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10 Cards in this Set

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- Compounds that chelate metal ions tightly (ex.: heme)

- Formed by the linkage of 4 pyrrole rings (via methenyl bridges); double bonds conjugated (-> colors) => prosthetic group

- Each ring - 2 side chains

- 3 types (physiologically important in humans: III)

- Central pocket can be occupied by a metal ion

-- Fe2+ -> heme

-- Co2+ -> cobaltamine (vit B12)

-- Mg2+ -> chlorophyll

Physiological roles of hemes

- Mito cytochromes - ETC (-> H gradient; cyanide poisoning -| Cyt a3)

- Hemoglobin & myoglobin - O2 transport in blood & muscle

- Cytochrome P450 (CYP): metabolism of fat-soluble compounds, drugs (liver)

- Catalase - antioxidant enzyme hydrolyzing H2O2

Heme biosynthesis

- in liver, bone marrow (Pb -|) - different isozymes

- Gly + succinyl-CoA -> ALA synthase, irr., RLS1 -> δ-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) [-fb: ALAs mRNA |-- heme, G]

- 2ALA -> ALA dehydrase -> porphobilinogen (PBG = pyrrole)

- 4PBG -> Hydroxymethylbilane synthase, RLS2 -> hydroxymethylbilane

-> Uroporphyrinogen synthase -> uroporphyrinogen I (symmetrical ring)

-> Uroporphyrinogen III cosynthase -> uroporphyrinogen III (assymetry)

->> protoporphyrin IX [purple & fluorescent] -> ferrochelatase -> heme

->> CYP (liver), hemoglobin (blood), etc.

Uroporphyrinogen III

Common precursor for chlorophyll, cobalamine, heme

Acute porphyrias

Blockage of early RLSs in liver (mostly genetic) -| heme production

Ex.: Acute Intermittent Porphyria (AIP)

- drug (As = inducers) ingestion -> CYP enzyme production -| heme => heme shortage -> ↑ALA synthase -> accumulation of ALA & PBG (in liver; GABA antagonist)

-> abdominal pain, neuro symptoms

- excess PBG in urine -> oxidation -> purple

- treatment: IV hemin / G

Non-acute porphyrias

Blockage beyond hydroxymethylbilane (2' to liver dmg - acquired) -> accumulation of abnormal porphyrin derivatives (uroporphyrins) -> liver dmg, photosensitive rashes (no neuro)

Heme & ALA lvls normal (compensation by -fb)

Expose urine to air -> oxidation -> turns red

Ex.: Porphyria Cutanea Tarda (most common)

- ↓uroporhyrinogen decarboxylase activity -> ↑uroporphyrins

- treatment: phlebotomy (drawing a lot of blood); avoid liver toxins & sun

Lead poisoning

Pb -| ALA dehydrase & ferrochelatase in both liver & blood

Symptoms: AIP (abdominal pain, neuro symptoms) + anemia (↓ BM heme synthesis)

Basophilic stippling of RBC's on blood smear

Iron-deficiency anemia

Enzymes in BM regulated differently than the ones in liver:

++ Fe -> (erythroid) ALA synthase mRNA transcript:

IRE (Iron Response Element) binds IRP in absence of Fe -| translation (mRNA lvls same)

Degradation of heme

Macrophage (spleen): Heme -> Heme oxygenase, NADPH, O2 ->> biliverdin (green), Fe

-> Billiverdin reductase, NADPH -> bilirubin (fat-soluble, yellow-red)

-> liver -> Bilirubin glucuronyltransferase, 2 glucuronic A -> bilirubin diglucuronide (H2O-soluble)

-> bile, intestine (bacteria) -> urobilinogen ->

-- ox. -> stercobilin (brown)

-- reabsorbed, blood -> kidney -> urobilin (yellow)


Result of ↑ bilirubin in blood (also -> BBB => encephalopathy, coma)

van den Bergh rxn = biochemical assay (solubility test in met/H2O) -> lvl of total/conjugated bilirubin in blood

Types of jaundice:

Hemolytic (RBC lysis -> sickle cell anemia) -> ↑ unconjugated b. (liver enzymes can't keep up)

Obstructive (bile duct blockage by gallstones) -> ↑ conjugated b.

Hepatocellular (hepatitis, inability to synthesize/excrete) -> ↑ liver enzymes AST, ALT in blood (both un/conjugated accumulate)

Neonatal -> ↓ lvls of bilirubin glucuronyltransferase -> cannot conjugate billirubin (treated by blue fluorescent light => bilirubin -> H2O-soluble metabolytes)