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39 Cards in this Set

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Which form of government lead the Framers to call a convention in Philadelphia to address the short comings?
What did the national government lack?
Central Taxing Power
What are the four main attributes that characterize a federal system?
Enumerated Powers, Reserved Powers, Concurrent Powers, Prohibited Powers
Enumerated Powers:
Specifically granted to the national government
Implied powers:
Powers necessary to carry out constitutionally enumerated functions of the government
Reserved Powers:
Powers given specifically to the states
Concurrent powers:
Powers shared jointly by the federal and state governments
Powers of National Government:
Make war, coin money, admit new states, regulate interstate commerce, raise army and navy, establish uniform naturalization laws, fix standard weights and measures
Powers prohibited to National Government:
Capitation tax, taxing state exports, preferential treatment for ports, granting titles of nobility
Powers prohibited to states:
make treaties, impairment of contracts, taking exports, make war
What did the Gibbons v. Ogden deal with?
Federalism, steamboats
If you have a federal law and a state law, which law should win?
single- body legislature
Great Compromise:
Agreement at the Constitutional Convention splitting the legislature into two bodies. 1.) Apportioned by population. 2.) assigning each state two members
Form of power sharing between the states and the national government
Under a federal system:
Some powers are controlled by national government, some are reserved by the states
group that places it's own good above the good of the nation as a whole
Steps for Ratification:
Approval by State Legislators of 3/4 of the states OR Approval by ratifying conventions in 3/4 of the states
Method for Proposing Amendments:
2/3 vote of both houses of congress OR National Convention call by congress on the request of 2/3 of the states.
What are the basic principles that inform our constitution?
Separation of Powers, checks and balances, and a division of power between the states and the national government (federalism)
In what ways does constitutional change occur?
Can change through amendment or the supreme court can effect change by exercising judicial review to interpret the document over time.
States have the authority to declare national acts unenforceable within their borders
Who developed the philosophy of Nullification?
Jefferson and Madison
Cooperative Federalism:
federal/state partnerships as the primary means for solving public policy problems
Judicial Review:
the power of the courts to declare actions of the legislature and the executive branches invalid or unconstitutional
Revenue Sharing
Richard Nixon proposed this program. It funneled money directly to states nad local governments on the basis of formulas that combined population figures with levels of demonstrated need.
Reagan favored a model of smaller government called:
returned power to states and localities. local use of federal funds
Categorial Grants:
Federal programs that provide funds for specific programs such as flood assistance
Block grants:
Federal programs that provide funds for broad categories of assistance such as health care of law enforcement
Executive Branch:
The White House, President, and VP
U.S Capitol, Congress, House of Representatives, Senate
The Supreme Court
What is the most common source of faction?
Human Nature
What is the most dangerous faction?
1st Object of the Government?
Protect the unequal abilities in acquiring property
15th Amendment:
African American Males could vote
19th Amendment:
Women could vote
26th Amendment
those over age of 18 could vote