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55 Cards in this Set

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individuals of a species that interact with one another w/in given area at particular time

populations are _____ in space and _____ in time

patchy, dynamic

_________ determine pop growth rates

life histories

pop density

# individuals/ unit area or volume

pop size

total # individuals in pop

estimating pop size

density x total area occupied by pop

3 pop spatial patterns

clumped, random, spaced

spaced spatial patterns may indicate ________

competing individuals

clumped spatial patterns may indicate ____ or ____

social patterns or resource distribution

habitats found in _____

geographic range

what are habitat patches

"islands" of suitable habitat separated by areas of unsuitable habitat

type 1 pop distribution (mortality rates)

low mortality early in life, high mortality late in life

type 2 pop distribution

constant mortality throughout life

type 3 pop distribution (mortality rates)

higher mortality early in life, low mortality late in life

what causes pop change over time

addition through births and immigration

loss through deaths and emigration

BD model

pop size = current #W individuals + B - D

per capita =

per individual

per capita birth rate

# of offspring the average individual produces

per capita death rate

avg individual's change of dying

per capita growth rate equation

r = b-d

per capita growth rate

avg individual's contribution to total pop growth rate


# of reproductive events


# of offspring per reproductive event

life history

schedule of an organism's growth, development, reproduction, and survival

parental investment

amount of time and energy given to an offspring by its parents


life span of an organism

SLOW life history: time to reach sexual maturity, # offspring, parental investment, life span

LONG time to reach sexual maturity, FEW offspring, HIGH parental investment, LONG life span

FAST life history: time to reach sexual maturity, # offspring, parental investment, life span

SHORT time to reach sexual maturity, MANY offspring, LOW parental investment, SHORT life span

resource vs conditions

resources are used up or consumed while conditions are experienced/NOT consumed

what is principle of allocation

once an organism has acquired a unit of some resource, it can be only used for one function at a time

what are the functions

maintenance, foraging, growth, defense, reproduction

if b > d, r _________ and what happens

r > 0, pop grows

if b < d, r _______ and what happens

r < 0, pop shrinks

if b = d, r _______ and what happends

r = 0, pop does not change

intrinsic growth rate

highest possible per capita growth rate for a pop

geometric/additive growth model

compares pop sizes at regular intervals, adds constant NUMBER of individuals each time

multiplicative/exponential growth model

pop increases at exponential rate, adds constant MULTIPLE each time

which growth model has J-shaped curve?


equation for mult/exponential growth model


true or false. pops can grow multiplicatively for long.

FALSE, cannot

true or false. pops cannot grow multiplicatively for long.


what happens to r, b, and d as pop increases

r down, b down, d up

carrying capacity

# of individuals an environment can support indefinitely

what are density dependent factors, examples?

effects that increase with crowding

ex: starvation, disease, predators

when is logistic model used

to predict change in pop where environment limits growth

what technological advances have allowed humans to increase exponentially?

increase food production, improve health

what is result of 20th century pop expansion

climate change and ecosystem degradation

difference btw open and closed system

open has immigration/emigration

equation for open system pop growth

BIDE model

N + B + I (immigrants)- D - E (emigrants)


set of subpopulations in a region


patch of suitable habitat occupied by a species

what two big things can immigration do?

increase genetic diversity, repopulate patches on verge of extinction

dispersal limitation

absence of pop from suitable habitat bc of barriers to dispersal

habitat (dispersal) corridors

strip of favorable habitat located btw 2 large patches of habitat that facilitates dispersal

are subpops more likely to exist with or without barriers to dispersal
