight angle located 2 inches below the manubrial notch

What is AP open mouth projection for and what does it demonstrate?

C1 and C2 fractures and demonstrates Odontoid and Jefferson fracture

Where do you center for open mouth projection?

Direct CR through center of open mouth

What is the clinical indication for lateral C spine?

Pathology involving the cervical spine including spondylosis and osteoarthritis

Where should you center for a lateral C spine?

Center IR to CR—-Top of IR 1 to 2 inches above the EAM

How should you position the patients head for a lateral C spine?

Elevate chin to place acanthiomeatal line (AML) parallel with floor

What is the clinical indication for lateral trauma c spine?

Pathology involving the C spine like clays shoveler’s fracture, compression fracture, hangman’s fracture, odontoid fracture, teardrop burst fracture and subluxation

Where do you center for lateral trauma C spine?

Horizontally to C4 (level of upper margin of thyroid cartilage)

If AP axial projection doesn’t get a good view of C7 , what’s an alternative position?

Swimmers (cervicothoracic)

What is the SID for swimmers C spine?

40 inches

What is the clinical indication for swimmers C spine?

Pathology involving the inferior cervical spine, superior thoracic spine and adjacent soft tissue fractures

Where do you center for swimmers C spine?

At T1, 1 inch above the jugular notch anteriorly and at the level of the vertebra prominens posteriorly

What is the hyperflexion and hyperextension c spine usually done for?

Demonstrate anteroposterior vertebral mobility and to rule out whip lash and follow up after spinal fusion surgery

What projection shows C3 to C7?

AP axial projection

How do you position for hyperflexion c spine?

Depress chin until it touches the chest or as much as the patient can tolerate

How do you position for hyperextension?

Raise chin and tilt head backwards as much as possible

Where do you center for hyper extension and Flexion c spine?

Direct CR horizontally to C4

What does the AP axial projection demonstrate?

Clays shovelers fracture, compression fractures and herniated nucleus pulposus (HNP)

How many degrees does the CR angle have to be for AP axial?

15 to 20 cephalic

Where do you center for AP Axial?

At the level of the lower margin of thyroid cartilage to pass through C4

What is the clinical indication for oblique cervical spine?

Stenosis involving the intervertebral foramen

Is anterior or posterior oblique better for C-spine and why?

Anterior oblique positions because of reduced thyroid doses

What is the CR angle for RAO & LAO?

15 to 20 caudal

What is the CR angle for posterior oblique?

15 to 20 cephalic

Where do you center for the anterior and posterior oblique?

To C4 level of upper margin of thyroid cartilage

What projection would be a second option if you couldn’t visualize C1-C2 on AP mouth projection?

Fuchs method (AP)

What is the angle and center for CR for pillars position?

Angle CR 20 to 30 caudal

And center at lower margin of the thyroid cartilage

How do you position the patients neck for the pillar position?

Hyperextend the neck if patient is able to

Name the alternative name for AP or PA projection for C1-C2?

(Odontoid process-dens)

Fuchs method (AP) and Judd method (PA)

What is demonstrated on AP/PA projection for C1-C2?

Pathology involving the dens and surrounding bony structures of the C1 ring

How do you position and center for the Fuchs method?

Elevate chin as needed to bring mentomeatal line (MML) near perpendicular to table top

Adjust CR angle as needed to be parallel to MML

Center to inferior tip of mandible

How do you position and center for the Judd method?

Prone position with chin resting on table top and is extended to bring MML near perpendicular to table

Center CR parallel to MML, 1 inch inferoposterior to mastoid tips and angles of mandible

What the projection name for ottonello method?

AP “wagging jaw”

What is demonstrated on the AP wagging jaw?

Pathology involving the odontoid process and surrounding bony structures of the C1 ring as well as the entire cervical column

Where do you center for the ottonello method?

Direct CR to C4

What is the angle and center for pillars position?

Angle CR 20 to 30 caudal

And center at lower margin of the thyroid cartilage

What is the clinical indication for vertebral arch (pillars)?

pathology or trauma involving the posterior vertebral arch of C4 to C7 and spinous processes of cervicothoracic vertebrae with whiplash type injuries

How many positions are available including trauma for C spine?


What is the clinical indication for AP thoracic spine?

Pathology involving the thoracic spine such as compression fractures, subluxation, or kyphosis

Where do you center for AP thoracic spine?

At T7, 3 to 4 inches below jugular notch or 1 to 2 inches below sternal angle

Where should the anode and cathode be placed for the AP thoracic spine?

The anode heel effect will create more uniform density throughout the thoracic spine. Place patient so the more intense aspect of the beam (cathode side) is over the thoracolumbar region of the spine

Where do you center for lateral thoracic spine?

T7, 3 to 4 inches below jugular notch or 7 to 8 inches below the vertebra prominens

What is the clinical indication for anterior or posterior obliques?

Pathology involving the zygapophyseal joints of the thoracic spine —both right and left oblique projections are taken for comparison

Where do you center for anterior or posterior oblique thoracic spine?

At T7

Which oblique for thoracic spine is recommended?

Anterior obliques because of significantly lower breast dose

How should the body be rotated in a recumbent oblique position for a thoracic spine?

Rotate the body 20 degrees from true lateral to create a 70 degree oblique from plane of table

What is the largest individual vertebrae?

The five lumbar vertebrae

What is a common site for injury and pathologic processes on the lumbar vertebra?

The cartilaginous disks between the inferior L spine

Which body is the largest on the L spine?


What is the clinical indication for AP L spine?

Fractures, scoliosis, and neoplasticism processes

Where do you center for L spine AP?

Level of the iliac crest (L4-L5)

If using a small IR 1.5 inch above iliac crest

What is the clinical indication for oblique L-spine?

Defects of the pars interarticularis (spondylolsis)

Where do you center for oblique L-spine?

To L3 at the level of the lower costal margin , 1 to 2 inches above iliac crest and 2 inches medial upside to ASIS

What is the clinical indication for lateral L-spine?

Lumbar vertebrae fractures, spondylolisthesis, neoplastic processes, and osteoporosis

Where do you center for lateral L-spine?

Center to the level of the iliac crest (L4-L5)

What is the clinical indication for L5-S1 lateral?

Spondylolisthesis invoking L4-L5 or L5-S1 and other pathologies

Where do you center and what’s the angle for the L5-S1 lateral?

5 to 8 Caudal and center 1.5 inches below the iliac crest and 2 inches posterior to the ASIS

What is the clinical indication for L5-S1 (AP) axial?

L5-S1 and the SI Joints

What is the alternative name for lateral spinal fusion series and why is it done?

Hyperextension and hyper flexion , assessment of mobility at a spinal fusion site

What is the SID for lateral spinal fusion?


How do you position for hyperflexion and hyperextension spinal fusion?

Hyperflexion-put patient in fetal position

Hyperextension- tell patient to move torso and legs posteriorly as far as possible

Where do you center for spinal fusion?

Site of fusion if known or center of IR

What is the SID and CR angle for AP sacrum?

40 SID, 15 cephalic

Where do you center AP sacrum?

2 inches above the pubic symphysis

What is the SID and CR angle for Coccyx?

40 SID & 10 caudad

Where do you center for AP coccyx?

2 inches above the symphysis pubis

Where do you center for the lateral sacrum and coccyx?

3 to 4 inches posterior to ASIS

Why is the lateral sacrum coccyx recommended over individual laterals?

To decrease gonadal doses

Where do you center and angle for the AP axial L5-S1?

Levels of the ASIS at midline of the body , angle 30 male and 35 females cephalic

What kind of filter would be used on a lateral sacrum/coccyx ?

Boomerang to ensure optimal density

What should be placed behind patient for lateral sacrum/coccyx and why?

Lead masking on table behind patient to reduce scatter to IR

What is the clinical indication for AP axial SI joints?

Pathology of the SI joint, including fracture and joint dislocation or subluxation

What is the SID and center for AP SI joints?

40 sid and 2 inches below ASIS

What is the angle of AP SI joints?

30 for males and 35 females cephalic

How do you position the patient for oblique SI joints?

25 to 30 posterior oblique with side of interest elevated

Where do you center for oblique SI joints?

1 inch medial to upside ASIS

What does the Ferguson method for scoliosis do?

Assists in differentiating deforming (primary curve) from compensatory curve

What is the method name for PA projection scoliosis series?

Ferguson method

What is the SID for scoliosis?


Where do you place the IR on Ferguson method scoliosis series?

Place IR to include a minimum 1 to 2 inches below iliac crest.

How do you position the patient in the scoliosis Ferguson method?

One standard erect and one with the foot or hip on the convex side of the curve elevated

What is the right/left bending scoliosis done for?

Assessment of the range of motion of the vertebral column

How do you position the patient for left/right scoliosis?

Have patient bend laterally (lateral flexion) either side, erect or recumbent

Where do you center for Left/right bending scoliosis?

Place bottom edge of IR 1 to 2 inches below iliac crest